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the legacy arrives at the arena

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 03:52:23 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:22/08/2010 7:00 PMCopy HTML


inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

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{{The team comes in escorted by Katana's father and his team.  Greg Boone starts to saunter up to them, but takes it easy seeing their all business.  He holds his hands up and in one hand is the name plate that Lacey had engraved with Justin's name on it.}}

Greg Boone:"I come baring gifts."
{The girls roll their eyes.}
Justin:"Did you not hear my earlier comments, Greg?  I said Lacey has nothing I want.  {Greg tosses the name plate to him.  Justin catches it and bends it before tossing it to the ground.  Greg shrinks back at Justin's 6'7" frame} "I am tired of the games and the petty manipulative bullshit.  She is trying to distract me from the goal that I earned.  A right to be in a match to name a new number one contender.  She likes to throw around a claim as to people being jealous of her.  {he turns and pulls Katana up to him} Lacey, be honest with yourself and our fans.  You are the one jealous.  You are jealous because I chose to marry someone that isn't you.  I moved on and you thought you had too until you saw me here.  You saw me with the same goals as you have, being a champion.  You thought you cajole and hint at a relationship that isn't there.  You did nothing but cause doubt in the eyes of my fans, my family, and most importantly my wife.  For that, I could choke you, but I was raised by a man who treats wife beaters as low as pedophiles.  I would love to have seen you try this shit when Katana and I showed up here.  She wasn't pregnant then, which leads me to believe that all you are doing is playing mind games.  You don't want me, you have no lingering feelings over a juvenile romance.  Otherwise you would have made your stand when Katana was more than able to meet you in the ring."

Katana:"Or a parking lot, a back alley..." {Justin smirks as Katana gets fired up} I would love to get my hands on you and despite knowing that I can rip every strand of hair from your skull you forget that I am not as defenseless as you think.  {She smiles} You threw some sick accusations at Maegan but she's more than just Justin's cousin.  She's my best friend and we have been since we were kids.  You screwed up."

Maegan:"All she wanted to do was to throw Justin off of his game plan.  It worked briefly, long enough for Knox and Dusty to swoop in and ensure that Lacey walked out of Extreme with the International title.  He has bigger fish to fry Lacey.  He's moved on, why don't you?  Be single.  Flaunt it if you want, no decent man is willing to waste anytime or effort on you.  If they did, you wouldn't be clinging to being someone's girlfriend who doesn't give a flying fuck about you.  At least pay someone to pretend to care about you, then you wouldn't look so pathetic.  The only way you would look worse is if I owned you in our match tonight and then forced you to tap to the Forever Fox.  It would be naive to think that I am going to own the International Champion because I doubt that it is going to be a one on one match with Lacey.  I doubt she's still able to hang on a match by herself.  In fact, I would like to prove that theory, Lacey. Dogg Daze, a hell in a cell for the International Title Lacey.  Let's see if your not just bluster and a pretty face.  Hell in a Cell where your lap dogs can not interfere and you can not bullshit your way out of it claiming that my husband or cousins will do exactly what history has taught us that Knox and Dusty do everytime you have an important match: interfere.  Put your title where your ego is, honey.  Give me a shot where we can both gurantee that they'll be no interference."
{Katana laughs}
{Katana and Cheyenne are led off by their father and his team.}
Justin:"It would be nice for all of us to have title matches at the ppv.  Shut all the bullshit up that goes around that we are not tough enough to handle the kind of matches that SEF is known for.  Rick isn't going to know what hit him in our match.  Now, Ash, make sure you get in there and join the Underground tournement."
{Justin turns and walks away where Katana is waiting for him a few feet off.}
Ash:"He's right.  I decided that it wouldn't be good for Justin and I to destroy each other for a shot at one title when there is a title that is still yet to crown its first champion. I want in that title hunt.  I'll do just about anything I have to get in that tourney."
{Grace turns to Greg with a smirk}
Grace:"You know I am wondering if Knox and Dusty have even arrived yet.  {Greg shrugs} I do not know whether or not they are even going to show up tonight.  If they don't I can not say that I blame them.  It would be the one time that if they no showed a match that I wouldn't seriously hold it againist them, despite what I said before."
Maegan:"It would make my victory easier to attain if they didn't show up."
Grace:It wouldn't make my record look any better if they didn't show up.  I have one of the best to be a partner againist two of the most notorious figures of my  past.  If I have to go againist them alone, again..."
Ash:"We won't let that happen."
{Grace smiles}
Grace:"Even so, people claim a win is a win.  I don't like when my opponents no show and hand me an empty victory any more than when a partner leaves me hanging in a match.  I don't mind being in a handicap match even if I have to face male opponents like Ares because eventually I will face him for a television title shot.  The sooner the better but I would rather have all side issues out of the way so that I can focus fully on vying for a title.  Of course after both Ares and Lacey have had the title I'm going to have to get it resized because its going to be all stretched out to where I can't wear it.  I am a lot smaller than both of them but even though I enjoy being a girl but I'll fight anyone that is put in front of me."  {She stops as Camaro comes through and motions to them} "Pre-match strategy session.  We are going to destroy the O'Bannons."
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