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Grace's response

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 08:13:41 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:29/07/2010 2:08 PMCopy HTML

Sent: 2/3/2007 4:01 PM
For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!
laura-vandervoort-0103-00.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
|| The Divine Diva|| {{Gracie Amanda Payne}} || The Divine Diva||
{{Once the crew is set up, Grace tosses her long blond hair over her shoulder, leans forward in her chair,a nd begins to speak}}

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Grace:"You know for someone who barely even made it to her match on last week's Extreme you sure do talk a lot of shit.  You know maybe you should do more than skim the SEF bio profiles of your competitors before you open your pie hole.  {she raises a delicately arched eyebrow} "You know I didn't really comment on you or your girlfriend/tag team partner because I was not chosen to be in the tag team match with my aunt or cousin.  See you get to face two each of the Dynasty Divas and The Fighting Foxes.  Since the two most consistent pairings for tag teams around here are three-four, {she rolls her eyes} and since my {disgusted look} my step-sister went out and bought some gaudy tag belts that she has claimed are under Free Bird rules then you are embroilled in a war, Kat.  I am not even going to expound on the whole Hart Family thing going on with the Dynasty except for what I can prove as fact.  I am fourth generation on my mother's side and because of that Dusty wants to steal the legacy that is rightfully mine and my brother, Justin's, simply because my mother adopted her husband's children when they got married.  Of those that my mother adopted the only decent one out of the bunch is Jagger.  He's pretty cool and possibly because he only shares a father with psychos like Lucas & Dusty then he's not got his head up his ass thinking that he's better than everyone else.  Funny, Dusty has held a couple legit titles in the three years she's been an active wrestler and suddenly she think's the bomb diggity.  However, from watching tape of Whitney Marrett's career it gave me a brief glimpse of the failed attempts that Dusty has had in SEF's glittering past.  I always hate how genetically speaking Justin and I were told from the crib that we were destined for greatness and yet, here we are, busting our asses training, and is it the wannabe who claims sanctioned victories and title gold here?  NO!  Dusty has failed to do much of anything except so blindly whip her husband into fighting her battles for her...at least he has some intelligence and isn't crazy like Lucas is. It is my big brother, Justin.  He came in with a new attitude, a new training regimen derived from a variety of training opportunities begining at the age of three and came into SEF with the goal of achieving a title that meant so much to our dearly departed Uncle Christopher.  He went to hell and back with Knighthawk and finally defeated him to become the International Champion.  Since his return in April of this year, he is undefeated, and like him, I have also started my undefeated streak here in SEF, by taking out Hayden Smith of the Dynasty Divas.  Those fake bitches thought that it was going to be cake to defeat Maegan and myself.  Uh girls, that would be an EPIC FAIL.  Her stupid manager Carly decided that she'd agree to the stipulation that which ever Dynasty Ditz that tapped out to either Forever Fox or to the All-American Ankle Lock would lose their SEF contract.  Hayden did and unofficially Jade did too.  {she laughs} Jade, when you get done with your sex tape home library with that freak of a husband, Riot, your time will be coming.  I'll get rid of you two, because maybe its just me, but I have seen recent pictures of the real Jade Hart and maybe its just me but isn't Dallas the only one still blond of Bret's kids?  Something Lacey should consider...I mean if you grew up with someone you'd realize that they have the wrong hair color and act awful slutty right?  Then again, with so many sluts coming and going in SEF its hard to keep track of them all.  Which is why I am wondering if Ashlee Madden od'd or not because she and Sterling would normally be running roughshod all over SEF talking about sex, how great and perfect they are, and about how much we all hate them because they are so great.  Um newsflash there, people, but don't you have to follow the adage to beat the man, you have to beat the man?  I have seen neither of you hold a win over any champion here and Sterling, you screwed up your title shot.  My brother would be crazy to offer you another, but C'est La vie, I'm not management so I can't say whether or not you get one.  If I was then I'd not let rookies, and me included in a contendership match for the heavyweight title.  Which yes, does bring me back to you, Kat.  I never disrespected you until you mentioned my name.  Why are you calling me out?  You got beat by Taryn and she showed you respect.  Due to what you showed her, Maegan gave you respect.  It's why they didn't discount you in the triple threat tag match coming up on Extreme.  I even admire your possibly foolish day dream that you were going to win three matches, including walking in here in your second week, and damn near killing Shane Mack to get the title.  I mean you would just about have to kill Mack in order for you to beat him.  Of course, that won't happen because to do that you'd have to confront Whit, the queen of SEF, in case you are so close minded that all you care about is what you read on your call sheet. Oh and last certainly not least, the reason you don't know my father is because I didn't give you his name.  This is wrestling and maybe I didn't use my real last name, did you think of that?  {she gives the camera a pity filled look} "Why?  Because as it has been said many times by all of the Legacy's detractors.  It does NOT matter who your parent is, who trained you, its about how you get in the ring, and do the damn job you get paid for.  I was booked like week for a match againist people that I despise.  Why was I at the pool and doing a promo in a bathing suit?  Well because it was a combination of introducing myself as well as hyping my matches this week at Extreme.  If it will make things simplier for you and because it will increasingly irritate my arch rival, Dusty O'Bannon, then I'll go ahead and embrace my destiny and my true legacy.  Go ahead and call me Grace Fox, I don't care.  It's my mother's maiden name.  Hell, for any single guys out there you can call me Foxy Grace Payne....whatever, it doesn't matter.  What matters is proving to you and to others that you shouldn't discount me because of the lame excuses for siblings of my brother that have been seen in SEF recently.  I take my matches one at a time unless like this week I am guranteed double billing on a card.  Knowing Ashlee Madden is an evil bitch makes things interesting, but a battle royal where the first goal is to make Dusty & Lacey's life hell before we go for the ultimate goal of a heavyweight title shot, and to be quite honest with you, I would love to do that.  The closest that my mom ever got to that level was being one of the first female cruiserweight champs for LXWF while also holding their women's title but my dad has held the title several times in the North East.  I don't think that a lot of people get what an honor being the world champion is with the exception of the champion, who takes pride in it.  Several people I could mention just want it for the increase in pay and social status.   I am a socialite.  I don't need the money but within the squared circle being the world champion is something that I've craved since I was a little girl watching my parents be a Golden Couple.  Now I get to see the SEF's Dominant Couple up close and personal.  Yes, I'm young and yeah, there is a little hero worship there, and its mostly for Whitney.  I can't help it.  She's everything that I've ever wanted to be. Seeing her from now on with Mack is a learning experience that I can't pass up.  So people can hate on me all they want.  You can't learn without watching tape.  You can't improve without studying the best.  I am just waiting to see how pathetic Ashlee is going to be and to see if Kat, you are still going to be so deluded that you can overlook me simply because I introduced myself and my training regime.  Flirting with my sister-in-law?  That's kinda sick but I've {shrugged} had to help train Jayden.  If she wasn't an uber whore then I don't know what is."
Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.


