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Glory, Gold, and 'Greatness' [Sterling G&G]

Started by Mr. Sterling, September 29, 2023, 06:06:51 PM

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Mr. Sterling

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Date Posted:07-02-2010 8:18 PMCopy HTML

MSTop.png MSTop picture by bloodstainedhimp
Well...I sit back and think for a while. It's a rare day that I have off of all of my training. It's so rare that it's about time to pull out the old classic, but it requires a lot of homework. I put Geek Boy to work for a few hours digging up what is needed. He will dig through all of the old footages that we can get and try to figure out what's up with everyone who's anyone in the SEF. Meanwhile, I will keep eyes on everyone that has something to say, and I'll put everyone on notice soon enough.
Hours later.....
The camera is up and ready to shoot, and I spread my arms wide: "Welcome to the 'Sterling Spotlight'. Where the truth is always real and raw. I'm not Shane Mack, obviously with my good looks on your screen. It's not shooting or whatever he calls it. I simply lack having any reasons to lie to any of you. You aren't worth the effort, that's all. So...let's set things as they sit. The Hardcore Championship. Well beneath a competitor of my standing in most cases."
I nod in my own opinion: "But [I hold up my index finger] when it's attached to a straight shot at the World Championship, you will definitely be seeing my attempt at it later on. If you're not in the wrestling business with the intentions of obtaining the prestige that is attached to a World Title reign, quite simply put...you don't belong in the business."
I shrug: "Now...in case I don't end up having the Hardcore Championship at the end of the qualifying times. Afterall, I'm 'The Greatness', but even I still fall short of perfection...I will still be in place to take on every stable on the roster in the battle royale for the shot at the International Championship."
Keeping my smile: "Now as for my opponents in that Battle Royal goes, let's break it down one by one by what I personally know about each of them."
A picture pops up on the screen behind me: "First, let's start with the people that I know the least about personally."
It's a picture of Bethany Jinx, taken at a rare moment of her walking down the hallways: "Bethany Jinx. Former Hardcore Champ, already. And she hasn't been here long. She's raring to make an impact in the way of violence. That and she's goofier than a pet coon, as the saying goes. There's several other sayings that would fit Ms. Jinx, but we'll stick with reality here for a moment. It's clear to me that this chick is something else. You look at her stance, and you can see that she's got some training behind her, somewhere in her past. She's already ready to choke people out....a bit over the top, but nonetheless...she's actually a threat to just about anyone who isn't ready for her. To you, Ms. Jinx....I say this. You have an advantage over every other competitor in this match for one simple reason....we don't know you. We don't know what you're capable of when push comes to shove, and you aren't tested in the SEF. Therefore, it's safe to say that I'm not gonna make any assumptions either way on you. I'm just gonna be prepared for anything when you come near me. And being 'The Greatness' that I am....[at which point, I gain a cocky grin as I put my arms out to the sides] I believe that I have what it takes to put you over that top rope...one way or another."
Next a picture pops up behind me of Jayden : "Now for one that I actually have a little bit of respect for. Yes, I do respect other competitors, though...it's rare. And it takes a unique quality to garner. Like knowing that I'm better than them, but watching them try hard anyways. Alas....Jayden. A lot of people just refer to you as a whore. And...from what I've heard from you, it's true of your past. Now...call me a bit 'naive' if you want to, but I believe that people can change. I've seen it first hand. So...that's where I can respect you. Learning to close your legs, open your eyes, and focus your energies? Not so easy from what I understand. But then...I was trained from a very young age, so what do I know of these things? Not much. And most people around here seem more content to look at you as what you once were: a whore. I however, will give you the benefit of the doubt and treat you as a competitor. Lucky you? Not exactly. See....that means that I'm not gonna hold back any punches, kicks, grapples or anything else when it comes to facing you and your 'more focused' face. I'm gonna treat you like I would anyone else that thinks they've got what it takes to stand against 'The Greatness'. And that spells disaster for you in this match-up."
After that comes a picture that is simply the SEF logo: "Now that I've covered almost everyone who even has a chance of putting 'The Greatness' over the top ropes...let's move on to the real deal of what's gonna happen at Glory and Gold. Or rather as I prefer to think of it, Glory, Gold, and Greatness. Everyone in this match is gonna be fighting everyone else. More than one person will be attempting to help/hurt putting out people in this match. So, what's the best way to go about a match with a title shot on the line, when soo many superstars and divas have help? Eliminate the strong. Since I have no affiliations to any of you, I'd be wise to help all of the factions eliminate the strongest members of their enemy factions. And keep on doing it, to the point that I'm eventually left in the ring against the weakest competitors from each. Then, by design...I'd be left to eliminate them slowly one by one by one, until I am the last man standing, but let's be honest...just because it's the smart thing to do...if I'm letting all of you know, it's obviously not my strategy."
Now a picture of Ash Silva is behind me. It's one taken as I'm hitting 'The Truth' on him: "Ash....I haven't forgotten about you. And I'm pretty sure that you know how much better than you, I really am. If you go back and watch that match over and over again...like I have [a cocky grin]then you'll remember how it ended. As far as you falling to brass knucks, I told you before that I'm 'Greatness'....and when opportunity rises to take you out quicker, I capitalize. You would've fallen victim to 'The Truth' anyways, it just went a little quicker than you felt it should. So, cry, complain, challenge all you want. I'll take you on in a weapons match down the road...and I'll hit you with a different 'Truth'. [At which point, Geek Boy tosses me my bo that was given to me by the woman that still holds my heart.]"
I hold it across and show the engraving on it that says 'Truth': "It's Sterling silver. Named 'Truth', and I've been training in it's use for a long time. [I give it a few twirls in front of me, before keeping it spinning around my back and back to a front spinning position] I'm something of a master when it comes to the use of truth in three forms. You've felt two of them. And now, you're challenging me to a match to feel the third? I say bring it on, Mr. Silva. Cause you've been outclassed ever since I arrived on the scene if you weren't already before I arrived. I know that I'm gonna be a target of your personal agenda or revenge at Glory and Gold in that Battle Royal...and I'm not afraid of you. Not you, Not Drew, Not Taryn. None of you scare me, all you can accomplish at Glory and Gold IF you can eliminate me, is delay the inevitable. Because I am everything that I say that I am and so much more. I'm gonna give this Battle Royal a very stiff competitive edge of 'Greatness'. And that's the truth."
I smile as I think of all of the people that are gonna fall victim and fall out on their heads at Glory and Gold. As Geek Boy ends the feed, I toss him a bag of Peanut M&Ms: "Go get some more."
He nods and takes off as I lean back and smirk, as I embark on my voyage to dream land.

Music__ Ladies And Gentlemen by Saliva
MSBottom.png MSBottom picture by bloodstainedhimp


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