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Knox taking control 2 extreme 178

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 06:36:53 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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Date Posted:25/07/2010 4:09 PMCopy HTML

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.//Roleplay Title\\. .//People Mentioned/Used\\. //.Record\\. .//Stalk Me\\. .//Out Of Character\\. 
Knox taking control 2 extreme 178read itFormer SEF Hardcore champ/Staff Sgt Marine ReconBlank 

"The Lethal Weapon"
{Knox  starts waving everyone out of the locker room.}

Knox:"Look, Dusty and I have been training our asses off.  Lacey has been training her ass off.  Dusty was right about you, Jade and Riot.  You show up to your matches but we rarely see you in the gym.  I am into my wife too and I tap her ass on a regular basis but that doesn't distract from my responsibilities.  As the leader of the this stable, at least until Orton comes back, we are going to train everyday several times a day.  We are going to have scrimages matches too."

Riot::"We put off our honeymoon cuz Lucas told us too."

Knox:"Then you go to Sly and ask for time off.  You don't waste our time here by using our locker room for your love nest.  You guys aren't filming a sex tape in our locker room.  You do that on your own time.  So you guys fill out your obligations for your match tonight and then ask for time off.  As for tonight, get changed....{He pinches the bridge of his nose} I hate to sound like we are children but girls in their locker room and Riot you stay here in this locker room for me.   We are going to go cut a promo and then we are going to hit the gym.  We are going to work our asses off because after hearing Justin spewing all of this loyalty to SEF kissing Mack's ass then we need to make sure that he looks like exactly what Mack calls everyone.  A bunch of liars."

{Knox and Dusty are already dressed to work out but Dusty follows Jade and Carly into their locker room so Riot can change.  A few minutes later Knox knocks on the door and they head out of the locker room to find Greg Boone}

Knox:"We have a lot of things to cover and not a lot of time.  Lucas leaving has made an opening in Shattered Reality.  I am now in control and after a meeting with Lacey, Dusty is now her second in command in the Dynasty Divas.  Granted, Orton was intended to be the over-all leader of our stable, unfortunately he was injured and Lucas went nuts with his demand to be in charge and his desire to destroy Justin.  We only share some goals that he did in his madness.  We mean to dominate SEF and its title divisions.  Lacey is the SEF Television champion and the Dynasty Divas are the tag team champions.  In the event that Orton returns in time to take the title off of Mack then I will contend myself for the time being taking the International Title off of Justin.  If Orton's injury keeps him out longer than expected, then I will gladly take the title off of Mack.  As for tonight, Riot and I team with Jonathan Sterling in a match against Justin, Ash, and Strife.  Its more like Ass and Grief teaming with the Joker.  Sterling thinks this is going to be his teaching us when I've grown up with Justin and known Ash for a longtime.  As for Strife, if he has any insight into this mystery man then we will more than willing to exchange information on the other two."

{Riot looks annoyed}

Riot:"Okay so this guy Sterling that you and Mike met with him and his lawyer.  What's his deal?  He thinks he's going to teach us anything when he's nothing but a green dick?  Yeah, like he can teach us something we don't know about these assholes?"

Knox:"We have mutual enemies and reaching out to other people is a smart business decision.  He maybe the key that breaks Strife's silence.  Besides, he has a better record than we do here in SEF.  There could be things that we missed.  He does have a fresh eye on the situation at hand.  He has beaten Ash time and again.  He may have lost to Justin but then again that was dq unlike the countless times that you have tapped out to Fox Fire or any of the other thousands of submission holds that you should know better than anyone how to break since it was our father who taught him a good deal of them.  So stop all the bitching and moaning and follow my game plan or brother or not I'll kick your ass out of here."

{Riot crosses his arms annoyed but its Jade who speaks}

Jade:"I don't know who it is that you think you're speaking too.  He has more experience in wrestling than you have!"

Dusty:"Shut it, Jade!  You know what Lacey said.  He has the leadership experience and the initiative to take the reigns when Lucas threw a tantrum and ran out of here like his ass was on fire."

Carly:"What we need to do is keep our head about this.  Knox is the reasonable choice for a faction leader.  Lucas was mentally unstable.  Knox survived God knows what to come back to Dusty, alive and unharmed.  He is the one who reached out to Sterling to make sure we remained strong and has some good ideas on how to make us the dominant team that we've always claimed to be.  {she turns to the camera}  It is my belief that Knox is going to make a fine leader.  In fact, when I spoke to Hayden, {Jade gasp in surprise} yes, she spoke to me this morning that she is pleased with Knox has taken over.  She will be here for the match and wants a piece of Maegan and Grace tonight.  She has no preference for who her partner is because she is sure that the Dynasty Divas will shut the Fighting Foxes up."

Riot:"I guess I am outvoted.  {He shrugs} "I don't care as long as I get to kick Strife's ass for pretending he is a silent enigma prowling the arena halls like he is a tormented soul.  He knows nothing about being tormented."

Knox:"Agreed.  Which is why I told Radu that I would not help fulfill his revenge againist the MCW crew.  They were nothing more than an annoying distraction brought in by Lucas to be like a flash grenade.  A bright flash and a loud noise to disorient people when he believed things weren't going the way he wanted.  I just want to prove that this team is better than anyone else who steps in an SEF ring.  AS I said before Lacey is the primarily one who is even showing her dominance in the ring.  The rest of the Dynasty Divas spent their time playing around and shuffling Dusty around as if this was her first go around in a wrestling ring than having a little more than three years in this business.  Lacey realized that she has the desire, dedication, and determination to carry on what Lacey has started.  This is why she promoted Dusty to being her second in command.  She worked for Scott at TCW while you guys screwed around at Fatso's bar in Three Way, TN.  {he turns to the camera}  We are still in a reformative stage within our stable under my leadership.  If it comes down to it, Sterling and I will have to carry our match tonight.  As for the Dynasty Divas match, its in the air.  I will be working with Jade and possibly Hayden shortly to get them up to snuff, {pauses as Dusty's phone beeps.  He looks over as she holds up her blackberry pearl} "Lacey has just landed so I'm sure she'll join me in making sure the Dynasty Divas are victorious tonight as she will be triumphant in her television title defense.  Who knows, she maybe the Xfactor that helps us round out a night where the Dynasty and Shattered shut out all competition.  For the six man tag and the television title match, I am sure of a victory.  The Dynasty Divas will need some cohesive training time and they will began to show why they are the best the business has to offer in females."
The Lethal Weapon

chrisdaniels.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Name  "The Lethal Weapon" Knox O'Bannon
Weight 240
Height 6'2
Finishing Move OBannon Lockdown
Trademark O'Bannon Buster
Managing/Dating  Dusty Rodgers-O'Bannon

Disclaimer : This is a layout made by Luke You may use it because it is a free layout created by him. However, if you want to use his layout you have to promote his work and keep the disclaimer on so he can make more and better layouts than this. Thank you for using a layout created by Luke


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