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SEFWUN TV presents Scars & Stripes - 7/4

Started by sefwun, June 12, 2019, 05:24:26 PM

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Thursday, July 4th, 2019 @ 8 pm EST

Bell Time: 7:30 pm EST

Venue: Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky

Theme Music: Freedom by Rage Against The Machine


Main Event
Triple Threat 2 Falls Elimination Match
1st Fall: SEFWUN United States Championship
2nd Fall: SEFWUN Universal Championship

A Native Americano v. Hick Janes v. Tina(c)

SEFWUN World Championship Match
? v. "The Phoenix" Jake Voss(c)

SEFWUN Tag Team Championship Match
?? v. Destruction(c)



Thursday, July 4th, 2019

The Freedom Hall in Louisville Kentucky sold out on July fourth of two thousand nineteen for SEFWUN TV presents Scars & Stripes. Freedom by Rage Against The Machine playing over the pa inciting the crowd to reach near riot level in anticipation of tonight's huge show when we see red, white, and blue balloons fall from the rafters along with the same colored confetti. A platform lowers down from above the tron with a large, rotund old man dressed in a slick silver suit minus the tie and the top button of his shirt undone. The platform resting on the stage and the old man with his grey blonde curly hair looking like its been a long, hard road to get here leans into the microphone setup on the platform like a podium and he says.

"Welcome to Scars and Stripes and welcome to the last SEFWUN TV event!"

The crowd popping for the welcome, but a few boos for the idea of the last event as the man just ignores the crowd to continue.

"WAR is where the future will be at, where the future stars of SEFWUN will hone their skills and perhaps one day SEFWUN TV will be back, along with myself, the Owner of SEFWUN. I bought this company and you may know me as Macks Daddy, which I am, I fathered The Showsteala, but I am not here to be a part of this show or any other. Of course, here I am opening this show on the fourth of July, stealing the spotlight, right!?"

The crowd booing him a little as The Owner looks unimpressed and just laughs a little before saying.

"I have an announcement to make, because like I said, I am not here to be a part of the show, I don't even want to be here at all, so I have hired a guy who has been here for a few years. Not a big name in SEFWUN, but a mainstay and a guy who can be trusted to run SEFWUN as it should be run. Hell, I am sure he knows better than I, but I am not a wrestling promoter, I am a businessman. I make more money than anyone in this building right now and that is real freedom because I can go anywhere I want anytime I want. So PBR, I forgot what those initials stood for and I don't care, you are PBR, and he is the new SEFWUN President and he runs the show until I show up."

Suicide Note Part One by Pantera plays over the pa as Macks Daddy exits the platform and heads backstage before PBR comes out in jeans and a SEFWUN t-shirt with a thirty pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon in his left hand. He has a open can in his right hand which he drinks from as he approaches the platform, but its being raised back up out of the way, so the new President makes his way down to the ring where he rolls in. PBR draining his can to toss it away, grabs a mic and says.

"Well, I'll drink to that, so enjoy the show."

PBR drops the mic and the crowd cheers as he cracks open a can of beer to guzzle it down. Suicide Note Part One plays again as PBR heads up the aisle opening another can of beer and Nick Miller says.

"That was a interesting unscheduled announcement from the Owner himself, Macks Daddy, who is gone just as quick as he showed up to leave PBR in charge as the new SEFWUN President. A huge raise for PBR who seems to have not let the new role go to his head as he is gone to drink to that announcement. And why not since we have a solid show already booked for tonight. Three World Championship matches with the Undisputed World Championship on the line when J X Cash challenges "The Phoenix" Jake Voss. Then of course there is A Native Americano and Hick Janes challenging Tina in a triple threat two falls elimination match with her US Title and Universal Title on the line, one in each fall."

Bill McLane chimes in.

"And that is where the RxP takes the power back and Tina loses all her gold. Maybe she shouldn't have thrown down the Women's Title because after tonight that is the only championship she will have not been beaten for!"

Nick says.

"She could lose the first fall and not even be able to physically defend the Universal Title in the second fall, but still she would lose it. A high risk scenario for the Golden Gal who has to be thinking about that heavily, but will it crack her or will she emerge stronger than ever!?"

