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universal6 star tag team

Evolution 56 {3/16/12}

Started by sopshowtime69, December 01, 2014, 09:44:35 PM

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March 16th, 2012

Eighteen years after Ravishing Rick Rude dropped the old WCW International World Heavyweight Title to Hiroshi Hase in Tokyo Japan we see SEF present its fifty sixth episode of Evolution! What major memory will be remembered 18 years later? Perhaps something right here tonight on this road to Wrestle X?!

Inside the Mid South Coliseum in Memphis Tennessee the crowd is hot and rowdy ready for some action as pyro blasts off over the ring, then "Welcome To The Family" plays over the pa. The view going all over showing the screaming and cheering fans, then we hear those words from Nick.


The view resting on him at ringside with Sara nearby in a chair holding her mic. The fans around them going nuts and slapping Nick on his back just being friendly and not even caring he says.

Tonight The Resurrector defends the Tag Titles once again in a handicapped match and if it turns out like last time, he'll win as he destroyed the Jericho Army by himself and they had a third man helping them! Tonight though Ashley Pearson and Jason Stratus may appear to be a bigger threat! Appearances aren't everything of course, but both have won gold in SEF singles competition and won their first tag match together, though it was a fatal four way!?!

Nick catching his breath for a second now says.

The Jericho Army is in action in singles competition when Shane faces Corez who gave the elder brother a win last week. Corez appearing to no show a fatal four last week came out after some action had occurred wielding a barbed wire ballbat and laid waste to everyone, then rolled Shane on to Rick Reynolds letting him pick up a win. Tonight Corez vows to teach Shane a lesson and the so called Jericho still doesn't get it! His brother Cody has a match with Reynolds who has shown no signs of even being here saying he is boycotting Evolution as he has no competition. Cody calling Rick a coward went on to say something that really made no sense, so whatever, we got a new face debuting against the X Rated Icon, but coming up first is Tina's return match for the International Title!

"Foxy, Foxy" plays now and here comes Tina to boos with Nykki Delight to boos and the two women pose back to back flashing the rock on sign. They head down the aisle arrogantly snubbing the fans as Sara makes the introduction.

The following match is ser for one fall and is for the SEF International Championship! Introducing first, accompanied by Nykki Delight, from Sacramento California, weighing in at one hundred thirty pounds...........Tina!

At ringside Nykki slaps Tina on her ass, then the golden gal smirking, slides into the ring hopping to her feet. She heads up the turnbuckles flashing the rock on sign as Nykki steps around the ring crossing her arms. "I'm Not A Human Being" hits the speakers and the crowd comes to their feet cheering on the Hardcore Daredevil as he makes his way down the ring slapping hands with a few fans at ringside while Sara introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Chicago Illinois, weighing two hundred two pounds, The Hardcore Daredevil and the SEF International Champion.......Derek Helms!

He slides under the bottom rope and stands in the middle of the ring soaking in the applause. Derek unhooks the title raising it high, then brings it down slapping it with his other hand. He hands it to the ref who presents it to Tina, then raises it high to show what is on the line. Smokey hands it to Sara and the bell rings bringing Tina and Derek face to face. Tina shoving Derek gets whipped into a corner and met with a shoulder to the ribs. Derek lifts her to the top rope and tries climbing up, but gets elbows to the head and kicked backwards. Tina leaps off into a diving hurricanrana whipping Derek around to the mat. They both roll up and Tina leaps into a front dropkick sending Derek down, then she rolls out to the apron. Tina pulls herself up and climbs to the top turnbuckle flying off with an elbow drop, but Derek rolls out of the way. Derek gets up and runs to the ropes springing back with a baseball slide dropkick to Tina's ribs sending her near the ropes. The champ gets up going over to grab the ropes and hops to the middle rope leaping up to bring a knee down into Tina's ribs. He repeats this a couple more times, then rolls Tina back to the middle of the ring on her stomach leaping high to drop a knee to the back of her ribs. Derek crosses Tina's ankles pulling back on her legs while cupping under her jaw ripping back on her head into a bow and arrow submission. Derek rolls to his back keeping his shoulder up as he holds on to Tina who screams in pain. The ref asking for a submission gets none from Tina who struggles to get free, trying to thrash her body out of the grip Derek has on her. Nykki hops on the apron and the ref seeing her is up in her face telling her to get down. Tina keeps fighting and Derek keeps the hold on, but Rick Reynolds runs out sliding in the ring only he has Xanthus on his ass. Rick is up and kicks Derek in the head breaking the hold, but gets a dropkick to the back from Xanthus who pulls Rick up for the Ghetto Busta. Rick twisting out tries for a Russian leg sweep, but gets elbows to the head and Derek now hit's the Silencer on Rick. Tina looking for a roundhouse kick on Xanthus misses when the X Rated Icon ducks, then he leaps up into a kick to the side of her head. Tina spinning right into Concussion from Derek and Xanthus rolling out pulls Nykki to the floor as Derek hooks a leg for the pin, ONE..........................TWO.........................THREE! The bell rings and Xanthus grabs the International Title sliding in the ring and stands up facing Derek. They get nose to nose and Xanthus raises the belt slowly handing it to Derek and when he takes the belt X raises his arm in the air while Sara makes the announcement.

