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A Intruder At The Perry Graveyard

Started by The Perry Family, December 16, 2023, 11:49:47 AM

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The Perry Family

Cruella perry is shown relaxing outside of her church,  where her and Sierra, Live she looks around it is decorated for the Holidays she then is outside in the graveyard and she then begin to talk.

Cruella perry. all right what to do this graveyard needs a good cleaning i mean my god where is that Damm, Gardner we hired i mean really.

Cruella Perry this grass is getting high how is the people of the dead, suppose to even feel free and relax.

she let's the air hit her face, and she hears somebody, behind her she turns around and see's Nobody she then begin to talk.

Cruella Perry. is that you Sierra who's there show yourself or fry.

she wait for reply tbc by anyone
Jade West

The Perry Family

the intruder end up being the missing Jade West, Cruella has not seen her in many years to some Months, she runs down and calls for her,she then get's jade to come down and visit her, which she does, she opens the gate door and shuts locks it and then begin to talk.

Cruella perry. hey where u been bitch it has been a long time, so what going on come in and sit down.

Jade West i came to see you to discuss some personal business i got some news u might find interesting.

Cruella Perry some news oh this is Interesting, so tell me what is going on.

Jade West. Well yeah im glad im here and alive and well first of all how is Sierra and her baby.

Cruella Perry. They Are Doing Very Well very Healthy, but what personal business do you got.

Jade West. Well im Retired and she is doing well to in fact, she is doing even better, she is stil coughing a bit, but she is doing better.

Cruella perry. Wait Who is She Jade ? Who are we talking about here, do u mean.

Jade West. oh look im going have to have u and sierra come over and visit my place up in the mountains il explain there

Cruella perry. all right il come down and visit but what going on,there u can not tell me here.

Jade West trust me it is way personal then u think is Sierra around.

Cruella perry yeah she is here somewhere proably putting the baby to sleep il go see how she is doing and be right back.

jade waits

Jade West

The Perry Family

they drive in jades car very beautiful car, and it takes a few long hours to make it to the mountains, stop and get out Cruella helps Sierra out of the car, get out walk to the door, jade smiles and she then begin to talk.

Jade West. Now before we go in first of all, please do not get excited don't jump to conclusions, this means a lot to me it was not even suppose to be like this.

Jade West but first of all lets go In,

Cruella Perry,  Jade please what is this all about what is going on here.

Sierra Perry is Holding her baby, puts her in the stroller, she then begin to talk.

Jade West opens the door and she then begin to talk.

Jade West. All Right Bitch time to get your lil but out here.

she wait a while for reply
Jade West

The Perry Family

out comes the Wolf everyone thought was deceased months back Cruella mouth is hanging Open, she not sure what to say, last time they saw the Wolf, she has passed away on her porch and said to have died, of a bad Ashma attack only to be saved by her life long friend yet enemy in the ring Jade West, and has been here ever since she then looks at them she takes a deep breath and she then begin to talk.

The Wolf. Hey There Bitches How's it going miss me

Cruella Perry. yeah we missed you jade what is going on here! i thought she was

Sierra Perry. Dead the Word is Deceased Cruella yeah last we saw you omg u was deceased on your floor of your front porch. we took u to the hospital.

The Wolf yeah yeah u did see me but actually Jade took me to the hospital a different hospital to get me healed up, and she got me a puffer, and she then been taking care of me ever since.

The Wolf.i do got ashma though but not as bad i did not even think u all would believe i was dead i apologize deeply

Cruella perry. Well looks like we got a Devils Playground reunion, right here no ring no audience nobody else knows but us

The Wolf im Hungry hey Sierra is that your baby omg beautiful she a baby girl right

Sierra Perry. yeah i had her recently thanks she is my pride and joy 

The Wolf there is lot of stuff to catch up on here omg it feels good to have some time together and not in a ring or locker room, it insane there i did not want us to fight lets be like a family Please. so what been happening.

somebody then begin to talk

Jade West

The Perry Family

Cruella perry. i just i really wish we could of had that devil playground reunion on Sef tv just think of how evilly awesome that would of been 

Sierra Perry. i Know the fans would of loved it i mean it could of happened at just the right time, against maybe against Black crow and partners of her chosen.

