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Extreme 135 {6/28/09}

Started by Taylor Andrews, November 21, 2014, 11:48:27 PM

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Taylor Andrews

June 28th, 2009

So here we are in the Anaheim Convention Center in California for another show of Extreme brought to you all by the most hardcore company out there...SEF. The crowd is hot as usual packed in to the roof and the place lights up with the opening pyro, then we hear "A New Level" blast out by the hardcore, legendary group Pantera. The crowd is rapid and diehard which is typical for SEF fans, the cameras roaming around capturing as many of them as they can.

Nick Miller: Welcome to Extreme everyone, we got a good show lined up with some more King of SEF first round matches, plus the return of Mack's Hardcore Hotel and a huge fatal four way involving Mack, the World Champ Chris Orton, Nick torres, and Suicide Hank! That is a huge headliner and so much on the line it makes for a very unpredictable outcome. On the Hardcore Hotel Whitney Marret will decide who gets a World Title shot at Golden Glory and the possible challengers as well as the champ himself will be present. It has the makings for bad news, but with Mack out there ya never know. Lets start the show now and to kick it off we got a first round match that's intergender, Taylor Johnson faces Corez.

Singles Match
King of SEF 1st Round
Taylor Johnson w/Chris Orton v. Corez

Corez starts off arrogantly taking Taylor down a few times and kinda toying with her. She does end up humbling him with a takedown of her own, then flies off the ropes a few times dazzling Corez. Taylor takes the fight to him with punches and wraps him up in a body scissors trying to squeeze the life out of him. He manages to pull himself with Taylor still held on to him and applies a facelock on her. Taylor tries unwrapping her legs, but before she can Corez drops back with The Corez Effect and rolls her to her back making the pin to win it.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.........Corez!

Singles Match
King of SEF 1st Round
Jordan Brooks v. Scorpion

A good classic match this was. Jordan had the edge at the start with his power, but Scorpion would get him down on the mat with his technical skill. He took to the air a few times showing his willingness to still take risks, Jordan showcased some quickness in his own right, so really it evenly matched contest. Scorpion with some unethical tactics with pulling tights and putting feet on the ropes trying to win with roll ups. Both went for their finishers several times, but managed to counter one another everytime. Jordan would end up pulling a Flair when he made the ref believe someone was coming out, low blowed Scorpion, then planted him with BAD and pinned him for the win.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.........Jordan Brooks!

Singles Match
Matt Ward v. Killa Wolf

Matt tried catching Wolf with a big boot as he entered the ring, but end up straddling the top rope and got dropkicked to the floor. Wolf flew out at him and just hammered Matt with punches up the aisle, the ref issuing a count almost to ten. Wolf slams Matt's head to the guard rail and turns dashing to the ring and slides in at eight. Matt shakes his head and hears nine, runs to the ring, but the ref gets to ten as Matt grabs the middle rope. Wold runs dropkicking Matt to the floor as the ref calls for the bell declaring Wolf the winner.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.........Killa Wolf!

Hardcore Hotel
Host: MACK
Guests: Whitney Marret, Chris Orton, D-Von Dudley, Nick Torres, Scorpion
Topic: Who gets A World Title Shot @ Golden Glory?

So we start the segment with the round bed covered in red satin on one side of the ring, a neon light in the corner with Hardcore Hotel and under it vacancy is flashing. We then hear "Slave To The Grind" by Skid Row and the crowd comes unglued as Mack struts out in his ring gear dancing around for them all. He heads down the aisle slapping their hands. Once at the ring he hops on the apron and into the ring circling around, does his pose and jumps up doing a crotch chop. Mack pats his IC Title around his waist and winks at some girls in the front row, then grabs a mic laying on his bed and falls back on it bringing the mic to his mouth.

MACK: Well, well, well, what do we have here? Seems to be that the Hardcore Hotel is reopened up for business and well its pretty big what's going down. Three people what a World Title shot and only one of them can have it, so Whitney Marret needs to make a decision and where else to do that except for on the hottest damn segment in this business!

A huge pop for that the crowd is chanting Mack's name. He just holds a hand up signaling to settle down and they do.

