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Tonya and Lexi Talk To Simon Nash.

Started by Tonya Walker, September 18, 2023, 01:31:21 PM

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Tonya Walker

Tonya and Lexi Walker. are shown standing outside, Simon Nash locker room, both wearing memorial wolf shirts. Tonya smiles and she then knocks on his door and she then begin to talk.

Tonya Walker. Hey i Hope this Works remember what happened the last time we was in a faction.

Lexi Walker. this is going to be just fine i got high hopes besides u, heard how great he praised us

Lexi Walker. yes that was awesome he did say he was going to be loyal to us so why not make it official.

Tonya Walker. I Hear somebody coming lets hope he says Yes

she wait for reply

Tonya Walker.

Simon Lee Nash

Simon: Come in.

Simon gives a slight smirk seeing the ladies with the wolf shirts

Simon: Before you say anything ok. Let me clear the air with  you tonight. 

Simon: I am going to be a team player and we are going to win this match. I said that i am going to be loyal to you and i am going to do that. 

Simon: you look nice in those wolf shirts but it takes more than just look nice in the shirts to be apart of the pack. 

Simon: Tonight i want you to give it your all. show me something. I know that there will be people that will question by loyality to the team or the company as a whole. FUCK THE NAY SAYERS

Simon: Go out there and let's kick some ass

Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker. Thanks it Means a lot to us but there is one other reason why we wanted to see you, we was talking and we was thinking of,

Tonya Walker. We Want us 3 to be in a stable it is just us 2 here now,  and with us 3 as a regular force

Lexi Walker. We Could be A Force to be wrecking with, how does this name sound of you,

Tonya Walker. The lone Wolves unless you got another name but what u think.

she wait for reply
Tonya Walker.

Simon Lee Nash

Simon thinks about it.

Simon: Let me think about it.

Simon: Let's focus on the match and then we will come back to the group or not. 

Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker. Sounds good, i got this new kick ass Submission move im going try out im very excited about.

Tonya Walker. Anyway let's kick Some Serious ass tonight and break some deadly Bones

Lexi Walker. We Are All Ready. Lets go break bones and kick some serious ass.

Tonya Walker.

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