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Knox & Dusty Extreme 179 another promo

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 08:15:08 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:29/07/2010 3:52 PMCopy HTML

Knox20OBannon20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97

.//Roleplay Title\\. .//People Mentioned/Used\\. //.Record\\. .//Stalk Me\\. .//Out Of Character\\. 
Knox taking control 2 extreme 178read itFormer SEF Hardcore champ/Staff Sgt Marine ReconBlank 

"The Lethal Weapon"
{Knox is caught as he is entering the gym.  He's wearing black wind pants that button on the sides.  He has a t-shirt over his shoulder and sunglasses on.  He pulls up short at the camera crew.  He holds up a hand and hands the receptionist his card.}
Knox:"My wife, Dusty, will be here shortly.  I'll be in the weight room when she gets here."  {He turns to the camera and motions for them to follow}  "I got a lot of stuff to do and not a lot of time.  It's already Thursday and {he pushes the door open and tosses his shirt over the 5 and 10 lb free weights} "Camaro finally speaks.  If he hadn't shown up, I probably would have forgotten about him since he was so crushingly defeated by Lacey last week, that I didn't feel the need to waste much effort in explaining why I think I can beat him.  Scratch that, {He picks up a 50 lb freeweight and starts to warm up} "Why I know that I can beat him.  Camaro, {he chuckles} "Lacey apparently schooled you so bad that you can't remember if we have even wrestled before.  As a matter of fact, my brother and I teamed up and yes, we lost to you and Justin.  As for the Hardcore tournement.  You didn't beat me.  we traded some moves but you failed to do much.  Ash did beat me however.  I am far to concerned with Lacey and I being the final two people in the battle royal.  Once of us will go on to give Mack the best match he's had all year.  Something that you have failed to do and you've wrestled him how many times this year?  You are nothing but all show and no stay.  {He looks up} Yeah, that is a John Wayne reference.  {Smirks} I am from Texas after all.  {He goes back to doing curls} "Even so Camaro, get over yourself.  For someone who claims to be a heartbreak, I have never seen you with a woman.  I am not sure if anyone has, but then again, you could just be claiming it because your just pretending so no one sees that the reason you are so overly protective of your former tag partner is because maybe you were just a little closer than most tag partners are.  It could be a reason why Nikki and Megan Sorrow are no longer together.  It would have been an appropriate cover relationship.  She likes having Lacey beat her up and then crawl on top for a pin. The closest she'd ever get to Lacey doing anything else to her and Nikki, a perfect closet case emo fruit booty.  So come on Camaro go psycho because I have disrespected your boyfriend.  I know how angry it makes you.  I am extremely  protective of my wife too.  Yeah, calling people gay is very cliche but Johnny come on, you dress like one, you act like one....hell if it walk like a duck and talks like a duck then......"

"A screaming queen with a fetish for feather boas?"

{Knox turns and laughs as his wife walks in wearing skimpy black workout shorts, running shoes, and a Dynasty Divas Beautiful bitches shirt tied off to show off her husband's name tramp stamped across her lower back.}

Dusty:"Its funny, the more I work, the better I become the more chicks start running their mouths in fear of me.  Lacey and I are individually two of the best women to be stepping into an SEF ring this Sunday.  What's going to suck for all of these stupid bitches this week is that Lacey and I are a team.  We are the Dynasty tag team champions and Lacey is also the Television champion!  You know, Kat, I really honestly feel sorry for you.  You are out here all alone, claiming that you have this beautiful girlfriend to tag with you this week and no one has seen her around.  I'm fairly certain that she either doesn't exit or she's not as beautiful as you clim she is.  You've already started drooling over my sister-in-law so you are no where near in the league of women that I am used to being around.  {she laughs} Now you have the misfortune of being in a match with not one out four women who are better athletes than you are.  Of course Lacey and I are the absolute best!  Taryn, she should hang out with you.  The virgin who has already shown signs that she likes girls more than boys.  See one time she pretends to play nice with Jayden may have been her introduction into being a lesbian.  She has beaten you and it probably turned her on.  You are at the beginning of the end of your short stay here in SEF.  Get ready to say goodbye to these hallowed halls.  The Dynasty Divas are no longer playing around.  Lacey and I are playing for keeps."

{Knox drops the weight and wraps his arms around her waist}

Knox:"It's beginning to look like the Gay and Lesbian alliance around here.  First Julie, then Tina, then Jayden, then Jemma, those other lesbians that hung around Mack, now these two toxic bitches, and now Camaro is feeling so comfortable with all of these butch bitches that he is no longer afraid to throw the closet door wide open and walk on out.  I was only joking when I said you were kissing Justin's ass when you had a crush on him.  Now it makes me realize you weren't hoping to get to catch Katana in her skivvies you were out to check out Justin's ass. {shakes his head}  You must have realized that Justin would have cracked your skull.  Just like I will have too if you get any of those rainbow colored dreams in your head when I break you down for the O'Bannon Lockdown!  There is a time for games when its someone who is so far beneath you that you can take the time to toy with them, bolster their confidence so you can {snaps his fingers} and break their confidence just like that.  Yet, since its you Camaro and I know that you'll be trying to paw me like a punk kid on prom night, I won't take the time to humilate you.  I'll be in and out of that match as soon as I can hook you up with my submission.  If you try anything funny then I'll break your neck.  You'll never walk again, much less wrestle."
The Lethal Weapon

chrisdaniels.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Name  "The Lethal Weapon" Knox O'Bannon
Weight 240
Height 6'2
Finishing Move OBannon Lockdown
Trademark O'Bannon Buster
Managing/Dating  Dusty Rodgers-O'Bannon


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