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Ring around the rosey...HEHEHE(Pre-debut)

Started by Midnight, September 29, 2023, 11:06:20 AM

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Date Posted:06-25-2010 2:59 AMCopy HTML

A loud ass cackle comes from beyond the dark and dingy basement of the arena. The dark diva starts chanting something in her own language and then the camera slowly pans throughout the arena,gaining closer and closer to the sound of the dark voice in the basement. More cackles and then the camera comes to a complete stop before the screams of the camera man could be heard. It goes silent for 5 minutes which in this time a flash of something moving happens and the sound of a gargle then a gag begins to come from the cameraman's throat, due to the choking that is happening upon him. The dark female was slightly out of the shadows but more so part of the shadows,shown choking the cameraman with her bare hands. She giggles before she starts to speak..

"AWWW..poor cammy man feeling gaggy today." she said. "Time for you to feel the pain I felt the day my bitch of a mother bared her legs open and produced another spawn of the Jinx family..ME."

She bares down on him with her weight,shifting it so he would pass out from the weight of her hands on his throat and her body suffocating him. She then lets go,jumps up and down in a happy glee and cackles. She speaks.

"HEHE..you've been JINX'D!"

The dark diva dances around the basement as the scene fades to black. Another dark diva could be heard talking to her and then giggling as well.


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