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SEF Hardcore Championship 24/7

Started by NBD, September 29, 2023, 09:52:54 PM

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Date Posted:06-20-2010 10:51 PMCopy HTML

So I've weighed over this for a while now, a few months and decided to bring back the 
Hardcore Title under 24/7 rules and only that way, so this title will not be booked on shows unless it works for a story or something, maybe for a rivalry between two people, that can always come into play. All rules on the index page of SEF apply to the Hardcore Title thread and can be found here
Ok, so as announced in results and as I said in the pm and ooc post, this thread will be over Friday night at midnight and whoever is champ then faces Mack at the ppv. You have 30 minutes to pin the champ and then anyone may count the third fall and after 30 minutes its automatically changing hands anyways, but no more jobbers or staff can be used, strictly characters from the actual main roster of roleplayers. I am not going to be invloved in this once someone pins Shady Smack and also, as I said, oinfalls only, no submissions allowed, have fun and use this opportunity wiseley for thats exactly what it is and a huge one as even if your booked on the ppv you can go for the title, but ya gott ahve two matches then. No showing one match will make ya lose both, so enjoy and use this cause if ya dont it shows me ya have no desire to be here.


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Re:SEF Hardcore Championship 24/7
Date Posted:06-20-2010 10:52 PMCopy HTML

The house show tonight is over and everyone on the roster is in the locker room backstage, everyone except Shane Mack is in there and the door soon opens and in walks Frankie with a referee who is holding the vacant Hardcore Championship belt. Frankie looks over everyone and says.

Alright, you've all been called in here and its real simple, this Hardcore Title ya see is being brought back and under twenty four seven rules like before, so your all in here to fight for it if ya want, walk out of the room if ya want, I don't care, but its on as of the moment I walk out that door, so ref, you know what to do.

Frankie turns and walks out the door now and the ref holds the title securely waiting for any action to begin. Everyone just kinda looks around waiting to see who moves first.

Johnny Camaro

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Re:SEF Hardcore Championship 24/7
Date Posted:06-22-2010 9:49 AMCopy HTML

"Backstage Return"

So I'm assuming that this is all backstage work and this doesn't count as an onscreen return

The ref walks over and sits on a chair with the title waiting for someone, ANYONE, to move but nope. Most of them think its a work, so they all sit. Finally someone walks through the door with a baseball bat.

"So ass wipes, which one of you will be first?"

Bobby James stands up and picks up a steel chair, but its hit down by Johnny who hits Bobby in the ribs...HARD!!!

The ref gets down



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Re:SEF Hardcore Championship 24/7
Date Posted:06-22-2010 5:28 PMCopy HTML

Well actually, every single person in the room including Camaro were brawling like crazy to try and win the title and that's the truth, so get a clue Johnny. He did manages to use a ballbat on Bobby as he said and went for the pin.


The ref hands him the title and Johnny takes off running out of the locker room and everyone else chases after him, Bobby is still down though and that's that, new Hardcore Champ is Johnny Camaro, who's gonna attack him first?

Kristin Fox

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Re:SEF Hardcore Championship 24/7
Date Posted:06-22-2010 8:11 PMCopy HTML




The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!


Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97

|| Roleplay ;;;Heading ;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;Song ;;;~ Let's GO by Trick Daddy|| MComments ~ submission? ;-) ||

{Ash is walking down the hallway and he sees Johnny Camaro preening with the Hardcore title.  He walks up behind him and nails him with a jumping tornado kick.  Camaro hits some chairs and goes down.  For good measure Ash nails an Air Phantom (standing senton) before locking on his Phantom's Fate (omoplata MMA submission).}

quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


Johnny Camaro

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Re:SEF Hardcore Championship 24/7
Date Posted:06-22-2010 11:49 PMCopy HTML

Johnny is able to get out and hits a big knee right to Ash Silva's face. Ash goes down and Johnny gets a pin



Kristin Fox

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Re:SEF Hardcore Championship 24/7
Date Posted:06-23-2010 12:05 AMCopy HTML




The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!


Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97

|| Roleplay ;;;Heading ;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;Song ;;;~ Let's GO by Trick Daddy|| MComments ~ submission? ;-) ||

{Ash kicks out and he and Johnny trade several blows.  One of Johnny's knocks Ash backward.  Ash notices that it looks like Johnny's going to go for another pin.  Ash spin kicks him in the stomach before hitting an Anaconda slam (Arm triangle choke side slam).  He grabs the abandoned baseball bat and hits him several times before waiting for him to start moving.  He then punts him in the head before setting up a chair.  He drags him up to hit him with a german suplex on the chair, rolls through for another, and then does a fisherman suplex with the pinning bridge known as "The Perfect Plex." He goes for the pin."


quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!




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Re:SEF Hardcore Championship 24/7
Date Posted:06-23-2010 6:30 AMCopy HTML


The ref hands the title to Ash who looks shocked, but grabs it and walks off with it.


Johnny Camaro

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Re:SEF Hardcore Championship 24/7
Date Posted:06-23-2010 8:42 AMCopy HTML

Johnny gets up slowly and hits the Speed Drop and pins Ash.




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