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The Breakdown for Dogg Daze

Started by Johnny Camaro, October 02, 2023, 04:04:11 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:28/08/2010 12:13 AMCopy HTML

Warning: The following that you are about to witness may leave you brain dead if you cannot handle the violent content that you are about to read. If you cannot handle it, please do go back or hit the "x" button on the right hand corner of the screen. For those that can handle, please go on but if you fail to read the warning or your brain explodes, you can expect people to spit on your corpse before it is buries. Read on and have a nice day. 

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Dogg Daze BreakdownNikky Venom/Shane Mack,Diamond Dogg,Johnny Camaro, The Triad.The Infection/Diamond Dogg, The Triadvs. Th3 Tr15dInternational, US&Tag Team ChampionI have learned that if you do this kind of shit it gets you a match. Then again that is for the indies.

4 months. 4 long months have past since Nikky has even thought about Wrestling, let alone stepping into the ring. It was only when Johnny Camaro phoned him has he even watched SEF. At first he rejected what Johnny offered but with the thought of wrestling now implanted into Nikky's head he finally watched SEF. It just happened to be SEF's recap show to which he watched. He saw Mack quit, he saw an asshole be the one to beat him. He saw his best friend Johnny Camaro continuely come out and defend SEF from the assholes. So Nikky knew he had to come back and take down the Triad with Camaro and Justin. So he came back and attacked the Triad, he faught and it felt natural. It felt like he never left, and reuniting The Infection was perfect. It should have happened when Johnny came back. What was the aftermath of his attack on the Triad? Well, they pretended it never happened and SEF thought, Fuck I think we have a good enough card. But is it truely good enough? Of course not, The Infection should be fighting Rob Rocco and Thor! How they dropped the ball on that one I will never know, but they did and it pisses me off. The match of the year is denied from the Dogg Daze card. What the hell? The show stealing match of the card isn't even put on the pay-per-view card? That's fucked up.

So there is the Dog Chain match with Ares and Diamond Dogg. Nikky and Dogg go along way back and have stolen many a show together, there is one reason for that, because they hate each other with every fiber of thier beings. That made them fight harder than they normally would. They made each other push themselves past their limits. But Dogg left and this feud was never finished. It still remains lingering in each other. Dogg may have hidden it away but he truely hates Nikky. Having said that, Nikky respects Diamond Dogg and I'm sure the feeling mutual. Then again, Diamond Dogg might still be the same asshole he was before. Who knows? 

Then there is a match to see who gets to figt for the World title on the next episode of Extreme. Thanks for adding Nikky in jerks. No but seriously, he would have turned the match down anyway, but the thought is what counts. At least give me the option. That would have been appreciated. But I digress. In that match there is a couple bastards and a few classy guys. People like Ash Silva are the classy guys, and people like Knox O'Bannon are the bastards. They are their just to fuck people up the rectum.

Then there is the Main Event, Rick Reynolds verse Justin Rodgers. That match will be a piece of shit. There is only one good wrestler in that match. Justin is that wrestler. Reynolds has been doing nothing but hiding behind his crotch-stuffing losers. I haven't seen his match against Shane Mack but I'm sure there was some interference involved. So my prediction is pretty clear. Justin will get so close to winning but will eventually get raped out of the win by the rest of the fuckheads in Triad. Wait! Stop the presses! I have an awesome idea. What if we stop that from happening by having a tag team match involving the Triad and The Infection! Nikky Venom and Johnny Camaro verses Rob Rocco and Thor, or whatever that fuckheads name is. But it needs a special stipulation. What about if The Infection wins then Triad will be evicted from this arena, and if Triad pulls one out of their asses then we will leave SEF forever. They can do whatever they want and we will leave. Sounds pretty good. I forgot to mention something, if The Infection wins and Triad steps foot on the property of the arena then Justin will be given the World Title. So SEF, what will it be. Will you allow Triad to fuck Justin Rodgers over or will you let The Infection do what they do best?

That is the pay-per-view breakdown. Infectionless for the moment but not for long. Whether they get the match or not, Triad will be unable to help Reynolds. Hell, they won't be able to walk anywhere.SEF, you known what to do

Disclaimer: This layout is a freebie made by Blaze Inferno for the use of anyone. If you are found claiming this as your own, your fingers will be cut off and be fed to the dogs. This layout does not sponsor any real life events or people. It is just a mere concidence. 


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