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Maegan and Ash's first ppv

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 03:58:56 PM

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Date Posted:27/08/2010 5:50 PMCopy HTML

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Maegan & Ash's 1st ppv
Ash/Maegan/Gracie vs Lacey/Knox/Dusty
Multiple time wrestling/martial arts champ. Canadian National Soccer team
had an add moment with this-sorry Lacey!
..x.{{Maegan and Ash are walking, fingers threaded through Jackson Square in New Orleans in the shadow of St. Louis Cathedral.  They pause and look at the Cathedral where they said their "I dos," before heading into the French Quarter.  Ash looks at his watch.}}
Ash:"Are you sure you're not getting hungry?"
{Maegan laughs}
Maegan:"You just want to go to Acme's."
{Ash grins and raises his eyebrows suggestively}
Ash:"Who me?"
{Maegan swats him}
Maegan:"We've been married for almost three years, you should know that you do not have to ply me with Oysters to get me into bed."
{Ash chuckles}
Ash:"You don't have to eat oysters..."
{Maegan shakes her head}
Maegan:"It's kind of stupid to go to Acme's and not eat oysters. It's almost blasphemous to eat anything else."
Ash:"Well, I did get up early and go to Cafe Du Monde and eat beignets and drink coffee with you this morning."
Maegan:"You gagged and spit the chicory all over the sidewalk!"
Ash:"You didn't tell me they were going to filter your coffee with sand!"
{Maegan laughs}
Maegan:"It's herbs and I can't believe you made such a production of it."  {Ash grins}  "I can't believe you.  {She shakes her head and then wags her finger at him} You deserve to be punished."
Ash:"Acme's then?"
{Maegan starts to say something but sees a news crew from WNOE New Orleans.  She places a hand over Ash's mouth to keep him from asking her what's wrong but its to late and they've been spotted.  The reporter does the build up on how the two of them are teaming with Maegan's cousin Gracie Payne againist Lacey Daniels, Knox and Dusty O'Bannon, who is related to them.  Maegan glances away briefly to sigh.  Then back as the microphone is thrust into their face}
Reporter:"Any thoughts and where's Gracie?"
Maegan:"Gracie is visiting her mother..."
Reporter:"That would be lawyer and sports agent Kristin Fox-Rodgers?"
Maegan:"Yes, that's her name...."
Reporter:"Is she getting any pointers from her mother on facing her step-sister Dusty O'Bannon?"
Maegan:"Antything is possible.  I want to face them in a cage but we didn't get our request in to management in time.  It's the only way that they are not going to try to jump us in our one on one encounters."
Ash:"They have formed their own little family unit."
Maegan:"It's a family of convenience.  Lacey claims I gave up on her when she needed a friend the most.  It's a poor pitiful me sydrome.  She wants the whole world to revolve around her and when someone else gets some sort of spotlight and its not her, she throws a tantrum like a spoiled child.  She's angry that I chose to accept the postion to play soccer all over Canada and later the World and left her behind.  She and Nattie start to fall out because her dad takes her to Japan with him and she gets a chance to wrestle over there.  Oh boohoo poor Lacey, Bret made you actually train your ass off and you want to bemoan your youth where you weren't the center of attention but also rub everyones nose in it that you got to train with him. La di freakin' da!  You can't have it both ways, Lacey!"
Ash:"Lacey wants to pretend that she's a victim but she's just some chick who'd be better off in one of those soaps my grandmother used to watch.  You tried to get Justin and showed you that your games were nothing but bullshit.  I'm begining to think that overall you might just be full of shit all the way around, Lacey.  I don't see how Knox doesn't see it.  He used to be really good about detecting bullshit and loathed anyone who tried to infuse bullshit into anything that he was involved in.  Now he's standing back and watching the games that his wife and 'sister' are playing.  I don't even understand how sick you have to be to send a Playboy magazine and a pair of panties to your older brother even if you claim its from one of his ex-girlfriends.  It is still kind of sick.  I wondered where Lacey got the sick notion that Maegan wanted to have a special place in Justin's heart.  He does have a special place for Maegan in his heart and that is of a favorite cousin.  Dusty probably suggested this to you because she had the idea herself."
Maegan:"She is seriously deranged.  I have my own husband," {she snuggles with Ash} "It makes me wonder why and how she became so deranged. I know that she is and always has been jealous of Gracie.  She may have even been jealous of how close I was to my Aunt Kristin.  She was always trying to be up her butt, right behind.  Not really trying to learn anything that she had to teach like her sisters or I was.  More like a Stalker.  It was creepy but my Aunt Kristin has a lot of patience for children."
{Ash snickers}
Ash:"I'd hope so she's got enough!"
{Maegan gives him a cross look}
Maegan:"And not all of them are her's in case you forgot."
Ash:"Trust me, I know."  {He looks grim for a minute, thinking} "Jagger is remotely normal.  {he stops}  I think she's just an abnormality.  She was so filled with hate with Grace that everything was so distorted in her mind.  Now she has Lacey to manipulate her and to drive her.."
Maegan:"drive her madness to a fever pitch.  We know what we are facing.  Three people who do not care about technicalities.  As long as the first line of the record books says they won, then they are so supremely confident that no one will look to see if it was by submission, pinfall, dq, or interference.  They are so arrogant that they have decided that they no longer need the training or the lessons that got them here.  They have fallen to mass hysteria that their gang mentality is always going to give them the upper hand.  What happens when they are all trapped within a cage with three people who no longer care about their personal safety and only thirst for revenge?  We may not have our Hell in a Cell match but a it is bound to happen.  They have had us divided and conquered before now.  Now they have us all at  once.  Lacey right now is concerned with getting some kind of ring and having a little romantic time with herself.  {smirk}  One can only assume that Chris Orton sent it to her as a way of making people think that he cares about anyone other than himself, much like Lacey who only cares about herself.
Ash:"She probably bought it and sent it to herself."
{Maegan laughs}
Maegan:"I didn't think of that but it is likely that she'd be so concerned with trying to claim that she is happy in her relationship with Orton and that it is not suffering.  So she can try to cover her ass with the flirtation with Justin and her attempts at making him look unfaithful while Dusty tried further manipulate the situation.  Now that Justin has put his foot down about the games, a ring suddenly shows up, mysteriously for Lacey? I don't buy it."
Ash:"I don't either.  If you were going to give your girl a ring why not show up and do it yourself?  You can get enough time to hide from the cameras to have private time."
Maegan:"Who do they think they are Brad and Angelina?  They still have time to make and adopt babies without being on camera all of the time.  Hell Gene Simmons and Dee Snider have reality shows and they are seen sitting on the toilet or whatever.  I'm sure more people would watch them if they got to see some of these reality stars naked.  {Ash frowns and appears to be thinking.  She pops him on the shoulder he looks away grinning} "Lacey, I see through your ruse.  Tryinig to make the world forget the last few weeks were you tried to get Justin to leave Katana for you.  {shakes her head} Lacey, did you study Public Relations?  Are you trying to be your own spin doctor?  {she smiles and then turns to Ash} You know, I think I am hungry now.  Talking about Lacey has grown boring and talking about beating Dusty has caused me to work up an appetite."x..
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