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Extreme gets more extreme? (promo 1)

Started by Johnny Camaro, October 02, 2023, 04:42:36 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:04/09/2010 12:52 PMCopy HTML

Save Me is playing through the arena and Johnny Camaro is standing in the middle of the ring with his entrance attire on. The crowd is lively as he stands there. Johnny signals for them to cut the music and for the crowd to quiet down.

"The Dogg Daze pay-per-view, most of it went off without any fuck ups. Then came the Main Event, Rick Reynolds told his two bitches, Rob Rocco and Thor, to come out and hand him the win. That plan was fucked up by The Infection. We evened the odds and helped as security for that match. Though we weren't supposed to be, we were ready as security to make sure that The Traid didn't fuck things up. To be honest, they didn't. We had everything under control, then Chris Orton made his big return!

The crowd starts to boo for the mention of Orton's name.

"Chris came out and fucked over Justin Rodgers, after I went to the back one thing came to my mind. At least when I came back, I wasn't bitter about not being at the top. When he was at the top everyone cheered him, then he lost to Mack and got all bitter. This week, I have the chance to make Chris even more bitter as I will send him straight to the bottom of the roster. When it's all said and done, I will have my hand raised and Chris will just keep falling. Chris, I know you're watching right now, so I will be the bigger man and not degrade you, I won't play you down as a rookie worker. Instead I will give you some advice, a little tid-bit of information from what I learned when I returned. You've got to stop expecting to be on the top. It doesn't matter how many times you've reached the top, you won't get a free ride back up because you were once there. Start from the bottom and earn your way back up like when you debuted here.

Now that I have that done with, there is someone who I will degrade. That man is Rick Reynolds. He has proven that he can't do anything around here without his bitches beside him. When there is even a slight challenge, he doesn't man up and fight, he hides behind Rocco and Thor. Rick, you are nothing more then a coward, a bitch, and a Chris Jericho wannabe. You try so hard to achieve that too, you've had people help you retain your belt for you, you spew what you call The Truth but what everyone else reckonizes as shit. Reynolds, I admit, you've pretty much have Jericho's microphone ability down, but it's the in-ring ability you haven't shown me yet. That needs tio change, so I propose a match. A World Title Match, a match where if anyone interfers to help you, I automatically get the title, a match where one of us will not leave alive. I think Mack and I have had a match sort of like that. I think it was called...Japanese Deathmatch?"

The crowd pops for that match being mentioned.

"Well actually, there was not a stipulation where if anyone helps you I'd get the title but lets add that in ourselves. You claim to be so great, prove it in this match. Reach into your pants, find your balls and except this match!"

The crowd pops louder because they believe they will see a Japanese Deathmatch. Save Me hits again and Johnny drops the mic and heads to the back.
Made by Phoenix Media Productions. No stealing. kthxbai.


Taylor Andrews

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Re:Extreme gets more extreme? (promo 1)
Date Posted:04/09/2010 1:31 PMCopy HTML

Skrew's King Of The Hole plays now stopping Johnny in the aisle and the SEFTron lights up showing Rick Reynolds as the crowd is booing him. All we see is his face and a sneer as he looks out and says.

First of all you incredibly anti intellectual, you have me pegged entirely wrong for all you can do is compare me to someone else, to Chris Jericho and while I appreciate the compliment as he is a great wrestler, but I m better than him, you, and every single wrestler in this entire world!

Loud boos fill the arena now and Rick just gets a smirk now, a cocky smirk and says.

You think I care if what I say is viewed as true or bullshit by you or anyone else? No Johnny, it doesn't matter what you or anyone thinks of what I say because all that matters is what I do and if you and I ever had a match together you would end up where Justin is at now, off the card for the next week and who knows how much longer. I beat him down and need no one else, but since you and the clowns ran down to try and cost me my title, I had backup waiting.

More boos from the crowd and Rick just ignores them and says.

As for your proposed match, your calling out of the World Champion, its pathetic much like you are. You can barely get a rise out of these people without dropping Mack's name or the Deathmatch, your weak and worthless and a waste of my time even now, so you don't deserve a match against me because you have never done shit to earn one. Shane Mack may have decided to give you a few shots, but that's because he'd give anyone a shot who wanted it, who challenged him. Like I said after I beat him and sent Mack packing.

Loud boos for that statement and Rick just sneers again and says.

As I said before, the days of making a challenge and getting it accepted for the World Title are gone. I don't have to wrestle anyone because I have nothing to prove to anyone in SEF, especially some bitch like yourself who can't get how this business works in the first place. Why would I lower myself to having to carry you? If Mack ever comes back, he can go back to carrying dead weight like you and the rest of the roster while I continue to reign dominance over this entire company!

Loud boos still are heard as Rick just smirks and says.

I tell ya what Johnny, since in reality its you who has yet to prove your ability in this company whether its on the mic or in the ring, then you do just that, you prove your abilities and earn a shot at me cause so far in SEF you have yet to earn anything except a moniker as Most Worthless Wrestler Ever to go along with your real name, Johnny Poser!

Rick laughs now and the crowd boos him, though some laugh at the name and then the tron fades out leaving Johnny to think about what was said while King Of The Hole plays again.

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