Here is your winner of the match by pinfall and still SEF International Champion............Derek Helms!

"I'm Not A Human Being" plays and Derek pats X on his back, but Xanthus spins into a roundhouse kick leveling the champion. The crowd turning on X who drops down punching Derek across the back of his head with wild blows, then he rolls out of the ring walking to the back with a crazy look in his eyes. The Franchise leaving Derek to gather himself and the title as Nick Miller asks.

What the fuck is wrong with Xanthus? Last week he just flat out jumps Derek Helms after he won the International Title, now this week he saves the man, hands him the title, raises his hand, then lays him out! More like the Insane Icon after this craziness and what a match at Wrestle X on top of scaffolding were gonna see. But tonight has just gotten started as next wee see World Champ Corez face Shane Jericho!

"Voices" plays over the pa bringing the crowd into a bathroom break as Shane and Brandy walk out arm in arm to a few boos. They just wave and smile ignorant as ever while Sara makes the announcement.

The following match is set for one fall! Introducing first accompanied by Brandy Jericho, from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, weighing in at two hundred twenty pounds.........Shane Jericho! The couple get to ringside and kiss, then Shane hops on the apron stepping in the ring loosening up his arms. "Floods" is heard coming over the pa and after a slight wait of thirty seconds or more we see Corez walk out sneering and he heads on down to the ring as he's introduced.

Now making his way to the ring from Memphis Tennessee, weighing in at two hundred thirty five pounds, he is the SEF World Heavyweight Champion............Corez!

He comes running down now and rolls into the ring right up to his feet shooting his right arm up. Corez circles around some, shoots his arms out in a crucifix pose, then unsnaps the title tossing it to the ref. Corez charges Shane into a corner with a clothesline, then unloads with several punches to the midsection and whips him across to the opposite corner. Corez runs at him, but Shane ducks and dropkicks Corez in his back. Shane rolling him into a school boy for the pin, ONE....................kickout! Shane clubs Corez across his back and pulls the champ into a piledriver, but Corez keeping his feet down. He backdrops Shane over to the mat, then runs to the ropes springing with an elbow drop on Shane and hammers him with punches to the head. Corez rolls up and drops a knee to Shane's head, then rips him up hitting the Insanity Driver on him. Corez sitting up smirking pulls at his hair and then stands heading to the top rope to land a leg drop across Shane's throat. Corez getting back pulls Shane into a frontfacelock slamming him down into The Corez Effect and turns him over hooking a leg for the pin, ONE.............................TWO..............................THREE! The bell rings and the crowd cheering loud as Sara makes the announcement.

Here is your winner of the match by pinfall...........Corez!

"Floods" plays and the champ rolls out to the floor grabbing his title lifting it high, then heads around the ring slapping hands before heading to the back. Brandy helping Shane now and Nick Miller says.

Corez making short work of Shane Jericho as expected really, but Shane trying and at least he does that, but against the World Champ ya really have to try harder! Corez has been on a roll since last Christmas when he won the title and is headlining the biggest show of the year two years in a row! Next up we see Xanthus face newcomer Michael Moretti!

"The Way I Am" plays and here comes Xanthus on to the stage pumping a fist in the air, then grabs his nuts and suddenly gets sent face first to the metal floor of the stage. Derek Helms with the International Title to the back of his head bashes X's head into the stage now, then pulls him up running Xanthus to the edge of the stage looking to toss him off. X holding on to Derek pulls him down over the edge into a roll with both men scrambling to each other swinging like crazy. Xanthus taking the fall harder gets hammered by Derek now who leaps up into a stomp on X's head, then yanks him up running him into the back behind the curtain into a table with some snacks on it. Xanthus rolling off gets a kick to the gut and ripped up for a power bomb through the table perhaps, but he slips down and spins around with a roundhouse kick to the head of Derek laying him across the table. Xanthus pounding on his back now turns finding a metal box on wheels and kicks it near the table. He then backs up and runs to the box leaping up and springs over Derek for a leg drop across his head, but Derek rolling away in time and Xanthus crashes through the table! Derek diving at Xanthus hammers him with punches and tries dragging him up, but security flood in now yanking him off and holding X down, neither task none to easy. The crowd is going nuts for the action chanting.


