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Diva On Top - Extreme rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 01, 2023, 12:27:12 AM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
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Date Posted:22/07/2010 11:15 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
Diva on Top!vs StrifeChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/StrifeTV Championgetting warmed up! :)


 The scene opens with Lacey Daniels walking dripping out of the sea at some exclusive Country Club beach looking like every pubescent boys wet dream come to life.

She pushes her wet hair back from her face and walks over to her sun lounger, taking the offered towel from the drooling cabin boy with a smirk. She perches herself on the edge of the sunbed as she squeezes the excess wetness from her hair and gently pats herself dry before tossing the towel down and leaning back to relax. She reaches out to pick up her oversized Dior shades and slides them onto her face before she addresses the camera.

LD: Yeah well even devoted divas like myself need a little r & r every now and then and quite frankly I've earned it. I've been training myself into the ground lately, dedicating every waking moment to becoming even better than I already am, pushing myself to the limits and beyond to further my dream of becoming a truly dominant diva, and trust me on this ... I will get there. Oh I know it takes time, and that's something I have plenty of and I'm more than ready, willing and able to make every sacrifice required to get there. Like I said last week .. .nothing and no-one is going to stand in my way and I guess Strife found that out the hard way last week on Extreme.
Lacey smirks and nods her head as she remembers the victory over her most recent challenger.  

LD: You know I was kinda disappointed with Strife ... after all his big talk about how determined he was to take my beautiful belt from me and his pretty impressive showing at Glory and Gold I kind of expected more ... one of the reasons why I disappeared from sight for a week was because I took myself out of the picture to re-focus myself. To address why I lost that match and to strip myself back down to my roots and re-build my strengths. Or in simple terms for you morons watching ... I went back to Calgary to do some hardcore mat training with my mentor, Bret. He sharpened my edge and helped me see where I was falling down and how to build bigger defences and greater attacks. It refreshed and rejuvenated me, made me realise that I am going to achieve everything I want in this business as long as I stay true to myself and not allow for any distractions.

A waiter comes over with a fresh drink on a silver tray for Lacey which she takes with a smile and signs for, before shooing him away with her hand and putting the drink down untouched.
LD: See I had a solid showing against Shane Mack but didn't achieve my goal of beating him for the World title. I gave a good account of myself but I didn't get what I wanted and it brought me down a little. Now I realise that maybe I was over-reaching and it's probably too soon for me to be going for that title. I need to stop and smell the roses and prove my worth as the TV champion before I think about pushing myself higher. I need to show the world that I am ready and capable to defeat each and every challenger that faces me for my title and defend it with every ounce of strength I possess, mentally, emotionally and physically.
There is a buzzing noise as Lacey reaches over to the table and picks up her cell phone and checks the callers ID. She nods to herself and ignores the call as she picks up her drink and takes a sip, sighing in satisfaction at the taste. She places it back on the table as the phone stops buzzing.
LD: So last week when I came back ready to take on the world I showed Strife and the rest of SEF that I had indeed stepped my game up another notch. I was working on a whole nother level and it was one that Strife just couldn't deal with. Oh I know that some smart-asses ... yeah that would be you Maegan and Taryn! ... want to talk crap about me not getting a clean win and getting the Dynasty Divas to help me get the win last week but let's get real here ... Dusty came down to ringside, that's it! She didn't involve herself in the match and she sure as shit didn't get in the ring ... is it my fault that Strife can't keep his head in the game? ... Is it my fault that Strife took his eye off the ball? ... I think you'll find the only thing that was my fault was me pinning his ass clean and easy in the middle of the ring! So keep your lame-ass "playing the numbers game" to yourself .. got it babes? ..
Lacey reaches up and squeezes her hair and reaches down into her bag for her lotion which she starts to spread down her legs.
LD: Stupid bitches got nothing better to do? ... Surely they've got their hands full this week with their own matches? Jeez why am I even wasting my time thinking about what they have to say ... Taryn got her ass owned last week by Ashlee Madden and now she's facing the newcomer Katharine Wylde? And I know my girls are gonna enjoy beating the crap out of Maegan and Gracie Payne. Oh I know that's not going to be pretty.
Lacey laughs as she pictures it and puts her lotion down on the table and stretches out.
LD: Shit on a stick .. they've got some brass neck to try to insult me when they're not even on my level. They're both involved in diva matches which they're so gonna lose ... and I got a match against Johnny Camaro for gods sake. Well if that pretty boy thinks for a split second that I'm going to give him an inch so he can take a mile, he's got another think coming. I am going to enjoy schooling this supermodel wannabe .. SEF ain't no place for posers, it's the place for people who put their money where their mouth is each and every time they set foot in the ring. People who can not only talk the talk but walk the way .. .hell people like me!!
Lacey smiles smugly to herself as she leans back and puts her arms behind her head.

