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---Time To Step Back And Take A Breather---

Started by Matt Matlock, October 04, 2023, 07:06:15 PM

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Matt Matlock

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:46
  • Posts:34
  • From:Canada 
  • Register:17/04/2009 1:18 AM
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Date Posted:22/11/2010 12:09 AMCopy HTML


Mmmm......this is good shit.

Ah, the ever vigilant cameras of the SEF. Somehow someway always able to be right there and record a promo as if on cue. And as usual they fade in, and they fade in on yours truly, SEF's Uncrowned Champion, Matt Matlock. Parking in a sandwich, chewing slowly, softly, enjoying the flavor.

Ah, nothing like a sandwich. Lettuce, tomato, cheese and ham. Ah. Just a moment eh?

I reach over and grab a glass of milk, and drink it down. Setting the glass aside, I look over at the camera, bent forward with my hands folded.

So, I've been sucking out lately, eh? Ever since I returned to SEF I haven't been able to catch a break. Losing nearly every week, if not every week, I don't keep track. Not to mention the fact I couldn't win the Television Title after three tries. Pathetic eh? The only good thing is I had another classic bout with Mack. Of course, I ended up losing that to. So, I've been doing some thinking. Especially after losing to.....whoever I lost to last week. Yeah isn't that pathetic? I'm losing to guys I don't even remember the name of. I used to eat guys like those for breakfast. Anyway, I've been thinking.....

A momentary pause, a slight look to the side.

I think I've been getting ahead of myself. I came back to the SEF with all these accomplsishment under my belt from the past and expecting to just roll over everyone. Didn't happen did it? I'm thinking I'm not putting my focus where it should be. Constantly thinking ahead to my eventual World Title match I know I deserve. At least, I thought I deserved. But now it's obvious I gotta earn my way up to that, same as I used to do. So I stepped back, took a bit of a breather, and I have my focus back. My new focus is that lovely little International Championship held by Julie. A belt I won back in 2006 and held onto for a month. I'd say it's time to tread old ground and get that belt back around my waist.

Leaning back in my chair now, I have a look on my face that can't quite be read. Half concern, half confident I suppose.

So four of us get in the ring, one wins and we get our title shot in two weeks time. But half this match seems to be filler. Grace Payne, I think you oughtta stick back in that pitiful little 'C' show Wildside. I mean hell you managed to do something of value over there! You won the FFE Tag Team Championship! Because you can't do shit all over here. Have we faced off yet? I can't say we have. But hey, correct me if I'm wrong. But I saw you flapping your gums off backstage, saying how badly you want to beat Julie. That's fine and dandy girl. But get your head on straight and focus on the match at hand. After all you can't very well dethrone Julie if I shove my foot in your vagina, can you?! So don't be so fuckin' concerned with fighting Julie or how your match with Julie will go. Focus on attempting to win this match. I say attempt because hey, you aren't gonna win girl. Sorry to tell ya. But maybe if you, ya know, do well, maybe I'll give you a title shot win *I* win the belt. Sound good?

But onto your buddy. Johnny Camaro. Another one trying to moonlight on the A plus show and the C show, hoping for some kind of success on either one. Thankfully you've had the smarts to not open your mouth yet, and maybe that is for the best. I know at one time you were somewhat successful. Now it's like Dumar said. I doubt Mack could carry you to a decent match. Get the fuck out son.

A grin followed by a laugh. Silly jobbers.

Ah Joe Dumar. Another one of the many who floated through Wrestling Underground and MCW before stopping here in SEF for good. Nice set of accomplishments there Joe. Oh wait....sorry. Well you have a good win loss record. .....Nevermind. But you truly are one to talk about being a 'nobody'. But you're partially right. I have just been floating around. It's time to rise to the top, so to speak. I know you're hungry after last week and coming so close to winning that Underground Championship. You and I both got a lot to gain in this match Dumar. You workin as a ref and jerkin the curtain. I've been at the top and at the very bottom.

But another thing we got in common Joe? Violence. Violence in that ring is such an adrenaline rush, ain't it? You bring all this old school unadulterated violence with you to Extreme and I'll match you for it. I've been in the DOGG Fights, Prison Yards, Hovering Cages and every match in between that SEF is able to put on. If you want to get violent I can get violent Joe. So you come to the ring with that burning desire in your gut and you give it your all Joe! But don't your hopes set too high because in the end of it it's gonna be Matt Matlock standing tall with the victory in hand. It'll be Matt Matlock standing tall heading off for an International Title shot in two weeks time. I'm focused, I'm prepared, a and I'm going to win.

The camera fades.

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