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Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 09:21:25 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:19/10/2010 3:28 PMCopy HTML


inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

|| Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~none yet|| MComments ~ Chaotic is well chaotic
{We open on two young guys walking into the New Orleans office of FFE.  One of the guys, the one with the blondest hair is dressed in a white button down shirt, black slacks, black cowboy boots, and mirrored sunglasses.  The other has Ash blond hair and bright blue eyes.  He is dressed in jeans, a black polo shirt that has a yellow and white Fleur De Lis (the Saints logo), a black pinstripe fedora, and black wing tip shoes.  The one with the Ash blond hair and killer blue eyes looks extremely happy to be in the Crecent City.}

"Smell the air, man!  Cayenne Pepper,"

{The other guy grimaces}

"All I smell is the water and the mold."

"No you just fucking didn't, Jake!  This is my home town!  I have never talked shit about Dallas, even when that bastard Romo ran rough shod all over my boys last year and handing them one of the three defeats that they had all season when Romo had a piss poor season and was to concerned with fucking around with that ditz Jessica Simpson rather than do his fucking job!"

Jake O'Bannon:"Why do you always got to get hostile whenever someone doesn't love this damn place as much as you, Lance?  Is it because you are a conspiracy nut who thinks that the government wanted to screw over the poor people in the city?"

Lance Boudreaux:"Fuck you, Jake!  It has nothing to do with a fucking conspiracy!  It's October 2010!  Hurricane Katrina hit NOLA in August 2005 and you haven't seen shit!  All you see is that the touristy places like Bourbon Street and The Garden District is all fixed up like new.  You didn't tour the 9th Ward after the all clear sounded!  You didn't help with the clean up and you damn sure didn't come work with the Bayou Habitat when we started rebuilding the city.  {shake his head}  My parents, Josh and Kristin, Jen and Shawn, all came.  All of the Foxes showed up to help rebuild this historic city!  This mega rich family with ties to the British government comes to help.  Gets dirty with the rest of us.  Although it was damn funny to see Kristin trying to swing a hammer.  I don't think she's ever held one before!  Doesn't matter.  They showed up to help while Jen went to Our Lady Of Lourdes to help relieve the weary doctors who rode up the storm to protect the patients that couldn't be moved."

Jake O'Bannon:"Get off your soap box, Lance!"

"He's right though.  My family did show up."

{They turn and see Matt Fox}

Jake O'Bannon:"Well excuse me for not going AWOL, hijacking a c-130, which I'm not qualified to fly, and try to land it at Lackland, and drive back to Dallas without getting caught for being an Iraqi Freedom deserter!"

Matt:"Give him a break Lance, he had barely landed by the time any serious clean up started, much less decompressed."

{Lance takes a breath}

Lance:"He doesn't understand."

Matt:"Maybe he doesn't, but that is no reason to jump down his throat because he was deployed at the time.  At least he got out before Knox warped him."

{Jake looked away.  His cousin had been his commanding sargeant.}

Jake:"I did see all kinds of destruction.  I saw parents use their children, mainly their daughters, as distraction so they could ambush us.  Their male children, often used as suicide bombers as young as six.  Forgive me for defending my country againist those bastards who were in bed with people who killed my godfather."

{Matt Fox just lets that hang in the air as Matt DeSantos was killed in the Gulf War.}

Lance:"Matt was my godfather too."

{Matt Fox clears his throat}

Matt Fox:"Why don't we focus on a happier subject?  I mean you guys are not related to me. I can use you guys as the standard bearers for tag teams without being sued for nepotism."

{Lance rolls his eyes}

Lance:"Like my sisters didn't grow up with your sister."

{Matt chuckles}

Matt Fox:"Speaking of which, Emma is going to be conducted your Wildside interview."

Jake:"Seriously?  You are going to feed her to the wolves?"

Matt Fox:"Hell no!  We got Danika for that!  She can handle it if guys get to friendly but Emma still a kid."

Lance:"I'll handle anyone who messes with either of them."

{Jake turns to him}

Jake:"Got feelings for Danika?"

Lance:"No.  She's a fellow Cajun.  We went to school together at Desalle."