And boo when things get settled down, then Nick Miller says.

Well folks, apparently we got no debut of Moretti as he ain't even here and Xanthus, well, he has a war to deal with and doubt he cares one way or another, especially after he heated up earlier tonight with an assist to Derek, then a kick to the head. Crazy happenings as usual in SEF, but we got more in ting action with Nykki Delight finally going one on one with her mentor, Mack!

"New Model No 15" plays and here comes Nykki to boos with Tina and the two ladies appear back to back like earlier and flash the rock on sign while Sara makes the introduction!

The following match is set for one fall! Introducing first accompanied by Tina, from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at one hundred forty pounds........Nykki Delight!

They head down the aisle ignoring the fans and Tina slapping Nykki's ass heads around the ring while Nykki heads up the steps into the ring. She climbs the turnbuckles flashing the rock on sign, then hops down. The lights dim down to the equivalent of a full moon over a field of snow as "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd comes over the pa. The riffs blaring out and bringing the crowd to their feet and then we see Mack step out with style and arrogance flashing that cocky grin. Julie is with him hooking her left arm into his right as Sara introduces them.

Ladies and gentlemen, making his way to the ring, accompanied by Julie, from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at two hundred nineteen pounds........Marijuana Mack!

The fans go nuts reaching out and slap hands with Mack and Julie who soon reaches the ring. Julie kisses Mack who then whips around hopping up on the apron dancing a bit before stepping into the ring where he circles around and drops down to a cocky muscle pose. Mack leaps up doing a crotch chop, then disrobes the vest arrogantly tossing it to ringside. The crowd continues cheering as loud as they can while "Simple Man" begins to fade out and Mack leans back in a corner! Nykki runs over at Mack slides down to the apron letting her hit the turnbuckles, but Nykki stops herself in time. Mack leaps over the top rope taking her down with a diving clothesline and rolls up to his feet. Mack runs to the ropes, but gets tripped by Tina who stays undetected by the ref, but not Julie who comes shoving the golden gal. Mack on his knees gets hit with the Dark Delight by Nykki and pinned, ONE...................TWO..........kickout! Julie and Tina with some slaps now turn to punches and Julie with a kick to the midsection whips Tina into the steel steps. Julie pulling Tina up and runs her up the aisle, but gets tackled to the floor by Rick Reynolds to loud boos. Nykki with Mack in a side headlock delivers a bulldog, then she heads up top for a flying elbow drop to the heart. Reynolds with Julie up for The Plunge gets a knee to the head and Julie slips down for a Russian leg sweep. She gets clotheslined by Tina as Nykki looks for the Dark Delight again, but Mack dodging it nails the CNC flipping back to lock it in. Reynolds slides into the ring though and kicks him in the back, then yanks Mack up to nail a reverse ddt to even more boos. Julie and Tina battle towards the back now as Rick helps up Nykki, then whips her to the ropes, but hit's a super kick to the back of her head and a german suplex for SIN taking her down. Rick pulling Mack up now gets ran off by Corez who slides in to end the assault, then checks on Mack who is fine and gets to his feet. Rick just backs up the ramp smirking as Corez and Mack do crotch chops aimed to him and Nick Miller says.

Mack with the DQ win thanks to Reynolds, but Julie and Tina battling ringside from damn near the start of the match could be headed for a match, perhaps another student versus teacher!?! Coming up though Reynolds is in a match and apparently has shown up here tonight, but will he show up to face Cody Jericho!?

"Monster" plays over the pa and another bathroom break as Cody walks out with Brandy on his arm and Sara makes the announcement.

The following match is set for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied by Brandy Jericho, from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, weighing in at two hundred twenty six pounds........Cody Jericho! 

The couple heads down to the ring and Brandy kisses Cody who now heads up the steps into the ring ready for his match. "King of the Hole" plays and the crowd booing a little despite no one coming out. A couple minutes and the music still plays as Sara now makes the announcement.

And his opponent from Amarillo Texas, weighing in at two hundred nineteen pounds, he is the Natural Sinner........Rick Reynolds!

More boos and still no Rick and the son soon ends bringing the crowd to a buzz as Cody leans on the ropes waiting. The ref shrugging just signals the bell, counts to ten, and signals for the bell again and Sara with the announcement says.

Ladies and gentlemen, as a result of a count, your winner............Cody Jericho!

The crowd not caring still and some even boo as Brandy comes in hugging Cody while "Monster" plays and Nick Miller says.

I guess Reynolds really wasn't lying about not showing for Cody, though we know he is here tonight due to his run ins attacking Mack and his own Franchise partner Nykki Delight! Cody with the win, but not much better of one than his brother Shane got last week who ended up getting owned tonight by Corez. Next up is the main event though and we find out if The Resurrector can go solo one more time with the Tag Titles on the line against Ashley Pearson and Jason Stratus!

