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I'm going to hurt him bad!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, October 02, 2023, 07:56:02 PM

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Date Posted:06/10/2010 10:50 AMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
I'm going to hurt him bad!
  Johnny Camaro, Lacey Daniels
Here my roleplay #2
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
"Extreme" returns to a commercial break, and Chris Orton & Lacey Daniels watching Johnny Camaro interview, so Orton started talking

Chris Orton: I'm going to hurt him bad!

Lacey Daniels: He has no idea what he in for babe!

Chris Orton: I think I will get people attention by putting him down in that ring later on tonight.

Lacey Daniels: I think he hasn't prove anything in that interview just running his mouth like he better than you.

Chris Orton: If people are sick and tired of me maybe I'll give them something to remember like my foot breaking his jaw into pieces.

Lacey Daniels: Johnny Camaro going to be in the hostipal when you are done with him.

Chris Orton: They said one of us will be moving up, so I'm going to make sure that is me not him.

Lacey Daniels: You should have been moving up since you return, but I guess you have prove yourself like you really need to.

Chris Orton: Well, SEF management thinks I need to prove something in this match against Johnny Camaro I'll give it to them, and I will move on to top of this company.

Lacey Daniels: I agree babe!

Chris Orton & Lacey Daniels start making out, and "Extreme" went to a commerical break.

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