{Matt reaches for the I-phone clipped to his waist.  He sends a text.  A few minutes later, his little sister shows up.}

{Emma walks up and gives Lance a hug}

Emma:"How's Aria like St. Mary's?  I haven't gotten to talk to her since we've both been so busy."

Lance:"She likes it.  She's in the dorm that Mom was in when she was there."

Emma:"She loves having a mom so young."

Lance:"Well Mia doesn't think so.  {he cringes} A lot of her male friends think she's hot."

Emma:"Well she is pretty."

Jake:"I thought we were going to talk about the tag team turmoil match?"

{Emma glances back at her big brother who has his arms crossed across his chest and his eyebrow raised.}

Emma:"You look so much like Daddy when you do that.  {she turns and gives a nervous giggle} I didn't..."

{A woman sighs.  We turn and see Danika Landry dressed in khakis and a Saints jersey over a white blouse.  She has a cordless microphone.  She hands the microphone to Emma.}

Danika:"Taryn said you left so fast that you left everything."

{She waves at everyone and see and Matt leave.  Emma takes a deep breath and turns to Chaotic}

Emma:"Well, as the camera crew has probably already recorded the relationship between the two of you is chaotic so we know why you two are Chaotic.  Although, I idolize my big sister so I watch anything and everything that concerns Maegan.  It seems that you Jake are a big fan of Lacey Daniels?"

{Emma frowns and gives Jake an annoyed look}

  Jake:"Like no one in your family is, kid?  Hell, your cousin used to bang the shit out..."

Lance:"Language, she still a kid!"

Jake:"Then maybe she shouldn't be in this business!  In case you have had your head so far up Drew Brees' ass that you haven't paid attention FFE is a brand within the SEF.  There are no privacy and no rules on language or attitude here.  There are things that have been shown on t.v. that would have, {he pauses} Katie would have hated it!  {emma chews on her lip}  You know what?  {He grabs the microphone from her}  "Get out of here, kid, this is no place for you."

Emma:"Matt said..."

Jake:"Matt doesn't control SEF.  Viper moderates what goes on there and since you aren't ready, then you should not be here.  Scoot."

Lance:"Yeah, you probably should."

Emma:"I'm 18 and I know that Justin had sex with Lacey Daniels. It's not like it was a big secret.  So shut up before I have Maegan and Gracie kick your ass for treating me like a baby."

{Lance bursts out laughing}

Lance:"Oh yeah, she's related to Maegan and Kristin.  Katie would never have taken that tone with a man."

Jake:"Okay, whatever.  Don't say I didn't warn you!  People screw with just about everyone here.  If I think Lacey is hot and I have a poster of her in my bedroom is no one's business but my own.  How Lacey got that information?  Probably my cousin or his bitch ratted me out.  I had a lot of them in the desert.  Everyone has their own rhyme or reason as to why they are fighting for freedom.  The last thing I wanted was for guys to fuck with me because I was second gen!  So what's wrong with fighting so that women could dress like they want and show all of their hotness whenever they wanted?  {he smirks}  Although I did say that I sure as hell would have made it known that a woman like Lacey belonged to me long before Orton did.  Selfish bastard.  He doesn't realize what he almost lost.  If Justin would have followed the zip code rule then he would have lost her.  It's why Orton couldn't deal.  He knows that Justin would have scammed his tail right out from under him.  What kind of man just ignores something like that for any reason?  I'm going to remind Lacey just what kind of man that Texas produces.  {he glances at Lance and smirks}  You know they say everything's bigger in Texas."

{Lance rolls his eyes}

Lance:"Yeah, yeah, whatever and guys from Lousiana are cajun gentlemen.  I guess that's why my dad sweet talked a model right out of trying to get into HBK's bed.  {he shakes his head}  You are more concerned with getting your hands on Lacey, rather than winning the tag titles."

{Jake smirks}

Jake:"Oh, I would love to be a champ again, but its secondary to busting Knox's melon open and copping a feel on Lacey's fine ass!  A man has to have his priorities."

Lance:"You know copping a feel on Lacey will piss Knox off since he has assimilated her into this new family that he's creating."

Jake:"Fuck his new family.  His dad practically starved to death so my dad and his aunt and uncle, my cousins could eat.  His dad is more of a real family man than that bastard could ever hope to be.  He's nothing but a dog turd and I'll make him regret this whole new family shit." 
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