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universal6 star tag team

Knox and Dusty

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 12:44:29 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:12/08/2010 12:14 PMCopy HTML


obannons.jpg Knox & Dusty picture by pegasusfeds10

..::Knox and Dusty's Extreme::..
..::Dusty and Knox::..
..::Dusty, Knox, Lacey, Justin etc, etc::..
..::NEXT MATCH::..
..::Knox vs Lacey vs Ash & Dusty/Rocco vs JC/Grace::..
..::Tate is the stoned looking pix of Kristen Stewart::..

{{Dusty and Knox are in the gym.  When the camera crew comes in Dusty begins to laugh.  She walks over and opens a cd and places it into a cd player.  She skips the tracks and Lips of An Angel by Hinder begins to play.}}

Dusty:"Like the music?  Seems fitting doesn't it?  Everyone wants a piece of Lacey, those who have in the past are fiending for a the Sugar Rush.  Wake up, Justin, we all know that you are testing the waters to see if you can split Lacey and Chris up?  It'll be interesting to see how that plays out.  You didn't think I would just sit back and keep quiet about your little walk on the wildside, did you?  Oh the stories that I could have told Katana, but I actually thought you'd have given up your man-whore ways.  I trusted that you were settled for life and the reasons that I idolized you growing up was that you were a man of your word.  Then again, who wouldn't want a chance at Lacey Daniels?  So many people have been shot down literally and figuratively for even thinking about taking liberties with her.  You had the chance to secure a place in her life when she was on her way up and you blew it.  Isn't that what your problem really is with Orton?  You're jealous that he's the one sharing Lacey's life?  Jealous that he's already done so much and only because of an injury were you able to take a stab at being the number one contender for the SEF title, for however long remains to be seen as you have to get through Lacey this weekend and then you have to face Knox or Lacey again.  You'll never make it to Dogg Daze with your contendership in tact.  First Lacey will soften you up and then you'll be in no condition to face Knox and Lacey in a match to make the final determination.  {she feigns a look of concern} Don't worry Justin, you'll not be alone.  I know that this sneaking around to watch Lacey workout will not look so good to Katana.  She'll leave you soon enough but its Gracie that will be sharing a hospital room, at length with you.  {the camera zooms out to take in the fact she is shiny with sweat and now like rock.  Not chisled like granite, like marble with cool smooth curves accentuating the edge to her muscles} "I am in the best shape of my life.  I think I am in better shape than your beloved mother in the height of her reign carrying six titles at one time.  {she laughs} Yes, I've come to think myself seperate from the family.  Seeing as my own father chose between his own sons, it is only safe to say that he would chose the golden womb of Justin's mom even if it means that he isn't biologically the father of what was produced there.  My family, {she walks seductively to Knox.  She caresses his arm before pressing herself to him vamplike} is my husband, my daughter.  My siblings are bred by fire and married by greatness.  Do I have a brother and a sister?  Yeah, when it comes to sibling rivalry it doesn't exist with us.  There is a hierachy within my siblings and it is achieved by experience.  We had to break our group down to the final four and I have no problem being number four in the SEF Ranking system.  Hell, eventually you may even see something record breaking: a four way tie for the number one spot.  We all have the same agenda and from what I see we can each have an SEF title to decorate our wall and look stunning along with the Dynasty tag team titles.  The SEF Title, the Underground title, the International title, and the television title....true Ares lucked out and defeated Lacey for the television title but we are not worried.  In time, Ares will be eliminated and a member of our family will hold every title SEF has to offer.  Everything is already set up.  Lacey will defeat Justin for the International Title.  Hopefully Chris will return in time to take his rightful spot in the SEF HW Title division.  I'm looking to take Ares on for the television title."

{She pouts up at Knox}

Knox:"Depending on when Chris comes back one of us will take the SEF title and the other the Underground Title.  Lacey and I just have to make sure that the spot remains within our stable and no one else's.  My wife is right we all have the same agenda.  We all want to be the best.  There are plenty of titles in SEF that we can trade back and forth on a whim.  Why?  We don't want to get bored or complacent.  We can't find much competiton outside of each other.  A handful of people on the roster may give us pause but when it comes to it we know that we eliminated the clusterfuck that caused us to be unsuccessful in the past.  The drama and the family fued that brought us here is long gone.  True, we have some issues with other people who have followed similar paths to get where we are today.  We would gladly let it go if the rabble that remains would not be the handful that give us pause."

Dusty:"This is where loving to torture people to make them feel worthy comes in.  Grace is so far up Camaro's ass trying to get into his bed that she's not even looking at this the right way.  I am not in a match with someone that I want to sleep with.  I have my man securely in my bed, {she cuddles up to Knox and pats her left hand on his chest so the wedding set catches the light} "and in my life forever.  Rob Rocco is a tag partner that is going to help me achieve my ultimate goal to destroy the one person who has tried to ruin my life and caused my teenage years to be hellish and feel as unworthy as a fat girl at a supermodel convention.  {my humps plays and she reaches over to pick up a phone} "Hey Lace, I saw the promos.  I think you should probably hire Knox's security firm to keep the paparazzi from sneaking up on you in the bathroom.  You don't want to have some stalker sneak up on you and get all Manson family on you."

Knox:"OH!  That reminds me.  {he takes the phone from his wife} Lacey, I need a favor.  Apparently my dad is a dog and he has more illegitimate kids than there are stars in the sky.  So I have this half sister who....I don't know how to describe it...."

Dusty:"Hot mess comes to mind."

Knox:"Funny....look let me beam you a picture.  My mom says she's not going to take in any more freaking looking spawn my dad has produced after Riot went 5150 as a teenager.  This kid's name is Tate and her mom has this fascination with serial killers and their victims.  Apparently when Manson wouldn't answer her letters she slit her wrists.  {he shakes his head} Hell I don't know, make her reasonable a somewhat normal female.  She can't stand Dusty and fearing my dad is only keeping her in line so she doesn't disrespect my mom.  {He laughs} Yeah, my Dad is like Dee Snider and Freddy Krueger on steroids.  The thing is that the few decent items in her closet are either knockoffs of outfits that you've made famous or your t-shirts.  {he pauses and sends Lacey the pictures} "She's got a forked tongue and a tail but eventually her street cred could come in handy."

kristen_stewart_without_makeup_3_0_0_0x0_400x550.jpg Tate picture by pegasusfeds103d4446b8506c4df0_9e808b7fb6fed19c_o.jpg Tate picture by pegasusfeds10
((This has been an official *Knox and Dusty O'Bannon* Roleplay))

Layout 2003 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED))

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