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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

Two Ten Stars in 1 Week of SEF TV

Started by Daddy Mack, June 23, 2023, 11:15:37 PM

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Daddy Mack

(Mack kicked back at a bar in Las Vegas at one of the casinos on the strip, but The Showsteala not gambling, just drinking a straight up whiskey in a glass in front of him. A pair of blue jeans and biker boots with a leather jacket on the back of the stool and his black t-shirt covering his torso.)
"So I got two ten star tag team matches this week and first one may be more challenging than the latter. Cliff o Clink and Sara Marie are becoming a force to be reckoned with, but they have the task of teaming with that fine ass Sierra Perry, her sister Cruella, and The Wolf who I'd bang too. Maybe after I get done spanking her in the ring she can visit me in my room upstairs or I'll just pick one of the many lining up at my door!?!"
(A Chesire like grin on his face and Mack just keeps on keeping on.)
"Ah, well, wonder if my partners and I can handle the task of teaming with Simon Lee Nash and Jake Voss, The Phoenix and Anarchy World Champion. No hard feelings from me Jake, hell, you beat me, so hope you got none. I'm alright with teaming up together and least I know you can kick ass like I can and mine too. Although maybe we'll have to have another match down the road to see if ya can do it again!?!"
(A grin for that subtle challenge like he don't care if it happens or not.)
"I'm sure you'll show up to fight with us. Its Simon I don't know if I can count on and sometimes I wonder about Chris Orton. He worked with LBD and I to get the 6 Star Tag Team Titles and defend them, but I don't know if he is still interested. Maybe someone should make things interesting for him, but I don't want to do it, I like the team we got going, so I hope Chris shows up. I hope Simon shows, but I know LBD will and you Phoenix, I know for sure the three of us will take on all five opponents and let them know they been in a fight. Now if any of ya all want to join me, I'm right here, ya know where to find me. Even our opponents, ya all invited to come have a drink before our big match. Jade West and them Walker girls, Lexi and Savanna, we got you three with the Perry's and Wolf on Friday in the Anarchy Dome, so ya best bring your best cause I know three of us who will bring more than all of SEF can handle. Simon and Chris, c'mon boys, show up, have a drink, then we fight, we wrestle, we put on a damn show for the world to see how great we are at what we do."
(Mack lifts his glass shooting the whiskey down and raises it up for the bartender to come over and refill.)

Taylor Andrews

"Don't forget about Macky, your team will not be the same heading into the Anarchy Dome because my bestie LBD has main event obligations, and a Womens Evolution Champion to win!"
(Julie walking to Mack in a leather jacket and black leggings with knee high stilleto heels. She takes a seat next to The Showsteala who looks at her with a smile and says.)
"Oh, yea, I forgot about The Queen, my bad sweetheart. Hey bartender, we need a royal glass for my home girl here."
(Mack speaking towards the bartender who comes over asking Julie.)
"So what can I get you?"
"Whiskey and Seven on the rocks."
(Mack nods and take a sip of his whiskey as the bartender pours Julie her drink and serves it up, then she raises it to clink with Mack and both sip their drink and set then down. Julie pulling her hair behind her ear next to Mack and says.)
"So it may just be the three of us, but you know you can count on me as much as LBD and we can count on her walking out with the Womens Evolution Championship. We got Jake Voss who you said beat you recently, so we know he can help us double down on these six girls we stand across from. Jade West, the sort of ringleader if you will with her former Devil's Playground advocates, The Wolf, Sierra and Cruella Perry, then she has her bodyguards who want to kick their own ass in the ring, Lexi and Savanna Walker. Those two fancy themselves to be some badasses, but being a badass means not calling yourself such or it kinda loses its meaning. These girls have no idea who they are stepping into the ring with and its not for our lack of reminding them and the rest of the world how great we are, its for their lack of intelligence. Its hard for them to grow as Jade came here first some six years ago and has not evolved, she has not adapted to her environment. Which is why we don't need all of our opponents to show up, hell Mack, we don't need Jake, but we know we can count on him, he is SEF like we are, like everyone on the roster should be, we are SEF. I do hope Simon and Chris show up, Chris especially, I spent more time in the ring with him. Simon is good though, he does evolve and learn from his environment. Anyways, where is everybody?"
(Julie taking a sip of her drink with a smirk on her face as Mack just shrugs.)
"I don't know."



(A woman dressed in in a pair of black leather shorts, a red cotton tank top with black lace framing the top of her cleavage, black leather riding boots that have a side pockets on the outside, and a black leather jacket, a pair of diamond hoop earrings showing and a necklace that is a silver chain necklace with a silver cross with a huge diamond in the middle of the cross, a 14.00ctw pear and round cut diamond wedding set with eternity wedding band all set in platinum, a clear watch that has diamonds on it on her left and on her right, a black onyx and diamond ring, and three clear Lucite diamond encrusted bracelets. This woman is none other than Liz B. Decker aka LBD. She sits down on the barstool next to Mack and the waitress brings Liz a Jim and 7UP. She takes a drink and then looks at Julie with a smirk.)

