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universal6 star tag team

The Champs speak (Wildside Promo)

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 10:06:42 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:22/10/2010 10:52 PMCopy HTML


The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

_xx.%The Fighting Foxes%.xx_

{The Fighting Foxes are sitting in a very nice locker room with plush carpets and overstuffed furniture.  As we come into the room we realize that there are not just two female Foxes in the room.  Maegan has a beautifully redone tag title in her lap and Gracie has it on the arm of her over stuffed chair.}
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{The titles are retooled in red leather and gold plating.  Sitting on the couch near Maegan is Sara Taylor-Fox.  A pretty lithe blond with bright blue eyes, quick smile, and dimples in both cheeks.  All three girls are wearing Fighting Foxes "Violent Vixen" t-shirts and hip hugging Apple Bottom blue jeans.}

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Sara Taylor-Fox:"Matt coming out of retirement.  Interesting how discussing taking on Knox has now become the reformation of The Enforcers."

Maegan:"Heh, what are we teenagers again?"

Grace:"Look who's talking."

Maegan:"It's okay, hun.  We were just making a joke about how that was their team name when we were younger.  Not any reflection on your only being 20."

Sara Taylor-Fox:"It's just that when I told him that I didn't have a problem facing Knox, I never dreamed that he would come out of retirement completely.  Then again, I don't see any problem with that either.  I was trying to decide if I was going to wrestle here myself.  I just might.  If he and Justin reform, then we may as well reform the Vixens."

Maegan:"If you and Matt wrestle here then Jagger and Journey will come over here, even if Jagger can't defend his title here."

Gracie:"Dusty will complain if Journey teams with us, claiming she has no right to be with us because she's not a Fox."

Sara:"That's why we'd be the Vixens.  We did that in Global Stampede last year.  Journey really stepped up her game and she really was a driving force with her own sisterly group.  Then we merged our two factions, calling ourselves simply The Violent Vixens rather than the Foxes or what name were they using?"

Gracie:"Please tell me it wasn't Pretty Mean Sisters."

{Sara and Maegan laugh}

Maegan:"No, but technically they could have been.  I mean they are really sisters and all.  I think they were International Incident or something.  It played really well since TNA was doing an all male international faction, Global Elite."

Sara:"Mia had begged them to call themselves Sisters of Mass Destruction."

Gracie:"Oh, right and my Dad would have had an anuerysm."

{They look up as they see Danika has had a camcorder on them the entire time.  They look at each other and burst out laughing}

Maegan:"A little history lesson from the champs!"

Gracie:"The ruling parties of FFE, Milan and Tao are more than capable of handling any problem thrown their way..."

Sara:"Unless it's my husband..."

Gracie:"Or my big brother..."

Maegan:"I know that Matt and Justin are going to be putting their heads together.  We still want to be fighting champions, like our name implies, we are The Fighting Foxes....all three of us.  By genetics or marriage, {Maegan gestures to the cute older blond next to her} "Let me officially introduce my sister in law, Sara Taylor-Fox.  She was an unofficial member of this family for several years before she and Matt made it official in December of 2007.  She trained with my mom and Gracie's mom growing up.  {She smirks} She's also the reason why most of us chose Duke University instead of my mom's beloved U Of Michigan at Ann Arbor..."

Gracie:"Or my mom's beloved LSU."
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{Sara smiles, pulls her knees, up to rest her arms on her knees, and her head on her arms}

Sara:"All that aside, this time is about the two of you and the tag team turmoil at Wildside.  You two are the champs going into a new brand's tag team championship division.  So don't think that I am going to take it easy on you since I'm the ref, remember, Matt and Justin could be in this match too.....{she rolls her eyes} God Forbid.  I have to be unbiased.  So, {she unfolds herself from the couch, and gets up} I will go seperate Tao and Milan from killing Matt and Justin while you guys take care of this."

{Maegan and Grace look at each other and then get up, flip their titles over their shoulders, and saunter over to the camera}

Danika:"Did I hear her right?  She's the special guest ref for the tag team turmoil?"


Gracie:"She couldn't have dropped that bombshell in private?"

Maegan:"It only changes one thing.  The Beautiful Bytches will think twice before trying to bully their way into controlling everything.  If Lacey every learned one thing from her one time face to face confrontation with Sara is that Sara will tell you to your face if she has a problem with you and if she doesn't then that it.  She'll ignore you, unless you call her out directly or you pick on someone defenseless..."

Gracie:"You know, {she sighs and brushes her golden hair back}  "This must be what Matt meant when he was changing things around.  Gabby and Emma want a chance to state their independence but for Emma to be the new ring announcer and now suddenly Sara is the special guest referee?  {she shrugs}  I guess that means that we will be babysitting Gabby while trying to defend our titles."

