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Its Time For A Lil R & R

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 01, 2023, 08:42:02 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:04/08/2010 12:07 AMCopy HTML

He survived the onslaught of Extreme this past Sunday and now Rick Reynolds is home, at his house in Amarillo. He lays poolside on a one of a few lawn chairs. Its tilted up somewhat and he wears red Hawaiian looking swimming shorts down to his knees with a REAL Franchise t-shirt and sitting on his lap is the SEF World Title. In his left hand is some fancy looking drink with an umbrella in it. He sips some of it and sets on a stand next to him. His house behind him and pretty large, several people are seen mingling in the background around a small bar and there is a woman serving drinks in a fairly erotic maids outfit. Rick just smirks into the camera and says.
I had perhaps, no, no, I damn sure had the best fucking weekend of anyone in SEF because Saturday I challenged Shane Mack to put up this here title I now hold because I beat Mack and I did it single handedly because I could! And then the very next night I had to wait until just a an hour or so before my match to find out who my opponent was and still I beat that no name, lowlife, never was, sorry ass son of a bitch and I did so single handedly and now I have no more matches until DOGG DAZE because quite simply, I don't have to defend this belt anymore than thirty days. Now as a champion I am expected to represent this company and do that I will most definitely do because when you're the REAL Franchise...
He looks down motioning to his shirt, then looks up with that smirks and continues.
When your as great as I am you only need to work every thirty days, hell, I could get away with only showing up every two or three months because I am pure excellence, unadulterated greatness, the only deserving World Champ in this once great company now reduced to a lame duck roster!
He sneers in disgust now, then just scoffs and switches back to a smirk swaying.
Also, it helps that when I signed my contract with SEF that I got it so I only work when I want to which means that if I don't want to wrestle except for the allotted time I have to in order to properly defend my World Heavyweight Championship, then I have every right to do so and no one say otherwise. Sly cannot book me when he wants and neither can Frankie. Call me what you want, mistake this for a lack of desire, but its your mistake and you will pay for it if you dare to make that mistake. Every single one of you took for granted having a champion like Mack who would bust his ass to carry this company, to give anyone on the roster a shot at anytime. Most of you wasted that opportunity for very, very few of you stood up and flat out challenged Mack to matches. Most of you simply resorted to cheap lies making yourselves out to be the biggest jokes of all and so I came in and I picked my spot and I stepped up and took Mack out and now all of you will have to only watch me while very few of you have the opportunity to step in the ring with me. I will remain SEF Champion for many months, Mack's reign will pale in comparison to what the REAL fucking Franchise of this entire business has because I am not letting go of this gold as long as I am breathing. So kill me if you must, but if not, then get ready to die.
He grows a little serious and intense for a moment, then snaps out of it and smirks. Rick grabs his glass taking a drink and pats his title arrogantly, rubbing it now, then says.
Alright, put that camera down and have a few drinks or get the hell outta here, its time for a lil r and r!
He grins big and drinks up as the camera backs off and lowers down, then fade to black.

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