"Blow Me Away" plays on the pa system and the pyro falls from the ceiling as Jason struts out waving his arms arrogantly while Sara makes the announcement.

The following is the main event of the night and it is a tag team match set for one fall and is for the SEF World Tag Team Championship! Making his way to the ring from Boston Massachusetts, weighing in at two hundred twenty five pounds.........Jason Stratus!

He slowly walks out of the pryo and walks down the ramp. He goes up the steps and steps into the ring and goes to a corner and poses arrogantly. "Bad Girlfriend" hits and out comes Ashley Pearson to a major ovation. She slaps hands with the fans at ringside and takes photos with a couple of them as Sara introduces her.

And Jason's partner, making her way to the ring from Houston Texas, she weighs in at one hundred twenty pounds.........Ashley Pearson!

She gets into the ring and poses on the second rope taking her "Shit Happens" t shirt off. Ashley tosses it into the crowd, then hops down stretching her arms. We hear "Rest In Pieces" hit the pa and The Resurrector comes calmly walking to the ring. He just stands on the stage staring at the cheering crowd for a few seconds, then walks down the ramp as Sara introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at three hundred thirty five pounds, he is the SEF I-con Champion and one half of the World Tag Team Champions.........The Resurrector!

He flashes the wolfpac sign, then he gets on the apron and steps in the ring, moves to the ropes and thrusts his fist in the air. The Resurrector looks around the arena at the crowd going nuts for him and hands the Tag Titles to the ref, then removes his coat and unsnaps the icon title. After the ref presents the Tag Titles the bell rings and Jason starting the match moves in quick for some punches, but gets shoved to his ass. Jason springs up hammering away, then he tries for an irish whip, but The Resurrector reverses sending Jason to the ropes. Jason leaps up for a cross body, but gets caught and turned into a running power slam with The Resurrector going for the pin, ONE.........................TWO....Ashley runs in with a kick to his head, then backs off to her corner. The Resurrector up and staring her down turns picking Jason up, but gets a kick to the midsection and Jason tries for a piledriver. The Resurrector easily backdrops him over to the mat, then runs to the ropes springing back into a leg drop across his throat. The big man gets up pulling Jason up into a wristlock, then heads up the turnbuckles for Walk The Line, but Ashley running in again bounces off the ropes dropping the big man on the top rope. Ashley getting back out with a warning from the ref and Jason ddt's The Resurrector off the ropes, then nails a rocker dropper on him hooking a leg for the pin, ONE............................TWO.......kickout! Jason gets up crawling to his corner and makes the tag bringing Ashley into with a baseball slide dropkick to the head of The Resurrector. She gets up dropping a knee to his head, then pulls The Resurrector up to his knees hitting a snap ddt. Ashley goes to his legs dropping elbows to The Resurrector's left knee, then grapevines and pounds away. She pops up trying to applying a boston crab, but the big man using his leg strength kicks Ashley into a corner. He gets up and she charges out leaping up into a hurricanrana taking him down. Ashley heads to the top rope and delivers a shooting star press, then she rolls to her corner making the tag. Jason comes in stalking The Resurrector, then hit's a super kick on him and applies a dragon sleeper. The Resurrector fighting keeps Jason's legs apart and thrashes around getting his legs in the ropes forces a break. Jason holding out for the fix count is forced off the big man and he gets up kicking him in the head. The Resurrector getting up on the ropes and Jason running at him gets Impaled to huge cheers. Ashley yelling for him to get up and Jason tries, but The Resurrector helping him rips Jason on to his shoulder, then runs at Ashley launching Jason head on into her head. Ashley knocked to the floor and Jason springing off the ropes into the Gangsta Kick from The Resurrector who now does a cut throat and rips Jason up to deliver the Resurrection into the pin, ONE.............................TWO...........................THREE! The bell rings and The Resurrector stands as Sara makes the announcement.

Here is your winner of the match by pinfall and still one half of the SEF World Tag Team Champions........The Resurrector!

Matt Matlock leaping in from the crowd with the Franchise Title slams it to the back of The Resurrector's head to boos, then drops the belt and delivers The Animal's Instincts to the big man. He grabs the I-con Title and Franchise Title lifting them high, then just leaves the ring with both belts to a lot of boos. "You Know My Name" plays as he heads to the back leaving The Resurrector to gather himself and the Tag Titles as Nick Miller wraps up the show.

The Resurrector pulling of a second Tag Title victory on his own and against a better team in my opinion than last time. But afterwards Matlock laying him out like we saw before only this time he took the I-con Title with him. What this means is anyone's guess, but were sure to learn more next week on Evolution as the road to the biggest show of the year rolls on. Until then, have a good night folks!

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