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Maegan and Ash

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 07:48:53 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:04/10/2010 11:21 PMCopy HTML

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Maegan20Fox20Banner.jpg Maegan Fox picture by pegasusfeds10
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Maegan and Ash
Maegan vs Drake Sage/ Jericho/Rob Rocco
Multiple time wrestling/martial arts champ. Canadian National Soccer team
Maegan's second and Ash's third promo
..x.{{We open somewhere, not sure until we pull back.  It's a high bank over looking Lake Pontchetrain.  We turn and focus on a huge plantation, Oak Alley in Vacherie to be exact.  It's isolated in the middle of nowhere and it can be seen through the trees, but only partially.  When we continue our loop we see someone, a blond woman running towards the camera.  She's dressed in a fitted babytee, white short shorts, sneakers, and sunglasses.  Her long blond hair is in a pony tail and its swinging behind her.  A black strap around her bicep has ear buds trailing from it.  As she gets closer we can see that its a red and black shirt that reads #8 Foxy.  As the runner gets closer we can see that its obviously Maegan Fox-Silva.  She slows and jogs in places a bit.  She finally stops, stretches out her legs.  The camera person's arm reaches out with a bottle of Kentwood water.  Maegan unscews the cap and takes a really long drink.  She then removes an Ipod from the sports holder, turns it off, and then loops the black ear buds around her neck}}

Maegan:"Yeah, I'm training even though I'm staying at a Bed and Breakfast.  It's not a romantic thing really, just Spooky....{male chuckle behind the camera} that's what we call Justin during October when he seems possessed with all things haunted and weird, has decided that to plan his 23rd haunted birthday week that he must be in a place that the ghost hunters from SY FY channel has deemed haunted.  Usually we are at the Myrtles but Matt said we needed isolation to train properly so.....whatever....There is nothing but dirt, bayou, this huge ass levy and {she gestures off towards the water} Lake Pontchatrain.  Climbing this damn thing is a great warm up, {she grins} "so yes, some people thought that I was being lazy or worse arrogant like I was ignoring my opponents for this week's Extreme.  I'm not and I wasn't.  I just didn't check it after the original came out.  In my defense, I was further distracted by the fact that my twin, sister-in-law, and baby sister showed up.  I know that is no excuse when I have the opponents that I do.  Since Drake Sage and Rob Rocco plan to be working together and since Jericho is so disheartened by everything then it seems I'm at a disadvantage.  Although I did do some research.  Apparently, the story with the Jericho boys is that they were abandoned and adopted by Ted, Y2J's father when they were babies.  {she shrugs} Okay, I didn't believe they were biological anyway.  It doesn't matter to me.  I have a cousin-in-law who claims to be DH Smith's older sister.  It doesn't matter.  It's not like the famous sibling is going to come to SEF to wrestle their matches for them.  So I'm glad that Cody and Shane are doing their best to wrestle their matches without bringing up the affiliation such as it is.  Now as for what Rob and Drake discussed.  {she removes her sunglasses and raises her eyebrow in disgust} "The ONLY man who is going to take me out after the show and have their way with me is my husband, Ash Silva!!  Who I believe is going to leave with the SEF HW title!  After I win this match, I'll be looking to challenge Rob for the televison title so I can knock those ideas about me right out of his squat little body.  {we hear some metal clank.  the camera wobbles a bit, Maegan helps steady it.}  Fed up?"

{Once the camera is focused, Ash comes around the camera.  He is wearing a black bandana, a black shirt with blue writing that says 'Jesus didn't tap,' and black and blue shorts.  A pair of black wraparound sunglasses are hanging from his shirt.  He is pissed}

        Ash Silva:"The DC isn't going to be so happy in a few days.  There are changes happening in SEF right under their nose that they aren't going to agree with.  First off, Maegan's MINE!  {He holds up her left hand to show her wedding set, he moves it a bit and you can see 'Ash' inked on her hand.}  In her match with you Drake and Rob, I'll be at ringside to make sure that the two of you ass wipes don't get any funny ideas!  I could give a fuck if Drake wants to jump into bed with you, Rob and any or all of the bitches you run with.  Maegan won't!  She arrived with me and she'll be leaving with me!  She has the skills to beat you and I have no doubt she could given the right stipulations.  Other than that, {his eyes narrow and he smirks}  she'll be in line for a shot for the t.v. title.  It would be nice to close the year out as the heavyweight champion, married to the television champ.  I bet that hasn't been done, two champs married to each other since Mack and Whitney were ruling the wrestling world as we know it!  Rick Reynolds, you think I haven't earned anything.  There are a lot of things that I have earned.  I have earned varying success in different martial arts forms.  I've earned the love of this sexy thing, {he wraps an arm around Maegan's waist pulling her close, causing her to giggle} right here.  I earned the victory in a match to earn a title shot for the SEF heavyweight title.  You have the experience in matches such as these.  {there is some commotion and then Justin, Rage, and Grace come into view. He laughs} You even pegged it, Justin is a bitch.  Maybe not my bitch like you claim, a bitch neverless."

Justin:"Fuck you."

{Ash inclined his head towards Maegan even though Justin, Gracie, and Rage are jogging off in the opposite direction.}

Ash:"I got that covered, thanks.  Reynolds is the one who pegged you in that category.  Heh, he beat you by hook or by crook and now thinks that I'm not worthy.  It's true, I'm about as out of place in wrestling as all these wrestlers jumping into MMA...except for Bobby Lashley.  He's bad ass in any sport!  {he then focuses back on the camera} Then again, he's not facing guys like Chuck Liddel or Randy Couture. {he snickers} No, before you start thinking it I'm not claiming any family ties with Wanderlei Silva.  In case you didn't notice, he's black and I'm Italian.  Neither of us are legends, Reynolds, no matter how much you may try to claim differently, as if you've done enough to stake claim on 'future legend' status.  I plan on giving you the toughest title defense that you've had yet."
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