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Killing In The Name

Started by NBD, September 30, 2023, 01:05:48 AM

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Date Posted:07-04-2010 10:58 PMCopy HTML

Standing in the backstage area is Shane Mack all dressed to go out in front of the entire Freedom Hall that is sold out and packed full and every fan does what they don't do for anyone else, they already chant for Mack, they want Mack because he carries the whole damn show and in due time they'll get to see him do what no one else on the card can do, make Glory & Gold exactly what it is! His World Title is strapped around his waist and smirk is on his face as he shoots some actual truth unlike anyone else.
First of all Johnny, your boy Nikky Venom isn't tougher than shit or else he would still be here and that's a fact. He ran me down first and I ripped him apart and then broke him down and he crawled away from SEF with his tail tucked. Second, you have lied since returning and you haven't innovated shit around here. You have never proven any of your words to be true, but act as if you have, so grow up and step up.
He pauses and then says.
And a quick shout to Lacey, no its not the truth that women have to work twice as hard as men because here in SEF, no matter what gender you are, how big or small you are, you have to work twice as hard as anyone else in order to be considered great, so get a clue. Men, women, midgets, whoever, it don't matter, but if you have desire, if you bust your ass, you make it and the real truth is that no one works as hard as I do around here, so stop trying to shoot on me cause remember, its as I said, its like trying to fuck for virginity!
He grins and says.
Alright, so Johnny boy, what is it you want, wjat is you desire cause you have yet to show any of it now. Ya say ya want to be a grand slam champ here, but yet ya say ya don't care about the accomplishment, then which is it? You either care or ya don't and if ya don't, ya don't belong in SEF cause its as I said and I never once lied to you, to Nikky, to Lacey, to anyone in SEF. If your truly great, you'll wear gold because only the great ones do and if you have been holding back on your so called talents you claim to have, then Johnny, why?
Mack laughs and says.
No one ever held you back, no one told you to only do this or that. In SEF were all allowed to go full force, everyone's ideas are welcome, but YOU have to actually speak up and give input rather than just boast a claim and have people view ya as a liar because you fail to prove anything. By the way Johnny, threatening me with a conversation I would not enjoy is no real threat because you can't back it up, so just shut the fuck up man, stop spewing nonsense and bullshit, complete lies and just bring your game or get torn apart. I am going to make you tap and then this title is staying with the greatest wrestler on gods green earth, ME!
Mack just flashes a cocky grin and walks away as we hear Rage Against The Machine's Killing In The Name start playing and as the beat gets intensified we soon fades to black.

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