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universal6 star tag team

Not Talking To Each Other (Wildside # 1)

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 02, 2023, 10:40:21 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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Date Posted:25/10/2010 4:15 AMCopy HTML

Shane and Nick are part of the tag team turmoil match against the Beautiful Bytches, The Fighting Foxes, The Dynasty Divas, Chaotic, Justin Rodgers & Johnny Camaro & Knox O'Bannon & The Grand Minoru except they are not talking to each other. It has to do with Shane just storming off, and Cody just didn't get Shane sometimes. They are supposed to be a tag team, but right now they are not even in the same room. Cody is in his locker room, and looks at the camera as he starts talking.

Cody Jericho

Shane decided not to speak to me, and ran off. Still I am gonna give my all in this tag team turmoil match, and I am not sure if he will be the right frame of mind during this match but I will be. You see I didn't come this far to lose, so I am really looking forward to facing each and every one of you as the best tag team will walk out the winner.
OOC: Y2J is Shane & Trish is Brandy in the pic below
Shane and Brandy are down the hallway, and they get talking.

Brandy Gibson

You got to talk to Cody sometime honey, and he said he would be your best man even if you didn't tell him after he proposed to me I love you Shane.

Shane Jericho

When the time right I will talk to him, and I really appreiate that he accepted to be my best man for our wedding. Right now Cody and me have this tag team turmoil match, and I will go into this match fighting along side Cody. We might not win it, but I can't take it like Cody can. I am not that strong either, so I take things that don't go my way differently. I want to win it just as much as Cody, but right now I can't speak to him until I have calmed down I love you 2 Brandy.

They share a passionate kiss, and the show cuts to a commercial break.

TBC: Me only

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