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You have No idea (WAR)

Started by Da Gangstas, October 20, 2023, 07:09:44 PM

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Da Gangstas

(The Triad reclaimed what is rightfully their own and brought together old friends, now SEF is bringing back WAR, on Monday Night at that, and a new trio is emerging to try to be a force to reckon with.)
(Samantha Fame is in a river park along the Flint River on the west side with a long leather trenchcoat wrapped around herself, her red hair hanging freely down her shoulders and blows around in the wind and a pair of black stilleto heels are on her feet clopping on the cement walk she follows along the river. Her gaze on the moving waters.)

You are right to be leery Simon, but you do not have a clue as to the depths of why you should be and sure, maybe it doesn't matter to you, why should it!? The Triad tonight in the books already, Rob Ruckus, Mark Jackson, and myself are a force of our own without The Triad name, we could run this division on our own. Now of course, we are The Triad, we have Bill Roberts, Hiroku Shinobi, and of course Scorpion, Rick Reynolds, a hall of famer. Who do you have no Simon, who, who, who in the hell are your partners? A new girl debuting from the locker room of the Walkers and that Perry girl who was supposed to have been fired. And miss Tonya Walker, unless her other personality decided to show up, but wait, wasn't that personality fired as well!? Oh well, I could care less who is fired and who isn't and who your partners are and who they aren't. You three will not get anywhere near the 6 Star Tag Team Titles because you can't get past the three of us in a non title affair. I wonder who that will do for Tonya's joy of winning a couple matches, to no have to be a loser once again?! She better get used to it because against me, she will always lose. And my boys, Rob and Mark, they ain't got no problem making her feel like a loser, or you Simon. You have a lot of work cut out for you with Tonya and Black Crow, so have fun mister lone wolf. You can always use me as an example fo what a winner is when I am standing tall above you with my partners and The Triad runs this town like we ran the motor city and wherever else we roam.
(Samantha turns up the collar of her coat as she turns to walk away from the river to the street looking both ways to cross it and so we flash forward about thirty minutes to inside a penthouse suite where Mark Jackson sits enjoying some food at a table with a few chairs around it. A couple sofas in the room with a large flat TV and a balcony with the door closed right now. 7 doors are in a row with 4 of them shut. The main door opens and here comes Samantha removing her coat to hang it up and show off some legs with a pair of shorts big enough to cover her booty, not her legs. A matching black tube top covering her breasts just enough and Samantha struts in with her stilletos clomping the floor to take a seat next to Mark. She looks at his plate and turns to look at the cart near the table peaking under the serving lids.)
Anything good in here?
(Mark shrugging as he swallows his food and grabs a drink of water, then stirs up his paste salad.)
Steak and shrimp with pasta salad, potato salad, and chef salad.

(Samantha nodding as she gets a plate of chef salad sprinkling some vinegar and oil on it with parmesan cheese.)
This cheese is such a guilty pleasure. Gonna go right to my ass!
(Mark smirks as she glances down to her ass and takes a bite of his salad.)
So what do ya think Mark? I know you're eating, but we do have a match on WAR and this looks like a huge opportunity for you to show the world what they missed ten years ago.
(Samantha taking a bite of salad now as Mark swallows and looks at her like he don't believe she said what she said.)

Daddy Mack

(Mark takes another bite almost finishing his plate before swallowing down and clearing his throat.)
I will show the world what I can do right now and as for what they missed out on, I don't care anymore. It wasn't even my character back then I almost got the opportunity to debut as, so who knows, I may have been exposed right off the get go!? I ain't Mack, but I am here right now and I will show the world what I can do, I will march my ass right up to be able to compete with the likes of Mack, with ANA, with Taylor Andrews.

(He thinks for a second, then finishes his plate and puts it under the cart in a tub for dirty dishes. Mark wiping his mouth to make sure its clean which it is, but he seems to feel better and eyes Samantha who eats her salad.)
I'll always have your back Samantha, you been a good buddy to me and I'm here for you, whatever you need.

(Mark nods to her and winks with a smirk as he grabs a bottle of water taking a drink.)

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