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Dusty's tag match promo (Lacey read/respond)

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 08:25:00 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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Date Posted:28/07/2010 10:49 PMCopy HTML

.//Roleplay Title\\. .//People Mentioned/Used\\. //.Record\\. .//Stalk Me\\. .//Out Of Character\\. 
Dusty's tag match promoread it07/05Blank 

"Day Dream"
{Dusty is freshly showered.  Knox is watching CNN and the hell that is still happening in the Gulf region.  He growls}

Knox:"Why is it that the news media assumes that everything below New Orleans is the Gulf?  It's Bayou Barrataria!  That's not the Gulf Of Mexico. It may feed into it but that's closer to Houma than it is the Gulf!  Shit!  Accension Parish is closer to the Gulf than Terrebonne is.  {he shakes his head in disgust} Unless its an immediate threat like a hurricane....or maybe its just that these idiots aren't as smart as the Weather Channel people..."

Dusty:"Well there is a reason why his name is DOCTOR Steve Lyons.....those idiots are lucky to have graduated college.  How many of them can have been to grad school?  Sometimes I just wish that Bradshaw would nail them all with the clothesline from hell.  Maybe that would knock some sense into them."

Knox:"That would kick ass. {he chuckles} Now, go cut your promo while I bitch at these people."

{Dusty takes the tripod out onto the balcony.  It's a hot night and the wind is blowing a little.  She runs a hand through her still wet hair and gazes up at the stairs.}

Dusty:"You know people are claiming that I have had a 180 degree turn around since I returned to SEF and joined the Dynasty Divas.  Those people would be right.  I'm not being coddled and treated as if I'm an egg that is going to break.  I have people who believed that I could be a great wrestler and I am busting my ass to prove them right.  I am not only holding my own training with my husband with his Marine workout regimen but I am also getting in the ring during Lacey's extended night time work outs.  I was sore at first but then again whenever I start something new with Knox, I'm always sore until I get used to how rough he is.  {she turns a sexy smirk to the camera} "This week is a measuring stick for how hard I've worked.  True it's not the elite vs the elite.  It's the elite vs two rookie pieces of shit vs an elite teaming with another rookie piece of shit who just happens to claim the genetics to be great. {she looks away} To bad Grace isn't in this match. I'm sure that she would be so cocky that she would overlook me.  She's an arrogant bitch like that.  Just watch what I do in this match, Gracie Amanda Payne....because I am the chosen daughter.  Make sure you remember my name honey, Dusty Rodgers-O'Bannon.  Where you have taken us a diva down by taking out Hayden, I am also laying out the same challenge.  Maegan, you seem to be going in as the ring captain in this match.  You and Gracie like to call yourselves the career killers?  Pay attention to what Lacey and I do to Taryn.  {there is a knock on the door.  She turns to see Knox} "Yes?"

Knox:"I just paused the TIVO.  I am not sure if Lace saw this but I thought you'd want to know so you can check in with her."

{Dusty frowns as Knox picks up the camera and carries it into the room.  Dusty sits in front of the t.v. as Knox hits play to show Taryn asking if Lacey had a 'girl crush' on her.  Dusty makes a disgusted sound}

Dusty:"Look who woke up and started smoking crack!!  Have you not seen her boyfriend? WHY in the hell would she have a girl crush on you!"

Knox:" Lacey is the only person I know that could have a girl crush on herself and not be crazy or delusional."

{Dusty gives him a funny look and turns back to the camera}

Dusty:"Newsflash Taryn!  You are single.  Who loves ya, baby? No one.  You are very very single, in a group with your niece and nephew who are both married.  I doubt you've ever had a boyfriend.  You're probably the oldest virgin in all of wrestling.  You've made a play for the biggest playboy that SEF has and he still doesn't pick you up.  You are ready willing and able to break out but if you're so desperate get naked and walk into Mack's locker room!  If Whitney doesn't kill you, thinking that you're after Mack...then you grab a beer, lay down, and put your legs up.  Shady Smack will do the rest.  He's a horny bastard that doesn't give a fuck who he sticks it too as long as he gets to fuck.  If that doesn't work, take a page from Jayden's whore-ific past.  Go find Tina and starts pulling her clothes off.  Tina or Samantha are sluts who don't care if you got a dick or a twat!  If you really want to lose your virginity then they'll belt on some sort of strap on and go to town.  Hey they did Weigel and they did Jayden, who knows they could have had a big orgy.  They have no taste.  IF even they won't slum so far as to touch you, hey, you are an heiress you can always pay someone to screw you.  Hey, even a homeless man would pop your cherry if it meant he could get a couple of bucks...then again, a dollar or two, that's really all you are worth.  You truly are the bottom of the barrell when it comes to our extended family, Taryn.  You lack the guts or the training to make things happen.  No one cares enough to step up and take care of you and you're not hot enough for a man to rock your world and then marry you so that he can continually rock your world, {she smirks up at Knox who begins to massage her shoulders} "You like to make fun of the NOLA freaks but hey at least they can get laid, and a couple have even been married a time or two.  Yet, sweetie, you can't even get a little over the sweater action. 
P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C!  In case you have got your head so far up your own ass that you can't hear what I just spelled then I will repeat myself.  I called you PATHETIC!  You aren't the only person who knows how to play mind games.  On Extreme, once Lacey and I break you down.  You will tap out and then you will lose your contract with SEF just like you guys did to Hayden.  Maegan won't be able to save you.  Lacey and I haven't decided yet but we'll defintely coordinate that tommorow.  As soon as she sees that you dared to mention her in such a disrespectful manner.  I'm sure that she'll love to ensure that you never wrestle for SEF again....maybe anywhere, ever."  {her cell phone rings w/Pour Some Sugar On Me.} "That's the sound of your death warrant Taryn.  She must have seen your little fantasy.  {she picks up the phone} Hey....yeah, I saw it."

