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Still don't get IT, Simon

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 08, 2023, 12:26:51 PM

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Taylor Andrews

(Taylor Andrews sits at the bar in the Impact X Facta dressing room still waiting on her partner, on her team, and for this next show, her team is herself and Chris Orton, but Simon Lee Nash wants so bad to be with Taylor, yet that cannot be. Taylor sits there with the Wolfpac sign held up in her left hand with a glass of brandy in her right sipping it.)
I was flashing this up for Mack and Julie ten years ago, a year before you and I flashed it up between us, Simon. I was the one who had to get you in The Showtime, and I was close, so close, a lot closer than you were at getting Matt and Jeremy Ward on board to be The Showtime that Daddy Mack made for us to ride on for ten years, to right now in present day. Imagine that Simon, You, Me, Mack, Matt Ward, Jeremy Ward, The Showtime would have dominated the last ten years of SEF and by default we would have dominated this entire sport and business. We would have all been World Champ over those ten years, we would have held whatever title we wanted, nothing that happened would have happened. The Showtime is the standard and you, Mack, Matt, Jeremy, and myself would have been setting that standard, hell, you may be the one running The Showtime right now with Mack going out in his blaze of glory and myself, I had other ideas of where I would be right now. But that is why we don't make plans in this business, so we keep living in that moment, for that moment, and be ready for anything. The Showtime was special, and its never too late to set that standard, to be that standard, to carry that standard and make it your own. Mack is here, in IXF with ANA, LBD, and myself, and yea, we got Chris wanting to tag along, but if he slacks off, he will get a kick to the face from me if not Mack first, or Justice from ANA and LBD will not hesitate to bring him down a peg or two. But The Showtime could exist if you answered the call and fulfilled your end of the deal because without the five of us, its never going to be.

(Taylor sipping her brandy and relaxes her left hand to rest on her leg.)
Of course, you have Tonya now and already I notice something different about her, so you have it in you Simon. That is why Mack wanted you, and I did what I had to do to get you in, but you needed to bring two more to make it happen, two friends who always had your back. Where are they now? Or can Tonya be that fourth and bring her sister to set the standard? I guess time will tell and we will see what happens, or if this will fizzle out as your last ten years has been going? What could have been is so much of a let down to think about, so don't think about it, and I know, its hard not to, but don't think about it, I'll say it again because I need to hear it as much as anyone, DO NOT THINK ABOUT IT, just move forward and make it happen, resurrect what could have been because we still have it in us. Now show us you can lead, follow, or get the fuck ou tof the way by raising these girls right!

(Taylor sipping her brandy and waits.)

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