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A Real Farewell

Started by NBD, October 01, 2023, 08:41:19 PM

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Date Posted:01/08/2010 6:40 AMCopy HTML

Somewhere out in the middle of the woods we find Shane Mack sitting around a smoldering campfire wearing his air walk style shoes, blue jeans, and no shirt or bandana. He just sits staring fondly into small fire that a few hours ago was blazing hot and huge for the grand party for Mack's farewell, one that every single person who came out at the end of Sacrifice last night was at because like that, this was a real farewell. People can continue to lie and try to use shots on Mack to get over, but until they grow up and start accepting the truth of what really goes on in SEF, the only place any of them are going over is over the dumpster their tossing themselves into because all they come off as is trash. Like Kat is showing herself to be by claiming Mack brought back Sacrifice and a whole army to protect out of fear. If only people knew the truth, that Mack brought nothing and no one back to SEF for Mack has no power and now he has no gold and truth be told, he isn't sad, mad, scared, or feeling down one bit. He is relieved someone finally had what it takes to beat him since none of these jokes could step up for Extreme tonight. It's a shame all people can do is lie, but Mack knows the truth and he is content with that, he has yet to be proven wrong by any of these wannabe wrestlers and a comeback, well, ya can't rule it out with Mack, but you'll never know if or when he does come back cause no one makes a bigger impact than the king of impacts Shane Mack and that's just another fact, so deal with it chumps. Suck it up and keep on lying about the only man to ever tell the real, bitter, brutal, honest truth in SEF. He's too content knowing what really goes on to have any worry about any of your pathetic lies, so focus more on wrestling, focus on Rick Reynolds who should be your main concern now anyways as he is the World Heavyweight Champion. Besides, everyone knows the truth of what every wrestler in SEF feels for Mack after last nights respect shown to the man. Mack just sits staring into pit of pretty much just ash now, some charred wood. We then see Whitney Marret walk into view wearing white tennis shoes, stonewash jeans, and black hooded sweatshirt with the hood up. She sits on in a chair next to Mack looking down to the ground, looks a little hung over and Mack turns to her with a smile and says.
Have a few too many last night?
Whitney just raises her right hand flipping him off and Mack laughs saying.
When your feeling better we'll do that unless ya want to now! I may not have power in SEF, but I can make this camera disappear!
Whitney just looks up and says.
How about a joint to sooth this headache?
Mack just smirks and nods yea, looks to the camera and says.
Hey brother, you wanna partake, your looking rough as well?
And as Mack pulls a black tin with Bob Marley on the front from his pocket and pulls a joint from it the camera is lowered filming the ground now and then fade to black.

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