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Prove Me Wrong ----- Extreme Promo

Started by NBD, September 28, 2023, 09:33:37 PM

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Date Posted:27/05/2010 10:31 PMCopy HTML

Here we see Shane Mack in his gear, World Title strapped around his waist and the trademark bandana on his head. His gear of course is simply a new Good To Be Super Shane Mack shirt available on SEFZONE.com for the awesome price of twenty dollars, plus he wears the red and black tights with the colors swirled together diagonally down his legs and covering all, but the foot of his black boots. Mack has his hands on his hips and a smirk on his face, he's high and so what? He looks ready to slap a few rookies around and tonight he gets the opportunity and so Mack lays down what is also know from his mouth as the law!
So Justin Cage finally breaks his silence and he has a some shit to spew and about myself, about my title!
He looks down to the title and pats it with his left hand, then places it back on his hip and looks up with a smirk still and says.
First of all Justin, Nikky Venom ain't rated R for anything except maybe retarded!
He laughs and says.
The guy makes less sense than tee an ay or these dynasty divas and their jack off boy toys running around or whoever in the hell their all supposed to be in their little pack. Just a bunch of pointless, senseless, and jealous, bitter bitches. I speak of three in particular, the three in this match, Riot the poser, Knox the bitch, and Lucas the whiner, well a liar too. Tonight's match could lead to a contenders match, but first ya actually gotta put me down which is something you have yet to do. You're a braggart and boaster Lucas, you like to think you've done something so great, hell, you and your bro Justin prove your brothers in that respect, but fact is, you've done nothing. Like your sister Dusty claiming she was bringing back something original with a handheld camera and did nothing original at all, she never got ripped off, she's bitter and mad over bullshit. I know who everyone is here, but as far as who Lucas Rodgers is, who Justin Cage is, who Knox O'Bannon is, who Riot O'Bannon is, and even to an extent, who Nikky Venom is, not really because none of your give a damn. Ya think ya got it made already, ya think your some top dawg draw deal, but reality is that you're a nobody struggling to be somebody and SEF is another step up to achieving that goal as it has been for me. I ran from here to there and all over the fucking world, then I found a home, a place to showcase myself as a true constant, a go to guy who can carry it all and not even fucking break, never crack, just give it all.
Mack gets a serious expression and continues.
Truth is boys, tonight is the biggest opportunity of your lives and what the fuck did ya do to utilize it? What did ya do to capitalize and seize this opportunity to etch your name into history? Wher eis the heart, the desire, the fucking passion that fuels you to want to be great? I hear ya all preaching to the choir how your this or that and showing absolutely no proof of why ya are, giving no real reason you deserve to even step in the same ring as I do. Nikky Venom I doubt will make it to the ring and the other ones of ya all, I can guarantee one thing and that is that my shoulders will not be pinned for three seconds nor will I tap out and none of you are getting a shot at me for the title, at least, not from this match!
He smirks once again and says.
How can I say that, how can I? Simply put, because no one can prove me wrong and that's a shoot, so fuck all ya all and kiss this!
Mack does a crotch chop and laughs, then turns and snaps up with his beautiful kick known as Da Shows Ova sending the camera view to static and now fade to black.

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