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Justin Extreme Promo 1

Started by Kristin Fox, September 28, 2023, 09:10:58 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:26/05/2010 12:26 AMCopy HTML

Sent: 7/21/2008 11:00 PM
Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Warning.x..This official ??? roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to read on remember you have been warned...

Roleplay Title
Justin,Katana, Jagger etc
Justin vs Johnny Camaro
Text Here
Justin Extreme
People Mentioned
Katana/Shattered Reality
Next Match
You'd have read his bio 
OOC Comment
{Justin and Katana are in a posh Manhattan penthouse.  The sun room has been converted into a weight room.  It's obviously owned by Justin's parents.  The room has promotional posters featuring his parents, Lucas, Justin, Dusty, Jagger, Gracie, and Gabby.  There is a poster size picture from a pageant of Peyton and two poster size pictures of the twins in their junior's ring gear.  Justin is benching a lot of weight and Katana is doing butterfly curls with free weights.}}
Jagger:"Jus, the camera crew is here."
{Jagger runs a hand through his black hair and takes off his tank top.  He goes to a machine and adjusts the weight and starts to do squats.  He's filled out quite a bit in the last three years that he was wrestling in SEF.  He's now 6'3 235 lbs and benches his bodyweight.  Justin gets up and wipes his face with a towel.  He walks into the main part of the room and Journey offers him a smoothie from a tray.  She then heads out to the weight room.  Justin takes a long sip of his smoothie before crossing his arms over his bare chest}
Justin:"You know Lucas it looks like you are starting to crack under the pressure.  You are getting paranoid if your are planning on bringing Lestat up here.  There is a certain reason why you never associated with Speirr's kids.  They are fucking nuts!!  Knox and Riot know that. Why do you think Hayden and Dusty are apparently watching Emily and Johnson in shifts?  They are hyenas!  I'm surprised the kids survived to adulthood since everyone talked about Speirr like the boogie man who ate his young.  Don't think I don't know how you think or when you don't think.  Just because I have that megalomaniac Johnny Camaro on Extreme doesn't mean that I have forgotten what you tried to do to my wife. {shakes his head} "You know just because you have the same initials as the Savior doesn't mean you are him Camaro.  I take my belief in God very seriously.  So in turn your blasphemy makes me want to cripple you.  In fact, I'm going to use your Delusions of Grandeur as an example to my brother.  I do not deal with crazy people well.  It's why breaking up with Somoa was so freakin' messy.  Freakin' psycho would have tried to kill me if I hadn't left the country when I did.  Camaro, plain and simple.  I just don't like you.  You have a long way to go before you can claim god like status.  Hell, Flair didn't really start dropping the I'm A God card until he'd been 40 years.  You damn sure don't look like a 60 year old hall of famer.  You look to me like a never was.  You are just another step to getting to Bobby James and the International title.  {he takes another drink of his smoothie.} "I know that with things going on with my brother that I would forget what my ultimate goal is.  Not likely.  I do not get distracted easily, however I do get frustrated.  It's like the powers that be want to focus my anger at my brother to a ppv.  I hope that if it does then I can kill two birds with one stone.  A triple threat for the International title with Bobby James and Lucas.  {he sets the smoothie down and pops the muscles in his wrist and neck. for fans of his uncle chris the similarity is eerie} "If I had to face all three of you at once, it would just be even more bloody.  I don't care because I know that againist you three chuckleheads, I can gurantee victory."

{Jagger comes in with his Iphone in hand.  Justin reaches down for his glass for a drink}

Jagger:"You might want to see this, bro."
{Justin takes a sip while glancing down at his brother's phone.  Jagger streams an online version of Lucas' promo and when he hears him say 'Katana's a manipulative bitch' he throws the glass againist the wall and it shatters, splattering smoothie everywhere.}
Justin:"You fucking bastard!  Who the fuck is running the show in your crew?  The women!  Katana doesn't even wrestle here.  She only has time to be my valet.  If she wasn't on summer break right now, she wouldn't even be here right now.  Hell, I'd probably still be in Dallas until the morning of Extreme so I could be with her.  In fact, she doesn't even do my contract negotiations yet!  That's handled by mom and you know it.  So I don't know where the fuck you get off saying Katana is manipulative.  She doesn't run my life just my bedroom. {he smirks} After last night....and this morning....I wanted to give her more control over me.."
{Justin shakes his head at his brother.}
Justin:"Don't go there, bro.  You and Journey are the freaks.  {he turns back to the camera}  "I know how to find you.  You want a gang war?  {he gives the camera and evil smile} "Let's see, Extreme is on Thursday.  I know where you are at on South Padre now.  Good luck making it to Extreme.  {he turns to Jagger}  "Go pack.  We got some family business to take care of.  You call Ash and I'll call Matt.  See if he can come in from Japan."
Jagger:"Finally you listen to me."
Justin:"He never should have called Katana a bitch."

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