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No time to slum (ashlee and jayden read.

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 10:07:50 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:11/07/2010 10:19 PMCopy HTML

carlycowboyhat.png picture by kristinbenoit97
{Carly Anderson struts on her stilleto Manolo Blahnik high heels in her custom tailored Chanel business suit to the SEF backdrop and demands a camera.  She smirks as she snaps her fingers and a crew comes in to hang a Dynasty Diva banner behind her.}
Carly:"Now that we've did some cosmetic changes to the scenery here, let me remind all of these uneducated SEF fans just who I am.  I am Carly Anderson.  I am a sports agent and the owner of my own company, which thanks to a sizable contribution from my friends Jade, Hayden, and Dusty it has now become known as the Dynasty Corporation.  I will now handle anything that has to do with any peon competitors that they are forced to dirty their hands with.  Now apparently, only Jade is being forced to face opponents unsuitable to her station as wrestling royalty.  Once again she is risky her own personally health and that of her husband since she is once again being forced into a match with a person {grimaces} and I use that term loosely with enough STDs that the Center for Disease Control should quartine her nasty ass and that of a woman, who apparently is following well in her footsteps some Amy Madden..."
Camera guy:"Um Ms. Anderson that is Ashlee Madden, The um Platnium Princess."
Carly:"In what galaxy did she sell a million records?  I have worked with people who are worthy of such a title or close to people who have.  I went to school with Keri Russell, who {waves her hand getting cocky} most people would know from Felicity and she just happens to be a close personal friend of not just the Dynasty Divas and myself but true platnium princess and mega hot stars.  Of course, {she adds nonchalantly} Britney, Justin, Christina, JC, oh, and of course, my personal favorite hottie, Ryan Gosling from The Notebook, among other things.  {big smile} I'm surprised this Madden girl hasn't come out and claimed the reason she's the Platnium Princess is that she's under some delusion that she's related to Joel and Benji Madden. Yea, I caught the reference and I'm sure that Nicole would kick your ass for the insinuation.  Now, my clients do not have the time to worry about talking to or about you.  See they are the true elite in this business, as shown by their tag team belts and Lacey Daniels SEF television championship, that they have asked me to return to work as their manager and agent of record, despite, of course that Jade and Hayden are both more than qualified with Hayden being a liscensed attorney and Jade with a Masters in Sports Entertainment management, they are simply smarter, better in looks, and in talent that you can ever hope to be, what is her name, Ashlee?  So you have a little money to hire someone do voice over.  Big deal.  Welcome to the big leagues where, you have to face a Dynasty with more than one heir to a billion dollar legacy.  {she feigns surprise} Did I say heir....well, excuse me.  There is an heir and an heiress.  Lucas and Dusty...in fact, you can for the record change Dusty from the American Day Dream to the Billion Dollar Dream because once she was adopted she became a Billion Dollar Princess.  I know how rare those are.  Good luck trying to claim you are anything close.  You see Fox everywhere since {rolls her eyes} since Justin and his crew are ramming it down people's throats.  Of course for those in the know, you'd now that their grandfather was on the ground floor of Microsoft....so yeah.  Real money from a real product that billions of people use all around the world.  Madden, you do not have a clue or a snowball's chance in hell of ever attaining anything the Dynasty Divas have accomplished.  Now, {she waves toward the camera} shoo, I have better things to do than deal with the likes of you."

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