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Will Chris Orton win big one? (RR)

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, November 22, 2023, 02:32:21 PM

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Inside Chris Orton locker room, he is sitting down with serious look expression on his face starts speaking.

Tonight, On Reckless Rebellion, I have to face three men to become contender for Universal Title. Will Chris Orton win big one? That is question everyone wants to know might be even question if I am favorite to win this fatal four-way elimination match. Well, I am here to tell you that I will give my blood, sweat, and everything else in this body to win. 

Chris Orton stop talking got up from his chair, and he continue on speaking. 

Take a good look at my face does this look like someone going to lose tonight or going to win finally win big one? Josh Dobbs, Havoc, and Mark Jackson can make a big speech about winning. No more questioning and doubts about Chris Orton start seeing Chris Orton showing the world that I am best damn wrestler in this company those who agree like my challengers and doubters all I can say is kiss my ass! 

Chris Orton walks away.

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