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Keeping the Gold Where it Belongs - Extreme rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 29, 2023, 09:18:56 AM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
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  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:01/06/2010 6:20 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
Keeping the Gold Where it BelongsTriple Threat vs Amy Summers & Jayden HartleyChris Orton/Jade Hart & Hayden Smith/ Megan Sorrow & all other divasTV Championlets get this party started! ;)


The scene opens up with Lacey relaxing at home.

LD: So there really is no escape ... although it seems like the week for home invasions I guess.

Lacey laughs a little to herself.

LD: So this week on Extreme I defend my precious TV title against 2 skanks who really haven't done anything to deserve it. And before you get your panties in a bunch Amy Summers, no you haven't earned it because the fatal fourway stipulation was that you pin me for a shot at the belt not lame duck Megan Sorry-Ass! Hell who  couldn't pin her, especially after I softened her up for you. I guess it made a nice change for her .. someone new putting her shoulders on the mat but it still doesn't prove you're in my league Amy. Something else you and Jayden both have in common, but I'll talk about that something else later.

Lacey smirks as she flicks her hair over her shoulder.

LD: Ah then we come to my other non-worthy opponent ... Jayden Hartley now is it? ... So let me get this straight ... you got owned by my BFF the original Jade Hart and that qualifies you for a shot at my title? How exactly? ... You are nothing but a wannabe ... a pathetic watered-down imitation of something you will never be ... you are so desperate to be anyone but yourself it's a joke! You tried to pretend you were Bret Hart's daughter .. now you're trying to pretend to be me. You tried to copy me in Bishop Caroll and you're trying to copy me now ... give it up already Jayden! It's sad and boring ... you will never be a lick close to me and deep down you know it.

Lacey reaches out and brings a glass to her lips which she takes a sip from.

LD: Oh you can try to deny it all you want but let's take a good look at the facts shall we ... oh yeah and Amy listen up honey cos this involves you too.

Lacey smirks.

LD: The other thing that you and Amy have in common, aside from being deluded enough to think that you could ever beat me is the fact that you are both total skanks. Actually I have to say I think Jayden just pips Amy to the post but really it's damn close. Amy sweetiepie you said before that you never fucked Shane Mack .. well ....

Lacey claps her hands together slowly and sarcastically.

LD: .. good for you! Must be a first! .. but you did admit to kissing Nikky Venom and going down on Megan Sorrow whilst you were dating ... apparently even (Lacey holds her hands up to do the inverted commas thing) "engaged" to Steve Weigel. Now you say it's because Megan wanted to try it and you're bi so it's okay ... no honeycake it's not okay! ... Kissing, going down, giving head, fucking, whatever ... while you're in a relationship with someone else makes you a skank! It makes you a cheat, a liar and a total whore ... so to answer your question YES! You are a slut!! And if you really needed me to tell you that then you really are as stupid as I always thought you were. You have the morals of an alleycat and Steve did the right thing in dumping you!

Lacey smirks as she re-crosses her legs.

LD: And now from what I've seen Jayden .. having been dumped herself by Corez last week has set her sights on your ex, Steve Weigel! Amy you must be thrilled that Steve's found himself someone who's almost an exact moral replica of yourself! I mean Jayden ... breaking into someone's house and practically raping him because you can't go a second without cock is really showing your desperation!

Lacey laughs.

LD: Sorry it's just ... well it's pretty obvious where your priorities lie. Why don't you go crawling back to Mack I'm sure there are some positions you haven't tried that he'd love to film? ... It makes my skin crawl to think that come Extreme I have to put my hands on that disease-ridden body of yours. Please do me a favor and disinfect yourself before you get in the ring!

Lacey laughs again.

LD: You know I shouldn't laugh but yet again it's another example of your insane desire to be like me. You know Stevie has a little crush on me so you have to go jump him ... just as well you did it when he was asleep otherwise I think even he would have told you where to go! ... After all he does have some taste ...

Lacey gestures to herself.

LD: You want my title ... you want to fuck the man who sets me as his ideal woman ... like I said earlier desperate and pathetic!

Lacey takes another sip of her drink before setting it back down on a table just out of shot and when she pulls back she has her title in her lap. She gazes down at it with adoration and then back up and you can see the fire in her eyes. 

LD: Amy ... Jayden ... you both have a burning passion for cock! Don't try to deny it ... both of you are obsessed with sex and getting as much of it as possible ... hey I'm not knocking it .. I'm a sexual person myself but the difference between the both of you and me is that I don't go around fucking everything with a pulse! See if you want to get with a prime piece of ass like me you have to earn it ... I don't give anything away for free! It must really get up both your noses that the one man you both share a desire for doesn't really want anything to do with either of you ... he wants someone with class, someone smart ... someone who can walk the walk and talk the talk ... and neither of you can lay claim to that! Me ... I came here, I set out my stall and told everyone at SEF that I was going to be the most dominant female here and that's exactly what I've become. My passion, my desire is for this right here ...

Lacey strokes the gold strap in her lap. (ooh rhyming lol ... sorry! ;) 

LD: Unlike some others here at SEF ... yes, Booby James I'm talking about you! ... I am proud to be the TV champ and I will give my blood, sweat and tears to keep this title. I don't care if I have to kill someone to do it ... whatever it takes ... I will be leaving Extreme with my baby wrapped around my waist and that's not a threat ... that's a fucking promise!!

Scene ends

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

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