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SEF Special Report [Sterling Extreme 176 No. 2]

Started by Mr. Sterling, September 30, 2023, 08:33:22 PM

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Mr. Sterling

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Date Posted:07-10-2010 7:45 PMCopy HTML

MSTop.png MSTop picture by bloodstainedhimp
Jade Hart, Jayden Hartley...What's the difference, again? Ahh...who cares, both will be on the receiving end of a beating from 'The Platinum One' this week most likely. An easy mistake to make when the names are so alike. How do they ever have a hope of standing out in a business full of barely remembered people in the first place? Oh well....not much to do with what's happening with my own match this week.....Time for a Special Report.
As the music comes through with that familiar breaking news sound a backdrop of a news desk and behind it you can see me sitting with thick rimmed glasses on my face. Of course the lenses aren't there and they're just for the look of a news broadcaster. Where the channel and name of the news would normally be is where you can see 'The S.E.F.' And it isn't long before I'm talking: "We break into your regularly scheduled program with this breaking news....Mr. Sterling...'The Greatness'....was WRONG, Ladies and Gentlemen."
Cut to several movie scenes of different versions of the end of the world with people running and scattering and screaming are shown as the world around them is somehow coming apart at the seams.
After which it cuts back to me with a cocky grin as I sit behind the desk with a frantic look other than the cocky grin: "Jade Hart wasn't near Tarnished Legacy....for WEEKS. It was in fact Jayden Hartley that was being referenced before."
The fake gasp as now it fades into several scenes of fans in attendance of several comedy shows are seen cracking up.
Back to me with a smirk and all franticness is gone. I remove the glasses as I continue: "In other news.....Justin Rodgers and Ash Silva seem to have the same brain damage. Even with a dietician, pediatrician, and an orthopedic surgeon on speed dial....it continues. Did noone in the family decide to become a head doctor? Oh...wait...that's right a Harvard graduated Psychiatrist."
Color me surprised: "Well...now we're talking. She was voted 'Sexiest Woman In Texas' numerous times, it seems. Forgive me, but that's just...incredulous nonsense. And all of this was. In truth, I am sad for you Ash Silva. For one...you drop names like I dropped opponents in that battle royal, only all of them are somehow connected to you and not really important in the first place. Second of all....I NEVER claimed to have beaten Knighthawk, Justin, et cetera. I named them in the beginning as the people who I didn't beat in that battle royal. Which I guess confused you since I threw Johnny Camaro's name in there for him eliminating himself from it. [I roll my eyes] But then...I guess your hearing is well connected to your horrifying brain damage that has occurred. However, I'm still gonna just make it worse for you."
Now I stand up. Cocky grin a bit of swagger: "Look, Dude. Many things you can say about me, but calling me a coward? Aren't you tired of reading off some hero good guy handbook? I know I'm damn sure tired of hearing people read from it. Face facts, Mr. Silva....all you're battling for now is my respect. And falling far short of gaining it, let me tell you. Because in case you missed Glory, Gold, and Greatness? You were beaten in the match up where without cheating, I beat almost everyone. Get that through your skull. One night, you decide to duck the ref goes down and you do soon afterwards and I'm labelled as a coward? Because all I did that night was take a shortcut. A little quicker ending to an otherwise exhausting match. But it's cool...I get that you have to tell yourself SOMETHING in order to be able to sleep at night. The only question is....what's gonna be your excuse after this week goes down? What happens when you lose this week? Where's that gonna leave you?"
A smirk and a raised eyebrow: "The same place you're in now. Reaching for excuses for not having trained enough to deal with me. I'm 'Greatness' Mr. Silva...you know what you are? You are trying to leech off of me. Get yourself firmly positioned to take some of that spotlight that is always on me. I've seen people like you a thousand times. And I'll see them a thousand more, I'm sure. But go ahead and recite that little hero's handbook as much as you can for as long as you can. In the end...you'll find out that the hero that wrote the thing wasn't a hero, at all. He was an overweight, underpaid peion that couldn't hack it in this business if his life depended upon it. Probably sits front row at all of the shows and watches in amusement at having affected the business even in this negative way."
I shake my head: "Let's just see if one on one...mano a mano...you can back up what you say at Extreme. Cause I have every confidence in the world that no matter who you bring to Extreme, it won't be enough to save you from 'The Truth'. I am 'The Greatness' Mr. Sterling...and this has been an SEF Special Report."

ooc__Yeah. Sorry about the name mix up. Honest mistake. ANYWAYS. :D
Music__ King Of My World by Saliva
MSBottom.png MSBottom picture by bloodstainedhimp


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