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Disturbed(PPV MATCH RP 1)

Started by Midnight, September 29, 2023, 05:38:48 PM

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Date Posted:06-29-2010 8:25 AMCopy HTML

Bethany was skipping down the hallway when one of the interviewers of SEF approached her, hoping to get her opinion on her ppv match. She stops, turns around and then grins in an evil manner before speaking.


The interviewer then gets a bit nervous and then answers back.

"Um..umm..excuse me Ms. Jinx..but would like to get some questions answered from you about your matchup at PPV. Can you tell me what you will be relying on in the ring?"

Bethany giggles and then fires back.

"I rely on VIOLENCE(punches the palm of her hand)..the VIOLENCE is al-ways there,even if I am in the peaceful state of mind(puts her hands together and closes her eyes). Ever counted sheep before? Counted sheep(shows the count on her fingers)..I count sheep every night,I don't just let them jump the fence(reaches in the air and grabs them,like they was there). I ATTACK THEM! And then I drain their blood. And then I skin them. And then I wear them to the supermarket(giggles). Disturbing huh? That's because I'm disturbed!"

The interviewer gets a disgust look on their face and walks away. Bethany turns to the camera and makes funny faces at it before she skips down the hall and out of the scene.


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