Freedom by Rage Against The Machine plays over the pa and the arena gets dark. A few spotlights hit the stage where Black Day emerges in their wrestling gear. Flamez in a black singlet with gold flamez running down it and has on boots and kneepads. Earl in black spandex pants and kneepads with boots and a black t-shirt that reads Black Day in gold letters. Black Bob sports black spandex pants with boots and a black vest that reads Black Bob across the back in gold letters. The back of his tights reading the same and the trio heads to the ring ready for business and nothing more as the announcer says.

"The following match is set for one fall and is for the SEFWUN Tag Team Championship. Introducing first, weighing in at a combined weight of six hundred fifty pounds, Black Bob, Earl The Hobo, and Flamez, the Black Day."

They all enter the ring with no indication as to which two will be competing when Indestructible by Disturbed plays over the pa. The Tag Team Champions make their way out in their leather gear with the spiked masks covering their faces and the announcer says.

"And now making their way to the ring at a combined weight of six hundred thirty five pounds, they are the SEFWUN Tag Team Champions, Destruction."

The two monsters of mayhem enter the ring to disrobe the masks, vests, and chaps revealing their painted faces to look like a pair of demons. Thrash and Slash take their corner, so the Black Day move to the opposite corner and the ref asking which two are competing. Bob leads the trio in a paper rock scissors battle and Flamez chooses scissors, but Earl crushes them with a rock. Bob choosing paper and covers Earl's rock, then looks to Flamez who steps out of the ring to the floor.

SEFWUN Tag Team Championship Match
Black Day v. Destruction(c)

Bob starting for his team against Slash and after a lock up we see Bob tossed back into his corner with ease. Bob looking back at Slash who stays in the middle of the ring unfazed and Earl looking to tag in, but Bob saying no. He runs out swinging quick punches into Slash's body, then looks for headshots, but the monster with a headbutt floors Bob. Slash picking Bob up and presses him above his head, then drops him down to his back and steps over making the tag. Thrash coming in looking like this is all over now and pulls Bob to deliver a headbutt slamming him into the corner as Nick Miller says.

"Wow, Destruction is dominating Black Day! They almost seem like they know they can't be stopped, but can they!?"

Bill McLane says.

"They can't be stopped! Bob should have let Earl in and did frequent tags in and out, this is stupid!"

Thrash with a shoulder to Bob in the corner smashing his midsection into the turnbuckles, then lifts him to the top rope and climbs up to deliver a superplex shaking the ring. Thrash into the pin, but a kickout at two and the monster seems upset he didn't end it, so he pulls Bob up to deliver a powerbomb shaking the ring again from slamming Bob so hard into the mat. Thrash with another pin and Bob kicks out at two. Thrash pulling Bob up from behind for a german suplex, but Bob rolling through to his feet and springs off the ropes leaping up to stomp down on the forehead of Thrash. Bob staggering away from him to his corner tagging in Earl who climbs to the top rope and flies off with a elbow drop to Thrash's chest, then goes for the pin. Thrash kicking out at two and Earl back on him with punches to the head, then rolls him over into a front facelock trying to slam knees to his head. Thrash powering up to his feet and lifting Earl off his to toss him across the ring, then charges for a clothesline, but Earl pulling the top rope down and the monster tumbles out to the floor. Earl up on his feet and the ref backing him up from the ropes. Slash helping Thrash up who landed near his partner and he rolls Thrash into the ring, but Earl sees Flamez heading over there and distracts the ref. Flamez pulling Slash around to nail a uppercut on his jaw, then scoops him up and swings around into a standing powerslam on the floor. Flamez heading back around the ring to clap his hands and rally the crowd behind Black Day. Earl kicking at Thrash now who fights his way up and shoves the hobo backwards, then charges for a spear, but Earl leapfrogging at the last second. Thrash slams into the Black Day corner and Bob wanting a tag, so Earl makes it and in comes Bob who instructs Earl to help him suplex Thrash. They lifts him up, but let go and Bob with a hand to the back of Thrash's head as he slams to the mat facefirst for DOG. Bob into the pin to win the match for his team.

