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Carnage 22 {9/23/03}

Started by Taylor Andrews, November 28, 2014, 08:09:56 PM

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Taylor Andrews

September 23rd, 2003

Smells Like Teen Spirit begins playing as some pyro shoots off and the show opens up inside the MCI Center right in the nations capitol, Washington DC. The camera pans around the arena capturing all the fans who are going crazy and screaming for some action. After a lil bit, the camera drops down and rests on Kid Rock and Eminem at ringside.

Kid: Yeehaw all ya all people, we be up here in DC tonight rolling with the army brats and polidickins, I mean politicians.

Em: Yea man, I like the first one better, but hey we got a great show tonight, some hot action lined up.

Kid: We sure do. That fucking triple threat for the TV Title looks great man, I can't wait to see what Cassie does, she is all fired up.

Em: Yea she is, damn girl wants blood tonight, not just the title. We also got a nice lil fatal four way with Mark Matters and Sean Voltage, two bitches fighting along with Angelus who is looking better and Spike Dudley.

Kid: Yea, sweet match there plus tonight, Ryan Impact makes his debut and lets hope this big guy makes an impact in SEF.

Em: He'll need to get noticed here, SEF ain't no lowly federation like most are today.

Kid: True to that dogg. Nice lil tag match with Cassidy and Charisma fighting Lita and Fayte tonight as well, fine chicks.

Em: Yea they are, wish I was special ref or something, lucky ass Dre.

Kid: For sure, but man, that damn six person tag match, nice one.

Em: Oh yea, the Rebellion taking on Viper, Whitney, and Bubba, should be a great build up for this Sunday.

Kid: Yea it should, Mack and Viper got a lot of history and tonight could see something come o a head or just get started, so lets get on with it and see.

Triple Threat Match
XCW Television Championship
Cassie Michaels w/Andrew Velzian vs. Matt Matlock vs. Strife[c] w/Daddy Mack
Referee: Uncle Cracker

Don't Let Me Get Me hits as Cassie comes walking out to the ring with Velzian following her. She gets in the ring and poses while he stays outside. Then Born With Nothing, Die With Everything hits and Matt Matlock comes out and soon gets in the ring. Minerva plays over the pa and Strife makes his way out with the XCW TV Title and Mack along with him. At ringside, Mack takes the title as Strife jumps in the ring and charges for Cassie, but Matt tackles Strife and the two start rolling around punching each other. Cassie comes over to them and kicks Strife in the ribs, then Matt gets up as Cassie begins really kicking at Strife ferociously. Matt just kind of steps back and watches on as Cassie soon picks up Strife and backs him into a corner where she looks to slap him up. Strife however overpowers her and barrels out clotheslining Cassie to the mat. This prompts Matt to come after Strife who sees him and kicks him in the gut, then ddts Matt. As Strife stands up, Cassie has climbed the ropes and now jumps off on to Strife giving him a hurracanrana. She then gets up and kicks him square in the head before lifting him up and hitting Strife with a hard ddt. Matt gets up and grabs Strife by the hair, hoists him up and sets him up on the top rope. Matt climbs up and delivers the Matlock Drop to him. Matt looks for the pin, but Cassie dropkicks him in the head, then grabs him by the hair and slams his head into the mat. She goes for the pin on Strife, but mack grabs her foot and pulls her to the outside. Velzian comes running over, but Mack sees him and nails Da Shows Ova on him. Meanwhile, Cassie climbs to the top rope and does the Shooting Star Press to Matt. Mack looks to jump in the ring, but Viper comes running out and chases Mack to the back. Cassie then pins Matt as Cracker counts, 1............2...........3!

J-Lo: Here is your winner and new XCW Television Champion................................Cassie Michaels!

Don't Let Me Get Me hits and Cassie looks in awe of winning, but smiles and grabs her title, celebrating with utter happiness. Strife comes to and sees this and is not happy. He jumps up and grabs Cassie by the hair, yells at her and looks to take her head off when Viper comes running back out and tackles Strife pounding him into the mat, then picks him up and hits him with Sinful. He then motions for Cassie to pin him which she does and Viper counts, 1...........2............3!

