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Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 08:58:41 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:04/08/2010 2:22 PMCopy HTML

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inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97
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{{{Gracie groans and stretches.  Despite the massive headache she is forcing herself to train.  She is pissed about her match from the last Extreme and even though she won the match, she knows that their fued is only just begining.}}}

Justin:"It's okay.  We need to take a break anyway.  The crew is here.  {He whistles} Yo, Ash, Maegs, Sam's here."

{{The crew looks a little worse for wear due to the intensity of the battle royal and the fact that the girls pulled double duty at the last show.}}

Sam:"Okay, so just a short one today.  I got to head over to your rivals or whatever too."

Justin:"Just a few comments or whatever."

Gracie:"I got a few choice words for Ashlee.  {she smirks} How does defeat taste honey?  You and your boytoy like to gloat that the only thing that matters is who gets put down in the history books with the victory.  That would be me, Ashlee.  I also believe that would be the first of many defeats that you are going to suffer here. {she laughs a bit before wincing} You did give me something to remember you by, that noxious perfume that you wear has given me the onset of what could be a bad miagraine.  A small thing to worry about compared to what I have in store for you.  I plan on breaking your ankle with the All-American Ankle lock or maybe tearing a few joints out of socket with the Forever Fox.  Either way, you have yet to become more than just a thorn in my side...a momentary distraction from my ultimate goal of making Dusty's life a living hell and taking Lacey's television title."

Maegan:"As much as I love to team with my husband, I was actually looking forward to teaming with Gracie so the Fighting Foxes could dominate the numbers game by taking out the Dynasty Divas.  Even so, I know that now Riot and and Jade have no chance in hell of beating my man and I."

Ash:"Once Riot, you may have held a hint of a challenge for me.  Now teaming with my wife againist you and your old lady then I know that the odds are in our favor that you two will never compete for SEF again.  You are the last handhold for group dominance that Shattered Reality and the Divas have.  Once you two are broken down and sent packing it will be a matter of a couple of possible tag teams with an injured Orton, who surprising enough is slumming with teaming with the O'Bannons in the first place."

Maegan:"There is another thing.  Once upon a time I gave permission for music that I paid for and covered with my band to be used by Hayden.  She then started using it for her stable.  Once Jade and Riot are out of here then I'll be making sure that you and your bitch posse are no longer using my music.  Even if I have to go after Lacey herself to make sure that they are no longer stealing my creative process."

{the camera starts at Justin's fit and then slowly raises up to take in all of Justin before focusing on his face}

Justin:"Hmmm, uh, thanks Sam....{he clears his throat} You know its interesting.  First Kat wants to talk about how hot my wife is and yeah, thanks, I already know that.  I mean I get to see her naked.  {He snickers as Ash laughs and the girls make gagging noises}  Some other girls may think that they are incredibly hot and may claim that is why I don't go after them as if they were a serious competitor.  Well, I'm related to three girls on the roster and for the others first I do not like blonds.  In fact, the chick who likes to claim she's the hottest thing going well, Ashlee, you're really not.  You'll be even less when my baby sister gets a hold of you.  I've always been a brunette man and for that even Lacey Daniels has hinted about my ill begotten days of being a lecherous youth.  I've groped that more times than I had permission too as a kid but that's beside the point.  I'm married now and even if I wasn't, Lacey you are like a black widow spider.  You think that the fact that I've always found you attractive to distract me from the fact that I came close to winning the battle royal.  For that, the powers that be have decided to give me another chance.  I face Knox and Camaro in a Triple Threat match for a shot at Rick Reynolds and the heavyweight title in two weeks.  Knox, you failed in your attempt at grabbing the brass ring and become the new SEF heavyweight champion.  Of the three of us, I have never been in a SEF World title match.  So hopefully the odds are in my favor, not just in this match, but going into Extreme episode 182.  I am training much harder than I ever been in my life and I am dissapointed because I wanted to face Mack for this opportunity.  However, I am always trying to think positively.  There is no loyalty to anything but SEF and its world heavyweight title to worry about in this match.  I have nothing to prove but I deserve to be in this match and to be the champion.  There is no idol to topple or as one of my opponent this week, Camaro has said, no awe and respect of an icon to overcome.  Reynolds is nothing more than a man who defeated an icon.  For that, true, its a great feat, but still he is simply a man.  There is no God like status to overcome."

Ash:"There is the fact that Mack never needed a team to help him either."

{Justin turns and puts a hand on Ash's shoulder.}

Justin:"This is why I have you, Maegan, and Grace.  If it comes down to it and those boys from the Underground think that they are going to take over SEF then we know that Camaro will have the back of anyone who is willing to fight for SEF.  Knox, I believe his loyalty is to who pays the highest price.  Right now its Lacey, but then again, Orton is not a coward who is afraid of a challenge.  If it comes down to it, I have a feeling that Orton would back SEF simply for the fact that he is dedicated his career to rising to the top of this company.  No interlopers are going to get in between him and his own personal quest for SEF gold.  He may steer his own crew into defending SEF.  There are by far to many factors to consider when it comes to this crew Reynolds is running with.  I bank on my own crew and the mutual respect that Camaro and I have formed in working as a tag team in the past that when it comes to SEF we'll defend it.  Unfortunately there is only one SEF Heavyweight title and I want it.  Camaro and I are going to go down in a blaze of glory for the number one contender spot.  Knox will in the end be burned by the flames."
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