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Kindred parents checks on Lance

Started by Kristin Fox, October 03, 2023, 08:38:28 PM

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Date Posted:01/11/2010 5:07 PMCopy HTML

The Roleplay of The Kindered that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!
{{We open on a hospital in Texas somewhere.  There are a couple uniformed couple cops prowling the same floor we see the Kindred and several other people standing.  Some of the older men standing with the Kindred are dressed in jeans, blazers, cowboy hats, and when the camera pans around you can see little silver stars within a silver circle indicating their position as Texas Rangers.  A black haired woman and child around the age of 14/15 with the same shade of hair are sitting with a girl with brunette hair only a few years older than the younger girl.  They have their backs to the camera but a man about 6'1 with black hair, dark eyes, and goatee is seen stomping out of the room.  He's dressed in black cargo pants, combat boots, and a black shirt with yellow letters stating "S.W.A.T." and a badge hanging on a chain around his neck.  He walks over to a one of the Texas Rangers, a much taller darker skinned man, standing next to one about the same height as the dark haired man.  Only this man is shorter, and older with grey sprinkling his reddish hair and full beard}

"If Jax doesn't get here soon I'm going to hunt his bitch down and kill her for what she did to my boy."

The older man:"Now Barry, just calm down.  Even if Jessie orchestrated this, there is no way, not even with her new little friend that they could have taken Lance down this hard.  They had to have had help."

Barry Boudreaux:"Eric, I respect you but all of this crap going on in wrestling is the very reason, Crystal and I got out.  There is only a handful of people that you can trust and you'd think when you grow up with them, that you should know if you should trust them or not."

Big Tan Guy:"Just calm down, Barry, we have the legal end.  Let Matt and my boys handle the wrestling end of it.  Justin and Matt were suposed to face Lance and Jake this week on Wildside, but with Lance out.....{shakes his head} Well, Jake isn't stupid.  He's going to have to have some tag partner.  He's not going to face The Enforcers alone."

Barry Boudreaux:"Josh, what they did to him goes far beyond whatever was going on between him and Gabby.  I know that you're pissed that they hid the fact that they were going out and we don't know yet if they snuck away willingly or if Jake used their relationship to get her for some reason.  There are so many unknowns to this and I don't like it."

Josh Rodgers:"Of course I am pissed!  They lied about something that was so simple.  I learned a long time ago about interfering with relationships and I thought it was going to kill me when Kris & I hid from Chris.  It's a lesson the boys will have to learn.  Their friend Mack was right.  They can't hold on to their younger siblings as tight as they are.  Matt, especially.  He lucked out with Ash but now he's having a hard time with Emma.  Justin at least had to deal with Corez when he was overprotective.  Lance is a good kid.  This....this confuses the hell out of me."

{The woman we have seen on a few occassions, one who has stitched up Justin before, standing about six feet and of Latina decent walks up to them}

Barry Boudreaux:"Jenny?? How's my boy?"

{she smiles}

Dr. Jennifer Matthews:"He's a fighter like you.  {she sighs} "The worst of it is a ruptured ear drum, broken jaw&nose, and a major concussion but as you saw when he was brought in there are plenty of contusions and lacerations.  I called an ear, nose, and throat specialist in and he's schedule Lance for surgery first thing in the morning.  He'll be good as new in a few weeks."

{Barry hugs her}

Barry:"Thanks Jenny.  Could you go tell Cryssie?  She'll never believe anyone but you.  {she starts to turn away} "Hey Jenny?  Did he say anything to you?"

Dr. Jennifer Matthews:"He couldn't really talk with a broken jaw, Barry."

Barry:"I know...I mean did he give you some indication of who did this to him?"

{Jen frowns}

Dr. Jennifer Matthews:"The ER team asked him some questions where he'd blink his good eye once for yes and twice for no, but I don't know how accurate it that it was."

Josh Rodgers:"Why?"

Dr. Jennifer Matthews:"Well, he indicated that he knew who did it and that Jake was one of them.  He indicated that he wasn't the only one but it wasn't Lucas either.  He was trying to get them to understand and became so agitated that they had to sedate him to wire his jaw.  When he wakes up, we can take a form of therapy that Crys likes and use a variation here.  If he has a lot to say then he can write it out.  {she looks around}  Figures.  Talon's the only O'Bannon here."

{Talon turns, no piercings today and looking out of place with a black Stetson}

Talon:"Up until this past week I would have said Jax would have been here too, but I just don't know any more."

Barry:"He thinks he can talk to Jake and get him to come in."

Talon:"I tried to talk to Jax and Riot too.  That didn't help, just made Riot even worse, and pushed Lucas into Speirr's back asswards group."

Josh"We checked on them.  All of Speirr's boys are in jail where they belong.  Lucas is working at Bonnabel High school in Metarie.  He coached a couple ball games this weekend so his alibi checks out."

"I'm going to kill that bitch!"

{They turn to see Gracie grabbing her purse and running down the hospital corridor.  Rage looking confused, pulling his ear buds out, turning to go after her.  Matt and Justin pass her with a lot of Starbucks coffee.  They look confused by the anger.  Jagger almost bumps into them as he comes out of the bathroom.  The rest of the Kindred are looking at each other confused.}

Justin:"Did we miss something?"

{Jagger shrugs and starts flipping channels on the t.v.}

Jagger:"Hell if I know."

Journey:"She said she was going to check on something on her phone and the next thing we knew she was storming out of here."

{Jagger stops on Sports Center and turns to walk to a chair.}

Ash:"Oh shit.....Someone grab the Rodgers boys before they see this...."

{It's showing a video of Lance and Gabby and when everyone turns, they are going into the bathroom, body parts blurred.  It then plays out Dusty and Knox coming in, Knox and Jake the one's who beat the holy hell out of Lance with Dusty and Tate's comments in.  Several people talking at once}

Jagger:"Are they planning on whoring her out?"

Talon:"Tate's never been around Lance for longer than a few minutes.  She hates anyone and everyone in law enforcement, especially me."

Barry:"Lance arrested Tate..."

{a few minutes of confusion later one of the commentators comment on the fact that Lance was rescued from the home of Knox and Dusty O'Bannon.  The commentator commenting on the fact that they believed that whatever the plan was Lance had been protecting her and was attacked for it by his own tag team partner and as a result of an insidious plan by Gabby's own sister before signing off with the fact that Wildside may end with a nuclear explosion once the Kindred finds out.  The other commentator wondering if the young talent in the Kindred would be able to handle the DC.}
This Layout Was Made For The Kindered by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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