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Hunt for the Title (Nykki)

Started by Johnny Camaro, October 03, 2023, 08:31:54 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:31/10/2010 8:29 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
live while the whole world dies.
Roleplay Title:Step 1
OOC message:Hey everyone, I have a new signature
Nykki Venom is lying on a bed somewhere.

"So Mr. Jericho wants to pick up his first win aginst the antagonist's assistant? Well there is no one better to do it against. I have found success here in about a month and now someone else wishes to. I have found that my difference has been my advantage. People were so wrapped up in the fact that I look different that they never thought I would pack such a punch. Shane, you have been on a continual losing streak that if you do defeat the man who was underrated it would be a huge boost to how people see you....Well actually that's a falsehood. They will claim that I suck and you will still be critisized."

Nikky just keeps staring upward and some children watching this turn away because there is a certian terrifying aura about him right now.

"I have faught your brother before Shane and he put up a better fight than I have seen from you in a long time. It seems like you aren't willing to step back and learn from your mistakes. It seems like you grow more angry and let the rage be released in your matches. The problem is that rage is clouding your judgement, you don't think when you're in the match. You wing it, you don't think about the reactions of your actions. That is your problem."

The children are now cowaring behind their mothers......it's the background music.....

"You fill your head with hopes and dreams of hate. You feel determined to hurt and that is going to be your down fall. You will be on the brink of winning but change your mind and continue to attack. You will fuck up because you don't try your best. You don't train properly, you don't ever seem to get the hate out of your system and that is what's fucking you up. You can believe that you will make it to the next round but it will always come down to one Fuckstar Press."

Nikky looks to the side and has colour contacts in.
TBC: Anyone


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