LD: Yep, my beautiful baby ain't going nowhere this week ...

Lacey pauses and smiles again.
LD: .. or any other fucking week for that matter! Time to step it up again, keep on the right path to becoming the most dominant TV champion SEF has ever seen!

Lacey smiles as she relaxes and the scene fades to black

End of rp1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

Kristin Fox

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Re:Diva On Top - Extreme rp1
Date Posted:23/07/2010 6:47 PMCopy HTML

.//Roleplay Title\\. .//People Mentioned/Used\\. //.Record\\. .//Stalk Me\\. .//Out Of Character\\. 
tag team matchread it07/05Blank 

"Day Dream"

{Dusty and Knox spent several hours training.  They spent a little time playing on the beach since Emily was staying with Knox's parents for the weekend.  She then returned to the Beau Rivage hotel and casino to shower and change into black low rise leather pants to reveal her belly button piercing and Knox O'Bannon tramp stamp, a USMC baby doll shirt, and some cute heeled boots.  She grabbed a pair of sunglasses and slipped them on before kissing Knox goodbye.}}

Knox:"Really taking my speech to heart, aren't you?"

{Dusty smirks and leans over to whisper something naughty in his ear.  Knox chuckles and Dusty straightens up}

Dusty:"Yes, I got vids of my training and thanks to Mike I have all the information I need.  I know that she hasn't made very many calls since she got married and her gym card hasn't been scanned in over a week.  Lacey may chose Jade as her second in command and in which case, {she shrugs} the point is that I have been training.  I deserve the spot.  She doesn't.  Lacey enjoys being the best and now that I have a few matches at Uncle Scotty's fed in as well as what I have here, then Lacey will see that I have the same desire."

{She kisses Knox again and then takes the elevator to the executive suites.  She knocks on the door and then goes in.  She and Lacey share a little small talk and then Dusty puts the files on the table aKnox has nd puts the dvd into the dvd plasma flat screen.  While it loads Dusty speaks to Lacey}

Dusty:"Knox has taken over Shattered Reality since Lucas threw a tantrum on live television and ran home with his tail between his legs.  I have spent the time I've been here training with you as much as your schedule permits.  However, with your schedule picking up, I was left without a trainer until Knox decided that Hayden and Jade had taught me enough that he could work with me.  I have been putting in time at the gym Monday through Friday for eight hours a day and most times on the weekend ten-twelve since Emily prefers to spend the weekend with Knox's parents.  I have wrestled every night while we were in Jackson, TN.  So that's about six matches that I've dominated at my Uncle Scott's company.  Hayden has been MIA all week.  IF the Dynasty Divas are to survive while you are busy with your training, appearances, and your title defenses, I'd like to be your second in command to push the other girls when it comes to training so we can remain dominant because as the tag champs we will not always be facing a bunch of pathetic losers!  I know that I have issues with Grace showing up but between training with you and with Knox, I don't think I have to fear her anymore."


jessica_alba2.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97

Name  "The American Day Dream" Dusty Rodgers-O'Bannon
Weight 5'8
Height 120 lbs
Finishing MoveDaydream Believer
Trademark Lady In Waiting &The Heartbreaker faceslam
Managing/Dating  Knox O'Bannon

Disclaimer : This is a layout made by Luke You may use it because it is a free layout created by him. However, if you want to use his layout you have to promote his work and keep the disclaimer on so he can make more and better layouts than this. Thank you for using a layout created by Luke



Lacey Daniels

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Re:Diva On Top - Extreme rp1
Date Posted:24/07/2010 9:09 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.



