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I Was Drunk And She Was Eighteen, I Swear

Started by NBD, October 02, 2023, 10:30:17 PM

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Date Posted:24/10/2010 1:57 PMCopy HTML

And so here we find passed out in red convertible caddy is Shane Mack in a green and white Hawaiian shirt of sorts, short sleeved dressed shirt, blue jeans and a bandana covering his head, pulled down over his eyes. Next to him curled up in the passengers seat is Shady Smack and we see several empty, crushed Sapporo cans with empty Guinness Stout bottles on the floor and seat and laying on the ground outside the car are more bottles and cans. A big baggy of weed sticks out of the pocket on the left side of Mack's shirt. Its big too, probably several ounces, damn, maybe we should, oh crap, it's the cops! The view backs up as we see a squad car, but a Dodge Charger model, black and white, pull up behind the caddy with its lights on, then the drivers door opens and a woman's leg sticks out, fine ass leg, I mean, holy shit, anyways. The woman cop gets out dressed in a short fucking leather mini skirt, I mean this thing is short, like, wow, BOING! Anyways, the shirt is leather, black, low cut and tied in the front with a silver badge on the left. She sports a standard gun, clips, walks up to the caddy, her long high heels of her knee high leather stilettos clomp on the pavement, then lighten as she steps to the side in the dirt. The area surrounded by some trees, kinda desolate, some sun shining, but a few clouds, blah, blah, this woman is smoking hot and strangely enough she looks a lot like Whitney Marret and perhaps its because she is as we see on her badge it says Marret with a badge number that says 420, whoa, that's cool. Anyways, her hair is in one long braid and no matching cap as she approaches the car leaning down some and we peak at her ass, oh man, the bottom of the skirt almost goes up enough, oh, she glances back and we focus on her and Mack. Whitney smirks devilishly, then turns to Mack nudging him in the shoulder and nothing, She then slaps the back of his head and still nothing, so she then blares the horn making a loud BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. Mack looks around, his bandana down and Shady is up on his feet looking all around wide eyed in his t-shirt and jeans. Mack pulls his red bandana up some and just says.
What the fuck?!
Whitney stands up and looks down at him with a grin, then opens the door saying.
Please step o-
But stops as she opens the door all the way and Mack rolls out to the ground as he must have been leaning on the door and has no balance right now. Shady laughs and does crotch chops, then Whitney looks to him and says.
You too sir, out of the vehicle, now!
Shady looks like a deer in headlights, then runs out the back of the caddy leaping for the Charger, but Whitney pulls her gun and fires off...a dart catching Shady in the back and he drops to the ground shaking a bit before passing out. Whitney holsters her gun, damn, thankfully it must only be a tranquilizer. She then helps Mack up turning him to face the car and pushed him down palms on the hood. Mack just wobbles a bit and Whitney kicks his legs apart patting him up and down, really kinda grabbing exotically around his package. She soon pulls her cuffs out and pulling Mack's arms back behind himself shackles him up. Mack just says.
Uh, what the fuck are doing?
Whitney says nothing and just walks Mack to the squad card putting him in the back. She then goes around to Shady, kneels down and lifts him into a cradle, then stands up walking back around to Mack and tosses Shady in on top of him, then shuts the door. She then gets into the drivers seat of the car and shuts her door, starts it up and backs up some. She then slams the gas down and peels out of there with a slight roar disappearing down the road quick and then FLASH FORWARD to a dim lit room, looks like down in a basement somewhere, no windows, a red flashing light in the corner, no idea where it comes from. Mack sits in the middle of the room tied to a wooden chair wearing everything like before and we soon see a light turn on in front of Mack, but its from another room which can be seen through the wall which is really a large window. Shady Smack is sitting in there at a table with Whitney Marret in her uniform still, her back to us. We then hear her say to Shady.
Ok, you tell us what we need to know and your friend behind me doesn't have to be hurt.
Shady looks all wide eyed and worried shaking his head no and just makes whining noises trying to say Mack, but only sounding out an.
Whitney slams her hands to the table and says.
Tell me now or he will get it, every curve of the lethal dose, every inch of the pulsating vibrations, so tell me what I need to know and to do it now!
Shady looks a little confused and almost turned on, but still scared and just whimpers. Whitney stands up now and says one last time.
I am dead serious and your friend it will be too late for your friend if you do not answer me now!
Shady shrugs and cowers back in fear whimpering, so Whitney turns walking out through a door, then in a few seconds she comes walking into the room with Mack through another door, locking it. She walks up in front of Mack who just looks up all casual and says.
What the fuck is going on here?
Whitney just crosses her arms over her chest covering the cleavage of her huge breasts, damn it. Anyways, she looks over past Mack like its time and we hear a rolling noise, then a stand about waist level is rolled into view next to Mack with several straight razors laying out and a bowl of water. Julie is pushing the cart and stands behind it wearing white nurse shirt that comes down like a skirt almost and nothing else. She looks at Whitney who says.
Tell me what I need to know or I will be forced to physically cut it from you!
Mack just looks up shifty eyed and says.
I swear to you I was drunk and she was eighteen!
Whitney looks confused and just shakes her head, then nods to Julie who pulls out a bowl of shaving cream with a brush setting it on the top of the stand and pair of scissors. Must have been on a second shelf of the stand and Whitney now takes the scissors while mixes up the cream. Whitney sits on Mack's lap in a straddle and begins to cut his beard down to thick stubble, his mustache as well. He just sits there like, what the fuck and says.
What the hell do ya wanna know anyways?
She says nothing and just trims him up taking his sideburns too and then hands the scissors to Julie who hands Whitney the shaving cream. She begins applying it all over his cheeks, chin, underside of his chin, upper lip, then hands it back to Julie. She sets it down and hands Whitney a straight razor and Mack eyes it and smirks, then Whitney begins gently scraping up the underside of his chins handing it back to Julie for cleaning. After a few minutes she wraps up by scraping off the last of his mustache and hands the razor off. Julie sets it down and grabs the bowl of water dumping it over Mack's head to wash him up and gets Whitney wet too. She just looks at Julie, but can't help grinning and Julie says.
Not the first time I got you wet, now don't hurt him too bad, he has a match tonight!
Julie smirks and waves to Whitney who just blushes and shakes her head saying.
I'll make sure he's ready and set to go dominate like before, see ya later girl!
She waves and Julie walks out of the room as Whitney starts kissing all over Mack now who is still tied up. She rips his bandana and shirt off now, then starts to take her shirt off and Shady is at the window watching with wide eyes when a thick black curtain starts to move over the window from inside the room with Mack and Whitney. Shady is growling and pounding on the window as we fade to black.

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