Jade West like first Cruella comes out and Sierra then me and then we can introduce the wolf all of us standing on the entrance ramp heading down to the ring.

the Wolf am Guys lol not that it does not sound awesome it does really does but far as everyone else in SEF Goes im still deceased so how would that have worked out ?

Jade west I'm not sure, but in wwe didn't Paul bearer died and come back and isn't undertaker the Deadman he suppose to be deceased and he came back .

The Wolf. That would of been special, really special, but anything can happen in the world of wrestling.

The Wolf maybe some other wrestling promotion is Hiring but i don't trust any other wrestling companies hell oh well least we are together here and next weekend is Christmas

Cruella Perry. drinks her red wine and she then begin to talk.

Cruella Perry i know we can celebrate it here together, im getting Hungry wait before we cook i got to ask this.

Cruella Perry. Wolfe how u feeling right now just thought i check in cause this is de ja vau this is how this hole mess started in the first place.

the Wolf im feeling just fine been coughing i got my meds and puffer with me im fine let's party.

somebody else then begin to talk 

Jade West

The Perry Family

The Wolf one thing i would love to do, is get them dam walkers Back for nearly Destroying The Devils playground, one thing we did not need is new members but Nobody listened to me!

Cruella Perry. calm Down Wolfe Please devil playground is never going to die never we are going to be Just fine yes bringing in the walkers was a bad idea but

Jade West we needed somebody to watch our backs and help us out we did not know what was going happen nobody knows.

Jade West. What is Going happen day after day Night after Night it is mostly just Fate.

The Wolf and look we are out of Jobs the Walkers are at Sef tv Collecting Paychecks just not fair it is like it was their Plan from the start look i know they think im dead but far as im concerned no im never going let this go!

they try calm Wolf down she keeps drinking and drinking she wants payback against the walkers somehow someway

Sierra Perry. Holds her Beautiful Baby in her arms like a true Mother should, 

as somebody begin to talk.

Jade West

The Perry Family

The Wolf i Can Not Let this Go, i Wil never let it go we let devils playground die and she and lexi are the only two Bitches left there. it schould be us it is all of their faults i know

The Wolf. it was Jade who brought them in but i think it was their plan to destroy us from the Inside and i don't know how Long it takes their careers are going to be over 

she drinks her wine throws it at the wall she then begin to talk again.

The Wolf i know we are no longer active wrestlers at Sef but im willing to do what ever it takes to destroy Tonya and Lexi Walker careers so they can know what it feels like to be left with Nothing.

Sierra Perry Calm Down Wolfe Calm Down Please, 

Cruella Perry oh i don't think we going be able to Calm her down,  if there is one thing we can not do when Wolfe is like this is you can't Calm her Down

Jade this is my fault all of my Fault for Bringing the walkers in sef to begin with.

they try calm her down as Wolfe sets fire to a picture of Tonya and Lexi. n watches it burn
Jade West

The Perry Family

Jade sees the Wolf sitting in her devils playground truck, Wolf looks more Insane then ever, jade looks at her and begin to talk.

Jade Wolf what ru doing in the truck i hope your Listening to Music or some relaxing or something right.

The Wolf oh No Jade i got more on my Mind, right now then relaxing and taking it easy iam going to make things right il be right Back.

Jade Wait Where you Going! Bitch where ru going?

The Wolf Drives Off somewhere not sure where, as Jade cant catch her as Cruella runs out to see where the Wolf ran off to.

Cruella Perry. wait What Going on Jade What is Going on? 

Jade it's the Wolf she just drove off like a Maniac i m not sure where she is going but she is gone we got to go find her.

Cruella Perry. She is Going be Fine, im sure she is going be fine. u know Wolf

Jade yes ido Know her, that why iam worried, she might snap or drive to the arena u know Tonya Walker is stil at Sef with Lexi she going do something i know it.

Cruella Perry i Hope not she could be Miles away lets go back in the church the baby might be hungry we cant go chase her cant even find her.

they manage to get her back to the cabin and try calm her down.

Jade West

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