Viper raises up Cassie's hand and then leaves the ring.

Kid: Holy shit, goddamn it man, this shit is crazy, Cassie is the new TV Champ, damn this is weird.

Em: I know, man, a woman holding a mens title, not the first time in SEF, but still messed up. And whats with Viper helping her and rubbing it for Strife?

Fatal Four Way
Mark Matters vs. Sean Voltage vs. Spike Dudley w/Patricia Stratigias vs. Angelus
Referee: Uncle Cracker

Mark and Sean are already in the ring when Welcome To Dudleyville hits and Spike comes walking out with Patricia. He soon gets in the ring and Loves Me Not hits when Angelus comes out and gets in the ring. Angelus runs at Sean and clotheslines to the outside, going out as well. Mark looks to punch Spike, but Spike ducks it and dropkicks his knee, then runs the ropes and gives him a tornado ddt. Angelus and Sean fight up on the apron, but Spike dropkicks them both, then grabs Mark by the head and gives him the Dudley Dog. Spike then pins as Cracker counts, 1............2.............3!

J-Lo: Here is your winner.........................Spike Dudley!

Welcome To Dudleyville hits and Spike poses with Patricia.

Kid: Damn man, Spike just cleaned house and I don't the lil guy broke a sweat.

Em: No shit man, damn he is good for being small.

Singles Match
Ryan Impact vs. D-Von Dudley
Referee: Uncle Cracker

Ryan Impact is in the ring when a missile drops and Bombshell hits. D-Von comes walking and soon gets in the ring with Ryan meeting and the two exchange punches. Ryan overpowers D-Von and whips him into the ropes looking for a big boot, but D-Von ducks and comes flying at him with a back elbow. D-Von then lifts up Ryan and scoop slams him, goes up top and nails a headbutt. D-Von picks up Ryan and nails a few punches before hitting him with a ddt, then lifts him and grabs him from behind hitting a Reverse DDT, then pins as Cracker counts, 1............2.............3!

J-Lo: Here is your winner.......................D-Von Dudley!

Bombshell hits as D-Von jumps up and is pumped over his win.

Kid: Nice win by D-Von, damn he is getting better and better.

Em: Sure is man, he could soon be a major player in SEF.

Tag Team Match
Cassidy Michaels & Charisma vs. Lita & Fayte
Referee: Dr. Dre

I Still Don't Give A Fuck hits and Cassidy comes walking out to the ring, but along with her is Charisma and the two get in together. LovePassionFuryEnergy hits and Lita comes running out to the ring, then Her Ghost In The Fog and Fayte comes out as well. All four women collide in the ring with Cassidy and Lita spilling to the outside while Charisma and Fayte tangle in the ring. Fayte ends up whipping Charisma into the ropes, then putting her down with a dropkick and pounding her head into the mat. Cassidy and Lita are now in their own corners after a lil brawl. Fayte picks up Charisma and loosk for a suplex, but Charisma slides down behind her and gives Fayte a reverse ddt. She then tags out to Cassidy who comes flying in off the top rope nailing a now standing Fayte with a missile dropkick. Cassidy grabs Fayte by the hair and lifts her up, then sets her up and nails a vicious ddt. Cassidy then covers her and pins as Dre counts, 1..........2..........kickout! Cassidy begins punching Fayte in the head, then picks her up and whips Fayte into the ropes and looks for a clothesline, but Fayte does the same and they both go down. As the lay there, Dre executes a ten count and as he gets to around six, Cassidy crawls up and looks to tag in Charisma. Fayte however lunges over and tags on Lita who jumps in and charges at Charisma who is in and clotheslines her hard to the mat. Lita then nails Cassidy with a forearm shot before going back to Charisma and nailing her with elbows, then whipping her across the ring, jumps up and brings her down in a hurracanrana. Lita then lifts up Charisma and looks for a Twist Of Fate, but Charisma pushes her away and tags in Cassidy. Cassidy looks for a clothesline, but Lita drop toeholds her, the picks her up and nails Cassidy with a powerbomb near the corner. Lita climbs up top and delivers a Moonsault to Cassidy, then pins as Dre counts, 1............2.............3!