Maegan:"No.  I think Gabby wants to wrestle so that's why she's training with Matt.  She may open the first show againist someone."

Gracie:"I thought everyone was booked?"

Maegan:"I don't know.  {shrugs}  "We are getting way to sidetracked with family stuff.  The Dynasty Divas seem to be focused with The Beautiful Bytches so with them being focused on each other, we merely have to survive and defeat the men that are in this battle."

Gracie:"Are we prepared to face our brothers if we have too?"

{they grin at each other and then turn back to the camera}

Maegan/Gracie:"Hell Yeah!"

Maegan:"We are going in as champs already and I've seen the beautiful belts that Matt ordered to be given to the winners of the tag team turmoil battle.  They have globes on them and they are all almost all gold."

Gracie:"It seems that only three teams are really focused on winning the Wildside titles and in a very girl power moment, all three teams are female.  Sure, Justin, Knox, and Minoru are competitors who are not going to just lay down and give up a title when its offered to them, but other than us, only Dusty, Lacey, Fay, and Oktober have really been on this hardcore since it was announced."

Maegan:"We have to do more than just show up and be better than every other tag team in FFE.  We are, {she tilts her head to one side,} I think that we should rename the titles....I think we should ask Viper if we can rename these the SEF X-Division titles.  These titles are important to us because Viper gave them some legitmacy by booking the titles to be defended but the SEF tag titles were retired and no disrespect to Corez or anyone else who has held SEF tag titles, but I do not want to look stupid carrying around titles that were the lame idea by someone who had a higher credit limit than they had i.q."

Gracie:"You're right.  I don't want to look foolish.  We already take enough crap for being pretty."

Maegan:"Going into this tag team turmoil match as champs from SEF is a great honor.  We get a chance to show our continued support to SEF while we show support for our family."

Danika:"What about Julie's assist?"

Gracie:"That was actually pretty awesome.  Of course, the Bytches jumped us from behind afterwards.  I do not know if it was only a one time thing for Julie to have our back or if it was us staying true to SEF by defending the fact that Julie is the only woman to win the King of SEF tournment.  She earned the right to be called the Queen of SEF.  Not a couple of whores who took a wrong turn off of their street corner and decided they wanted to be wrestlers one day."

Maegan:"People are always trying to copy Mack.  On this one thing, we can say the obvious.  The SEF Archives back up the fact that Julie is the Queen of SEF.  Oktober and Fay do not respect anything, I doubt they even respect themselves.  All that is going on is a bunch of she said/she said.  At least when it comes with The Dynasty Divas and ourselves, we are listed in the SEF rankings.  The Bytches talk a lot of shit for people who haven't wrestled on a card yet.  {shakes her head}  I doubt they even read their contracts."

Gracie:"Can they read?  They call themselves the best looking, most brilliant...."

Maegan:"Um how many college degrees do you have?"

{Gracie giggled}

Gracie:"I really should have said to hell with wrestling and went into my residency with Milan instead of coming here and listening to these two brain dead skanks talk shit.  They think they can talk and then show up like they own everything.  I know Lacey has studied, she may not have finished college if she went, but she poured all of her efforts into studying this business.  The tradition, the styles, and all of that."

Maegan:"I took leave from a lucrative career as a Nutritionist and Dietician to come up here so that I was no longer making Lacey's life a living hell long distance, so I could do it up close and personal."

Gracie:"Grad School, med school, etc.  {she turns to the camera with a serious look} "The reason we do this is because we love this business.  Maegan and I are third generation wrestlers.  Our grandfather wrestled in England, Canada, and Japan.  He had a pretty decent career.  He trained in The Hart Family Dungeon with Stu Hart.  Our parents wrestled and trained with fairly well known legends in this business."

Maegan:"My dad trained in the Dungeon."

Gracie:"My mom with Lance Storm and Chris Jericho."

Maegan:"We respect the business as a whole.  We know and respect loyalty.  We were signed with SEF first so we will defend it as we have defended our family.  With our last breath."

{Gracie rolls her eyes}

Gracie:"Some stupid bitch is going to make a crack about that being a song title."

Maegan:"Probably the bytches because they have nothing better to do.  When it comes down to it, we know who our competition is in the tag team turmoil.  Solely on interest, its the Dynasty Divas.  We've traded victories back and forth with them for the past several weeks."

Gracie:"This will just be another victory for us.  We will have two sets of tag team titles.  As for the ppv,"

{she looks to Maegan}

Maegan:"The best person on that day, will win."
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