Winners and NEW SEFWUN Tag Team Champions: Black Day

Freedom by Rage Against The Machine plays over the pa as Black Day celebrate their big win over Destruction and Nick Miller says.

"Perhaps we should call that finishing move the DOUBLE DOG cause it worked and we have brand new Tag Team Champions tonight at Scars and Stripes. My god what a match that was and a little bit outside action, nothing takes away from that finish."

Bill McLane says.

"Are you kidding? Flamez interfered! The match should have been thrown out. Slash was just helping his partner."

Nick says.

"Thrash was supposed to get in on his own, but nonetheless the ref saw none of it. What we all saw was that beautiful finish to a good match between what we have to call to bonafide tag teams. Black Day proved themselves tonight just as Destruction proved themselves thirteen years ago when they dismantled the Dudleyz."

Bill says.

"Destruction will be back for those titles and Black Day will be just another failed experiment!"

Nick says.

"I don't count Destruction out cause they proved they can still compete tonight. We have more action tonight though and up next is J X Cash challenging Jake Voss for the Undisputed World Championship!"

SEFWUN World Championship Match
J X Cash w/JEM v. "The Phoenix" Jake Voss(c)

A lock up begins this match with both men struggling for position, but its The Phoenix with a bit more power and he gets X in a side headlock. X fighting out to shove Jake into the ropes and drops down under him as The Phoenix bounces back and hits the other ropes. X leaping up into a spinning back kick, but Jake stops short leaps up with a dropkick to the head of X. The Phoenix rises up to pull X up into a suplex and rolls over into the pin, but only gets a two count. Jake sitting X up and clamps on a sleeper hold wrenching the X Rated Icon around a bit to try and put him out early. X with too much fight in him and begins clawing at Jake's arm, then pulls it over his mouth to bite him. Jake letting go and the ref warning X against that or he is out. X getting up to get a punch to the head from The Phoenix who then nails a couple knife edge chops to the chest backing X to a corner. Jake with a knee to the midsection, then climbs up to the second turnbuckle raining down punches to the head of X as the crowd counts to ten. Jake dropping down and pulling X out to the ropes  and runs into him with a high knee, then nails a superkick for Rising Phoenix and goes for the pin. X kicking out at two and Jake heading up top to leap off with a frog splash, but rolls through when X rolls out of the way. Jake on to his feet and turns, but X with a spear to The Phoenix and now he heads up top for the Gangsta Splash, but eats knees to his midsection. X rolling away clutching his ribs as Jake sees JEM on the apron and looks confused. The ref going over to get her down, but she argues with him and here comes Steve White and Hal Havoc to ringside. Jake flying over the top rope to crash both of them to the floor, but Mesa slinking down to run into Jake with a knee to the head. Mesa slamming Jake into the ring steps, then nails a side russian leg sweep on the floor before rolling Jake into the ring. X coming off the top rope with the Gangsta Splash, then gets up to lift Jake up into a vertebreaker, stands to backflip on top of The Phoenix and leaps up to drop both legs on his chest for the XXX. J X Cash into the pin now to win the match.

Winner and NEW SEFWUN World Champion: J X Cash

Venom by Eminem plays over the pa as X gets up to be met by Jenom with a hug and the World Championship belt as Nick Miller says.

"Talk about interference, wow, but I am sure my partner has no problem with what just happened since our new World Champion is a member of the RxP!?!"

Bill McLane says.

"J X Cash is not just a member, he is a king of RxP and should not have to get his hands dirty dealing with a peasant like The Phoenix!"

Nick says.

"Of course Bill! Wasn't a bad match though, just sucks to see the World Championship change hands like that. Coming up though we got two more titles on the line, but only one match which has two falls in it. The US Title on the line in the first fall and the Universal Title in the second fall. Its a triple threat elimination, so the champion could be eliminated and not be in the match to defend her Universal Title!"

