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Cage The Elephant I got one more 'Wicked' here(176)

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 30, 2023, 08:27:42 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:07-09-2010 6:08 AMCopy HTML

Morrison1.gif Morrison 1 picture by foxy1350

"Mainstreamin', and Showstealin'"

Out of Character: I have one question. When Justin Rodgers went to a hooker for sexual pleasure, why him not pay? Nah, I kid, but seriously stop hatin'. We're on the same thing, and read my second rp from the PP\\//.

I really don't know why Justin is creating a rainstorm of Haterade, and honestly, niether does Johnny. I can only guess that it is something he did backstage, something minor. Maybe it was the fact he didn't agree that the Dallas Cowboys are the best football team. Who knows, Justin is his own person and he can think whatever he wants.

"I haven't had the oppertunaty to meet my opponents, and though we were probably fighting each other at least once at Glory & Gold. I don't believe I did. So as I was saying, I haven't wrestled you or, well lets face facts, heard of you prior to me rejoining. I have no real opinion on yous guys, I can't say that you are bad at what you do, but I can't say you're any good. I know that you probably judge books by their covers and go with what everyone else is saying, so before you do I will give you some advice. DON'T LISTEN TO JUSTIN RODGERS. He is just a man caught in his own world. He doesn't listen to anyone when they try to explain stuff to them, and he sure as hell hates people for no reason. But I will get into that later on. Right now, I'm focusing on you two."

Johnny looks focused, yet desturbed by something.

"I have looked you both up on Wikipedia and found out that you both are wrestling vets, but more importantly SEF vets. I saw you joined in 2007, or at least Hayden did, and was intrigued. It led me to wonder when you left, and were you part of the not-so-tradgic-accident? This is something I have wondered a whole 10 miuntes. Something I wondered since I saw that. You will have to tell me, because if you are then you'll be the third and fourth people I have faced that were in that accident. But I digress. It's always nice to set into the ring with a vet. They can tell interesting stories from their past, they can give you life lessons, like how not to fall off a ladder. Shit that they have learned that helpped them win matches. Hopefully, you can look at this, see a guy acknolodging your accomplichments and we can stay on a good not with eachother. Of course, you don't have to. Everyone has a choice not to."

Ever wondered how a pair of sunglasses can help you with your speaking? Well for Johnny, they're like a video game controller. You can do whatever you want, say whatever you want and be unscaved. Example, Big Daddy: Those twins that are on that Family channel show, the sunglasses helpped them. It gave them confidence. Well that's what it did to Johnny and many others. As he slides them from his hatted head to his face as grin starts to grow.

"It also seems Platinum Greatness is back. Yes, I have done my homework. After all, I was originally going to fight my current partner for his title. Even though I looked up who might have been my opponent next week, I still knew about Platinum Greatness, I remember them from a place called BGW. Thing is, when I think of BGW or even their team, I think of Jamie Static and Ginny Genocide wearing these shirts during a promo. Oh, and the big banner. That was pretty funny, but that was them being rascally goofballs, and I believe they would have done all that shit to anyone. Still the shirts were pretty awesome, I need to start making shirts of my PP\\// opponents...But I digress. You two held your own that match, so the reuniting of this team might just mean a change in the existant, yet non-existant Tag Team division.

He gets one laugh before stopping with them and moves on, not thinking of the promo he'd mentioned.

"Now Justin, it is your turn. I gave myself time to think every word over. I made sure I didn't make false aquistions like you. Starting off with your Shady Smack comment, I haven't run into his matches, I haven't attcked him. He ran into the Battle Royal in hopes to screw me over, and he did. I knew that if I didn't go after him, I would have had to wrestle with him on my leg biting me. I chased him and got eliminated. I gave up a chance to win a title which is only a stepping stone to make sure someone didn't get involved in a more important match that also involves a main event title. Oh and Justin, you might not want to comment on that deathmatch because I made it further than you would have. I fought in a battle royal and a deathmatch. I fought in two matches and you fought in one. Even if I didn't win, I still fought harder in two matches than you in one. And Justin, this loser just headlined a deathmatch against the master of deathmatches and survived unlike what your sorry ass would do if given the opportunity, which is run to the back like a bitch with your tail tucked between your legs. Justin I may have lost, but I still went out there, and for one night I stole the show with a man who does it everynight. Me and Mack, we put on a show that surpasses any match on the card. We put on a match with more blood, sweat, and tears. A match that took everything out of both of us. We took the Pay-Per-View by storm, we rocked the worlds of every SEF fan. For one night, I was stealing a PPV, I was Main-eventing a PPV. Justin, I may be a loser, but if you tried your best but still couldn't get there, you're a bigger loser."

"You have often begun to tell me who I am but stopped, and left me to a bootless inquistion."
                          --The Tempest

Deep breath in, and deep breath out. Johnny has his eyes closed, he took one more deep breath and started again.

"Justin, have you ever read Shakespeare? Let me rephrase that, have you ever read The Tempest? It's a very good play, personally I enjoyed reading it more than seeing it live, I could be in anyrole I felt expressed me when I would read it. There is one line in it. The whole translation is basically, "You have begun to tell me what I should be, but stopped, and left me to useless wondering." That is a very good line, it explains what I have always faced in the wrestling business. People tell me that I shouldn't be where I am, I have the talent, they all seem to ignore that. They tell me that I'm just another pretty boy, an unsuccessful Shawn Michaels. Well soon, you start to believe what is said, you start to loose your grip, you start to slide. That explains the last month or so of my last run here. I tried so hard to prove them wrong, I dropped the one thing I needed. My fans. I turned my back on them to prove the critics wrong. I became hated, why? Because I believed I didn't deserved to be where I was. I did what I needed to try and prove them wrong, that only hurt me. I'm not proud of what I've done, I hurt my bestfriend to prove I was where I should be. I won't let anything get that far again. Justin, you can take this useless critizism and shove it up your ass. We have to work as a team, persoanlly, I could give to shits about what you think of me or who you'd prefer to be your partner. As I stated, I gave more in that Pay-Per-View than you, I put up a fight. In highlighted while you were just another match on the card. Don't ever pull this shit again, I have done nothing to you. I tried to settle this, but if you don't want to, fine. I've done nothing and don't deserve anything you said about me. Goodnight."

Johnny leaves and Work To Do By Perfek Strangers plays him out. It slowly fades from an empty studio chair to the SEF symbol as the song finishes playing. 

C H R I S T 
"I am Survival of the Fittest."


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