RP Title

Next Match:

Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:



Diva on Top!

vs Johnny Camara

Chris Orton/Dynasty Divas/Johnny Camaro

TV Champion

yeah a lil rp between the girlies :P




 Lacey leans back in her chair and take a good long look at Dusty. After some time she slowly nods her head as she seems to reach a decision.

LD: You know something Dusty ... you are not the same girl I met a few months ago. Back then you got into the Dynasty Divas based on your friendship with Jade and Hayden and the tiny amount of potential I could see shining within you. And now I look at you and it's like you're a caterpiller who's blossomed into a beautiful butterfly. You've really come out of your shell and showed me and everyone else that underneath that shiny, glossy exterior beats a heart of pure steel!

Lacey laughs as Dusty frowns a little and then she raises her eyebrows and smirks.

LD: Oh yeah that's a compliment honey, so take it. You have every reason to bitch at me like some whiny brat because I agreed to help train you and we've hardly had more than a few sessions together since my schedule started to pick up but nope, you handled the situation like a true diva. You took yourself off to you Uncle Scotty's fed and got the most important thing you can have in this business ... experience! You worked your ass off to get better and you used your own initiative to do it. Then when you can see cracks appearing in the Dynasty Divas ... you not only have the decency to call me up and arrange a meeting so we can discuss this situation face to face like adults ... not calling me up all panicky, or worse, not calling at all like some other members I could mention. You set this meeting up proper and you presented your case to me straight up ... you know what you want and you lined everything up so you could make your arguement in a decent stand-up fashion and I have to take my hat off to you for that.

Lacey pauses and smiles as she tucks her hair behind her ear as Dusty is listening intently to her. She opens up her bag and pulls out her cell phone and dials a number. Dusty mouths "Who are you calling?" as Lacey holds up a finger.

LD: Jade sweetie .. how are you? ... mmmhmmm ... nope I haven't heard anything from her either. Yep ... well you know Hayden ... she always did dance to the beat of her own drum. ... yeah I saw what Carly said and you know I'm ready to get into that tag match no problemo ... show Taryn and Maegan that they know exactly nothing about the Dynasty Divas. How dare they say that I'm not good enough to compete in 2 matches in one night ... I'm looking forward to putting them firmly in their place.

Lacey laughs briefly as Dusty nods her head in agreement.

LD: Oh yeah ... Dusty's with me ... hmmhmm ... that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Dusty's been working her ass off lately to get up to speed with us and I think she's more than ready to take the next step. She wants to help out with ensuring the Dynasty Divas legacy remains on course and so I've agreed that she should become my second-in-command.

Dusty whoops as she hears this and Lacey smiles at her as she holds up her hand for Dusty to high five.

LD: Yeah I know me and you have more history but we need to sort out this Hayden situation quickly and I'm trusting you to do that. I need someone here to make sure that the Dynasty Divas are still a force to be reckoned with and Dusty is here and more than ready to do that ... so that's how it stands okay? ... Yeah I know but it needs to be done .... uhuh ... yeah we'll speak more when you get into town ... well let me know as soon as you hear anything from her okay ... yeah, laters babes

Lacey ends the call and gives the waiting Dusty a big hug.

LD: Now the balls in your court Dusty ... run with it girl and you could be one of the greats ... drop it and no-one will remember you inside a month.

Dusty looks slightly scared as Lacey smiles grimly.

LD: Just a little something Bret once told me when I first started out ...

Lacey hugs Dusty again.

LD: Now I gotta go ... so you got my numbers and my schedule for the next couple of days and we'll hook up at the arena in Biloxi okay?

Dusty nods her head happily.

Lacey: Good deal. Catch you later honey pie

Lacey picks up her bag and turns to walk out of the room as she opens to door to the office she smiles and winks at Dusty before closing the door behind her. 

TBC if wanted


"Yes I am as good as I look"



Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

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