Liz B. Decker:
You damn straight that I am going to win the Evolution title. And there's nothing Wolf and the Perry Sisters can do about it. You might forewarn Tina.....

She goes by Taylor.

(Liz smirks even more and says.)

Liz B. Decker:
Tina that I am going to be gunning for her after I take care of business with Devil's Playground and when I win the Evolution title, I will be coming to settle a damn score with her. While I was gone taking care of my family, she held gold with ANA. IT SHOULDA BEEN ME! NOT HER! I don't give a damn if you're gonna tell me that I am in the wrong to keep grouping her in the whole mess of Viper, Jenom, Kristina Fox, and Midnight.

Well, you are.

Liz B. Decker:
If I am, then where was the damn battle cry to the world of "Where The Hell Is The Real Whitney At?!", huh? Everyone moved on after the scandal hit like nothing ever happened. Tina is going to be what's coming at her in the form of me. Especially if she walks out champion. I will be demanding her to put both Evolution Women's and Universal titles on the line. She can say that Mack can walk away and no one would care because she's here but that's a damn lie and she knows it. I would care! He's the one that pulled me out of my dark place and put me back on my path of being a good example for Betty and Billy. He's the one that carried SEF on his back for many years and could do it all over again in a snap of his fingers.  I'll be the one outta the two of us that climbs that ladder and gets that Evolution Women's title. I was supposed to get the Anarchy Women's title and Evolution X Unified Championship but I am not gonna make excuses of why I didn't because the world saw that the DVF didn't want a real dominant competitor to have that title. So, Sara Marie is gonna get gold taken from her.

(Mack looks over to Liz and grins as Liz continues to speak.)

Liz B. Decker:
I know we got a lot on our plates as far as showing the world and this company who The Legends of SEF are but I'll be damned if I let her, Wolf, The Perry Sisters, that bastard Cliff O'Clink who stole my unified Anarchy Women's title and the Evolution X title from me, and his two bit hobag Sara Marie get a damn win over me. I can't. Julie, Mack, like I keep saying and it bears repeating, I got two set of eyes watching from home take back my legacy and put some damn respect back upon my name. The Devil's Playground, Simon Lee Nash, "Phoenix" Jake Voss, and The DVF are gonna find out why I am and always will be The True Dominant Woman of the Ring.....Period! Anyone that dares to go up against one of The Legends of SEF, the other two will by their side because that's how we roll. Right, Mack?

(Liz raises her glass to Mack and cheers him.)

Daddy Mack:

TBC BY Shane "Daddy" Mack
Legends of SEF

Jake Voss

(So here comes none other than the Anarchy World Champion in a black t-shirt and leather pants, boots, and his hair down his shoulders. A grin on his bearded face seeing three legends he gets to call tag team partner two nights in one week. Jake sitting down next to Julie and signals the bartender to get him a screwdriver.)
Not sure you were expecting me to be here with ya all to enjoy a drink before these big tag team matches, but I wouldn't miss it for the world. A chance to hang with legends and tag with legends. Cliffy don't stand a chance and those covenant of satan worshippers may as well pack it up and go home, go back to the big apple!
(Jake with his drink raising it up and takes a sip.)

Taylor Andrews

"I would have rather held gold with you Whit-, I mean LBD, Liz!"
(Taylor Andrews walks over to the seat open next to LBD and takes a seat folding her pink and grey plaid skirt under her ass as she plops down. A pair of white stockings and knee stilleto heels with a pink leather jacket covering her torso. Taylor's blonde hair in pigtails and she calls the bartender for Heineken raising her glass to some old friends and great rivals. Taylor takes a sip and looks to LBD.)
"You and I should have been Tag Team Champions, or even better, Julie, yourself, and myself should have been 6 Star Tag Team Champions. But if its a title shot you want Liz, you got it anytime you want it, anywhere, and you can pick any stipulation."
I want that Womens Evolution Title.
Then I will give you first shot after this fatal four way match we have unless you can get the title before me. I'll still give you a shot the Universal Title. I would love the opportunity to face you one on one as much as I would love to be a co holder of Tag Team Titles with you. You chose me Liz and I will not ever forget what you did for me in that moment. You can think what you want about Viper and myself, but I have done nothing with Viper you haven't done yourself. We keep our friends close and enemies closer right!? Viper is dead, but a memory must remain to remember what we cannot repeat in the history we make tomorrow and every tomorrow after.
(Taylor takes a drink of beer waiting for a response from this small crew of wrestlers waiting for the show to go on.)

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