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universal6 star tag team

talking to Matt

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 09:53:40 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:22/10/2010 9:26 PMCopy HTML

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inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

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{Justin has his I-phone to his ear}

Justin:"You know I know what a jilted chick feels like now.  I've lost count on how many of these damn voice mails, I've left for you, Camaro.  Dude, the pay per view is Sunday, and its six days shy of Wildside.  Sara's on my ass to make sure that Matt's first show goes off without a hitch.  Matt's coming out of retirement and I'm going to talk to him about reforming the Enforcers.  It'll be fun.  Hit me back."

{He knocks on the door and goes in.  He sees Matt pacing back and forth.  Tao and Milan are bitching in their native languages at him.  Matt seems to be oblivious to the Cantonese and Portugese being yelled in his general direction. He looks between the three of them.  He frowns.  Justin doesn't know if he should interupt the two slightly intimidating of his sisters-in-law.  Tao turns to him and crosses her arms}


{Justin holds his hands up defensively}

Justin:"Whatever it is and if it has to do with Matt.  This time I don't have anything to do with it."

{Milan turns to him}

Milan:"Oh right.  Like your fued with Orton and Knox didn't falter when Ash decided that it was petty shit."

Justin:"Most of it is petty shit, but do you not see who keeps bringing it up?"

Tao:"You're not helping any.  We saw your promo.  In fact, we all did.  That's why we are bitching at Matthew."

Milan:"Yeah, so it is your fault.  Matt's considering what you said in your promo."

Justin:"I didn't say anything that would concern the two of you."

Tao:"Yes it does.  He's considering pulling Camaro from the tag team turmoil and putting himself in his place."

Matt:"Camaro does best as a singles wrestler or teamed with Nikky Venom.  Oh, he can team with most anyone and have a fairly decent showing but..."

{Justin hides a smirk}

Justin:"The Enforcers held gold....a lot of gold."

Tao:"We made the card already.  Changing the card just to put Matt in is wrong.  It's favoritism."

Matt:"I'm not saying that I have to be put in the tag team turmoil, Maegan would have a fit if Justin and I suddenly booked ourselves in it after we've had announced the card so long ago and she and Gracie have worked so hard."

Justin:"They have the Dynasty Diva tag titles and Viper booked those.  {He shoots a sidelong look at Matt} Two tag team championships...."

Tao:"No way."

Matt:"This is why I have you and Milan handling the title decisions.  IF the Enforcers reform it would be an SEF tag team."

Justin:"The Dynasty Diva titles are the only ones there."

Matt:"They don't have to be."

Tao:"Get over it." 
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

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