Main Event
Fatal 4 Way 2 Falls Elimination Match
1st Fall: SEFWUN United States Championship
2nd Fall: SEFWUN Universal Championship
PBR v. A Native Americano v. Hick Janes v. Tina(c)

All three participants stand in the ring ready for this match when Blurry by Puddle of Mudd plays over the pa confusing everyone because no one uses that as their theme music. PBR comes out in his jeans and tee with his thirty pack nearly empty. He saunters down to the ring with a smile on his face looking like he knows something no one else knows while guzzling his beer. PBR rolls into the ring with a couple beers in hand and his empty thirty pack left on the floor. He stands up to crack one open and guzzle it down, then gets a mic as he cracks the last one and says.

"So yea, I am the new President and that gives me full authority here and since the Owner is gone. I am putting myself in this match which is now a fatal four way two fall elimination match, so this is my freedom to do what I want, to take what I want..."

He looks at three opponents in the ring and then stares at the double champ herself while guzzling the last beer in a couple seconds. PBR tossing the can away and says.

"I may not be the poster boy or the chosen one, or even the workhorse, no, all three of you have those titles, but I have been here for sixteen years and I am taking advantage of my opportunity. I don't care if the Owner shows up to book WAR this week, or tomorrow, or whenever, and he fires me, I am taking gold tonight!!!"

PBR drops the mic and rushes Tina with a clothesline dropping the champ, then turns to kick Hick Janes in the gut and drive him into ANA forcing him into a corner. PBR turning back to tackle Tina, but the Golden Gal qith a quick dropkick to the jaw sending the SEFWUN President down. Tina on her feet and scowling down at PBR, then turns to nail a roundhouse kick to the head of Hick Janes. She pops up to go eye to eye with ANA who smirks and yells.

"***K IT!"

ANA slapping Tina on the butt as she smirks and is already turning to run into PBR with a kick to his head. Hick Janes catching her with a spinning heel kick to the jaw and rolls up to eye ANA curiously and the big man just shrugs with a shit eating grin. Hick shaking his head no and rushes ANA with punches rocking him into a corner, then backs up and runs into him with a dropkick sending the big man from the ring. Hick pulling Tina up into a snap suplex floating over into an armbar cinching it in. PBR getting up to kick Hick in the head and pulls him up into a brainbuster, then rolls up to get met with forearms from Tina. The Golden Gal burying a knee to PBR's midsection, then looks for a bulldog, but ANA comes into the ring looking for Justice on PBR. The President shoving Tina into the spear springs off the ropes with a dropkick to the head of ANA. PBR pulling ANA up to deliver a white russian leg sweep, but Hick pulling him up to send PBR into a corner and runs at him for the Extreme Effect. PBR ducking it and pulls Hick up looking for a white russian leg sweep, but Tina with a dropkick to the President's back. Tina on her feet to unload on Hick with punches, then delivers a swinging neckbreaker. She gets up and PBR runs her over the top rope, then pulls up Hick into a white russian leg sweep and makes the pin to win the first fall.

Winner of 1st Fall and NEW SEFWUN United States Champion: PBR

ANA getting up as PBR shoots up in celebration yelling for a beer. He gets tossed one and chugs it down, then Tina slides in behind him. ANA seeing her and he gets up to yell at PBR.


PBR rushes ANA with punches rocking the big man into a corner and kicks at him when Tina runs over delivering a dropkick to the spine of the President and new US Champ. Tina pulling PBR around in a side headlock to run him into a bulldog, then the Golden Gal heads to the top turnbuckle leaping off with a 450 splash to the President. ANA stomping over as Tina stands up and they look to each other before ANA pulls PBR up to whip him into the ropes nailing Justice. He pulls PBR back up whipping him at Tina who takes down the President with the T & A locking it in to make him give up the second fall.

Winner of 2nd Fall: Tina

ANA getting a mic right away as Tina barely has a chance to celebrate, but gets her title and leans against the big man as he says.

"Screw it all! Impact X Facta is back in business. The rebellion never dies! Tonight it is reborn and I can't promise when the next show will be, but we will be there and we will be in their in greater numbers because we aren't the only ones willing to raise our glass."

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