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universal6 star tag team

You Will Choke on Your Words(PPV & Wildside)

Started by Midnight, October 02, 2023, 10:08:03 PM

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Date Posted:23/10/2010 2:53 AMCopy HTML

Fay and Oktober were in the gym working out and getting ready for their big matches they was going to be in. Fay sits up from the bench and wipes the sweat from her face using the gym towels that was given to her by the gym staff. Oktober walked over to her tag partner and pats her on her shoulder. Fay looks up and smiles as she spoke.
FAY: You know what I don't get?
Oktober: What's that Fay?
FAY: Why does these retards keep underestimating us for?
Oktober: I've been asking that myself. Seems that they are forgetting that carnal rule of wrestling.
FAY: Not to mention that Lacey and Dusty keep ragging on us about stealing their shit. Well I hate to break it to them but I'm not a bit afraid of this whore and her little slut of a partner. She can threaten us until the cows come home and I will not back down from them. Hell if the cunt wants to drag us into court, I will gladly show up and embarrass her in front of the whole world. Trust me, this ho is all bark.
Oktober: Yeah.
FAY: As for the Fighting Fixes...they best be shutting their mouth because come match time..I am about to school them in what real wrestling is all about.
They high five each other. Fay gets up and wipes more sweat off her face before she continues.
FAY: Everyone is going to get the shock of their life when my hand is raised and I am the Transcontinental Champion of FFE. Then I will tell them I told them so. The tag belts..pfft..it's in the bag. No one is going to stop us. (Turns to the camera and gets a serious look on her face) Yeah you fuckers heard me. You assholes think just cause we new, that we don't know jack shit. WROOOONG! Unlike you all...we don't sit on our asses and wait for things to come to us..we take it. We prepare for battle, a battle that we gladly are willing to die for just to become champions and be the best. No one here is got the guts to kill us in the ring to stop us from becoming champions. We are going in there to put an end to all the so called doubts. When we win, then all will eat their words! Now fucking piss off...we got training to do.
She shoves the camera out of her face as the scene fades out.

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