Kristin Fox

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Re:Grace's response
Date Posted:29/07/2010 2:52 PMCopy HTML

For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!

1235393999GIqUnRS.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97

|| The Fighting Foxes|| {{Gracie, Taryn, & Maegan}} || The Fighting Foxes||

{{Maegan and Grace come in}}

Taryn:"Are you still on, about Kat's promo?"

{Gracie raises an eyebrow at her}

Gracie:"So you two get respect for mentioning her and because I was concerned with my match with Ashlee, suddenly I'm a bitch who needs to recognize how great Kat is?"

Maegan:"She's new.  She can't be expected to learn everything about the crap going on around here.  Everyone is serious about making a name for themselves in the battle royal that they can't focus on the drama or they'll get as bogged down in it as we are."

{Gracie sighs}

Gracie:"Maybe so."

Taryn:"So she had one bad night, we don't know much about her.  For all we know she could be as good as she says.  She held her own in our matches."

Maegan:"She's right.  We have a lifetime's worth of problems with Dusty and Lacey.  Shattered Reality & The Legacy are going to be going hard at each other in the battle royal and in the tag match.  We passed a monitor coming in here and Camaro was cutting his promo.  I'm sure he's going to point out that we are all going to be so distracted with our own personal fued that we are not going to reach for the brass ring."

Taryn:"Unless we have a plan.  Right now, Knox is counting on it coming down to him, Lacey, Justin, and Sterling.  We all know Justin is going to do well."

{Maegan laughs}

Maegan:"Justin is a freaking beast!"

Taryn:"It has to be Josh's side because Chris, Matt, and Drew are nowhere near as tall as he is.  Neither is Daddy."

Gracie:"I guess so.  {she snickers}  I would love to see how she thinks she's going to dump Justin out of the ring, much less that bastard Sterling.  He'll hit her with the brass knucks and dump her over the side like he does everyone else.  That's something we are going to have to watch out for."

Taryn:"I have no idea how I could even begin to think that I could beat Mack but Lacey and Kat are also claiming victory over him.  Now I have to deal with Dusty's nonsense in the tag match and the battle royal."

Maegan:"We all knew the risks of how high egotism runs in this business.  I also hate making astronomical boasts of how I know for a fact that I am going to beat someone that I've first, never wrestled, and second has been at the top of the game for several years. Am I not going into each match to win?  Of course, I am but to claim that I can beat Shane Mack?  {she starts laughing} I got my ass owned by Whitney Marrett three years ago so claiming I can beat Mack now?  That's not just a fantasic boast that would actually be a lie.  Am I better than some people on this roster?  Well, it goes without saying that I am better than a handful of people on this roster."

{Gracie laughs}

Gracie:"How bout we pop some popcorn and wait on Mack to tell everyone how it is?"

Maegan:"Yeah, {she checks her watch and starts laughing} "Once we finish our MMA workout with Ash then I'd love to do that.  We can go see Incetption this weekend."

Taryn:"You know he's going to call us asskissers and Whit may come kick our asses thinking we got the hots for Mack."

Gracie:"If Whit kicks my ass that would be kinda cool."

{Taryn looks at her weird}

Maegan:"How do you learn?"

Taryn:"By not being afraid to take risks and taking on people who are clearly better than us."

Gracie:"Exactly.  So Mack will tell us how it is and if Whit comes to kick our asses, then it will happen.  It could give us the edge we need to beat the Dynasty Ditz girls.  She'd defintely show us a thing or two."

Maegan:"IF she does or even she doesn't, we have to hit Dusty hard and fast because she's the one we know to be the weak link in this match.  She could be banking on Lacey to save her.  We'll worry about that in the battle royal."

{Taryn grins}

Taryn:"We'll do the clear the road thing and then make a serious go at trying to win the heavyweight title shot."


Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.


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