J-Lo: Here are your winners.........................Lita & Fayte!

LovePassionFuryEnergy hits as Lita and Fayte celebrate their win.

Kid: Wow, Lita and Fayte just beat Cassidy and Charisma. I would have thought the two girls who know each other would win.

Em: Me too man, but I guess Lita and Fayte just wanted it more or something.

6-Person Tag Team Match
Daddy Mack, Courtney Michaels, Strife vs. Viper, Whitney Marret, Bubba Ray Dudley
Referee: Dr. Dre

White America comes over the system and soon, Daddy Mack with his arm around Courtney comes walking out along with Strife. They all three make it to the ring and soon following, The Unforgiven hits and out walks Viper, Whitney, and Bubba Ray. Them three get to ringside, then all look to each other and slide in the ring hooking it up right away with the Rebellion. Bubba and Strife lock up while Whitney and Courtney tangle. Mack taunts Viper before jumping out of the ring and Viper follows. mack runs around the ring like twice before sliding back in and once Viper comes in, Mack kicks him square in the head, then elbow drops him before going over to his corner. Whitney and Courtney have been seperated and are in their corners as Viper gets up and goes to his. Bubba has Strife in the corner and is pounding on him, then whips him across the ring and charges a Strife, hitting him with a huge splash. As Strife staggers out, Bubba lifts up and delivers a samoan drop, then pins as Dre counts, 1.............2............kickout! Bubba jumps up and delivers a couple elbow drops to Strife before picking him and tagging In Viper who climbs in and nails Strife with a few hard punches, then sends him across the ring and catches him around the waist hitting a belly to belly suplex. Viper picks up Strife and suplexes him, then grabs his left leg and elbows it a few times before locking his knee up and wrenching on it. After a few minutes, Mack runs in and kicks Viper, then runs back out. Viper jumps up and goes after Mack, but the Dre stops him, then Strife gets up and tackles Viper from behind. He then gets up and tags in Mack who comes running at Viper, but Viper jumps up and quickly powerslams Mack. Viper then begins hammering away on Mack with hard punches. Courtney comes running in after Viper, but Whitney jumps in and tackles her, then starts beating her head into the mat and the two roll outside. Strife jumps back in, but Bubba meets him with a clothesline and starts beating him down. Viper has Mack up and starts punching him in the corner while Bubba takes Strife outside. Dre tries to get the four people on the outside back to their corners when Angelus comes running out with his US Title and jumps in the ring. He runs at Viper and nails him in the back of the head with his title, the jumps out of the ring. Mack picks up Viper and whips him into the ropes and nails Da Shows Ova on him. Dre sees this and jumps back into the ring as Mack pins and he counts, 1............2.............3!

J-Lo: Here are your winners...................Daddy Mack, Courtney Michaels, Strife!

White America starts playing as Mack gets his hand raises. Angelus helps Strife beat down Bubba, then pulls Courtney away from Whitney and gets in the ring. The Rebellion poses together, but then the rest of The Deadly Force runs and look for a fight, but behind them comes to masked men who jump in the ring and jump them. The two men damn near take out the Deadly Force on their own, but the Rebellion helps and soon they all head to the back together.

Kid: Damn man, kind of a cheap win tonight, but a win nonetheless I guess.

Em: Yea, but what about those two men? Ya would think it was Skull and Cobra, but they weren't big enough, so wonder who they are.

Kid: Beats me man, they were pretty big though, not huge, but good sized. Probably some plan of Mack's as usual, so we'll have to wait and see, later all.

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