TBC by Lacey only

jessica_alba_wet.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Name Dusty Rodgers-O'Bannon
Weight 5'8
Height 120 lbs
Finishing MoveDaydream Believer
Trademark Lady In Waiting &The Heartbreaker faceslam
Managing/Dating  Knox O'Bannon

Disclaimer : This is a layout made by Luke You may use it because it is a free layout created by him. However, if you want to use his layout you have to promote his work and keep the disclaimer on so he can make more and better layouts than this. Thank you for using a layout created by Luke


Lacey Daniels

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Re:Dusty's tag match promo (Lacey read/respond)
Date Posted:31/07/2010 11:22 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.



RP Title

Next Match:

Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:



Tag Match reply

Tag Match
Battle Royal
World Match

Chris Orton/Dynasty Divas/Everyone

TV Champion

short n sweet ... kinda like me lol ;)




Lacey is pacing outside an elevator in her hotel lobby waiting for it to arrive. Her cell phone is glued to her ear.

LD: Can you believe the sheer stupidity of it ... I mean ...

Lacey's eyes roll sarcastically as she shakes her head, still in disbelief.

LD: I mean ... me ... have a girl crush on that?! ... Eurgh! ... She's vile, I wouldn't fuck her with someone elses and judging from her very single status neither would anyone else! Jeez I'll bet even that lil midget man would turn it down

Lacey laughs.

LD: Oh he did ... yeah well I knew there was a reason I got on with Knox! ... Listen we need to put this bitch in her place once and for all ... put the final nail in this wannabe's coffin because I am so over dealing with her shit already. If they can get Dusty fired from SEF for tapping out last week then it shouldn't be too hard to get the same stip added for this tag match too. Let's see how much the tramp likes getting her walking cards handed to her after I snap her back in the Sweet n Low and she taps like the cry-baby we both know she is! ... Better yet, you do it and I'll take care of Maegan. She seems to be their lynch pin so it would be my great pleasure to beat some respect into her. As if I could ever have been the one to be made to tap out and fired ... I'm the damn TV champ for crying out loud!!

Lacey leans out and pushes the call button several times as she taps her foot impatiently.

LD: Goddamn elevator!! ... What? Oh nothing it's just I'm having one of those days ya know? ... Yeah the world and his wife seem to want to take shot at me but hey ... I guess I should accept that, after all when you're a champ you paint a big bullseye on your chest right? Nothing I can't handle. I just wanna relax into a hot bubble bath and get a decent solid nights sleep is all.

Finally the cab arrives and Lacey steps in. She pushes button number 12 as a man approaches the elevator she holds her arms out to block them from coming in.

LD: Get the next one buddy this one's taken .... huh ... naw just got into the elevator. So listen you ready for both matches this week?

The doors close as Lacey smirks nastily at the man who's just standing looking at her, half checking her out and half pissed she made him wait.

LD: Yeah I know we got those other 2 divas ... Kat Wylde and Jenna whatsherface but as you can probably tell ... not really registering on my radar. But hey maybe we could use the fact there's another team involved to our advantage. I mean why expend unnecessary energy when they could do all the early work for us? ... Yeah ... chuck em out when the times comes and clean up! ... And it would so piss those Foxes off ... not able to get their hands on us until the battle royal and losing Taryn when we make her tap ... oh yeah, totally fuck with their heads .. I love it!!

Lacey laughs as the cab stops and the doors open as she gets out of the elevator and checks the numbers before turning left and walking down the hall.

LD: Yeah I saw what Knox had to say about the battle royal and it's all good. I knew he wouldn't back down and I respect that ... yeah I'll totally have his back ... I mean don't get me wrong I want to win it but hey, if it doesn't work out like that then I'll do everything I can to make sure Knox is the winner. Gotta take one for the team sometimes you know ...

Lacey stops outside a door and fishes the card key out of her bag as she slides it in and the door opens with a beep and she walks in, dumping her case as soon as she can and flopping onto the bed.

LD: Finally! ... Huh oh yeah just got into my room. So we all good for tomorrow? ... Great! Oh and I might have some news for you and Knox but I have to make a call first so ... Yeah ... mmhmmm ... yep but we have to wait for the docs final clearance first so I'm not counting my chickens yet. Okay hun ... take care and I'll speak to you tomorrow ... Bye.

Lacey ends the call and tosses her cell onto the bedside table as the scene fades to black

TBC if wanted


"Yes I am as good as I look"



Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

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