MACK: I guess we outta keep the show rolling and get everyone out here, so we can find out just who the hell is gonna headline Golden Glory!

And so we hear "Money, Power, Respect" by The LOX hit the pa and the crowd cheers some more as Whitney comes walking out in a suit.

MACK: First out here is the cutest lil southern belle ya all will ever lay eyes on......Whitney Marret!

She high fives some fans, then gets to the ring heading up the steps and Mack is up holding the ropes. Whitney bends over them with her ass right at Mack who just smirks and reaches out slapping it lightly. They stand up eye to eye and Whitney can't help, but grin, then Mack pulls her across the ring and down on the bed. She pushes on his chest and kneels up straddling Mack, the crowd cheering loud. Whitney grabs his mic and lifts it up.

Whitney Marret: First we take care of business, then later...in private I'll give you the ride of your life!

A huge pop as Whitney gets to her feet and straightens out her jacket. Mack grins and hops up throwing an arm around her.

MACK: Alright, alright, I guess it can wait, so lets get the rest of the guest list out here.

"#1" by Nelly hits and the crowd cheers for Chris Orton who walks out with the World Title around his waist and holding Taylor Johnson's hand. They come down the aisle high fiving fans and as they get in the ring the music switches to "Bombfall" and most of the crowd boos loud as D-Von Dudley walks out. He looks smug at the crowd and just stomps down the aisle like the world owes him everything. We then hear "Regular People" by Pantera and cheering again as Nick Torres makes his way out kinda arrogantly, but in cool fashion. He struts down the aisle pumping his arms out and pointing to himself, high fives some fans. "Sinner" by Drowning Pools hits now and the crowd really turns to boos and out walks Scorpion just sneering. He threatens to hit fans as he comes down the aisle and then heads up the steps and stands out on the apron refusing to come in the ring. He calls for his own mic and speaks.

Scorpion: I am only out here to make sure this title shot given out and is to me and only me because no one in that ring even deserves to hold the World Heavyweight Title let alone have a shot at it!

The crowd real vocal with their opinion of Scorpion jeering him loud. Mack acting as peacekeeper makes sure no one gets hot headed and goes for Scorpion or one another, then he speaks.

MACK: Its probably best you don't step in here cause your ego Scorpion, it can barely fit inside this arena. Now then, were here to do just that, find out who gets the shot at the World Heavyweight Title, so maybe it is you Scorpion, but then you've had your rematch already, maybe its time for someone like Torres here to get his opportunity or maybe its time for D-Von to step his ass up and by the way pal...

Mack turns staring right at D-Von very seriously.

MACK: You wouldn't know what to do if you had ever, actually been screwed over or held down, so don't ever show disrespect again or I'll show it to you by kicking your teeth down your throat!

A huge pop for Mack for putting D-Von in his place.

MACK: Now then, lets turn this over to hawty mchotterson here...

He winks at Whitney and steps back by here putting his arm back around her neck.

MACK: Lets here what the final, fair decision is.

He holds the mic for her and Whitney speaks.

\Whitney Marret: Well for the big ordeal here the answer is really quite simple. First though, I did like the battle royal idea Orton, hoever with a small roster like we got it can't work at this time and considering only three have really expressed interest in the World Title right now, then it makes sense to have a triple threat match top determine who gets the shot. Due to the King of SEF tournament matches though we are going to wait for the triple threat match to happen until one week before Golden Glory. On the July 19th episode of Extreme is when it will happen, so there you have it, were doing this only fair way, settling it in the ring!

A roar fo approval from the fans and Torres showing no problem with it, D-Von no more pissed than usual and Scorpion shouting trash out. D-Von steps over grabbing the mic now.

D-Von Dudley: Just one thing...when I win, I want my shot in the street fight I challenged Orton too.

Mack takes the mic back and raises it up.

MACK: You mean the street fight idea I came up with originally six years ago?

D-Von seems confused.

MACK: Yea boy, a street fight taking place outside the arena on a real street, that's what happened at SEF's Royal Rumble in January '03 in Detroit and it was my idea. Anyways, it ain't been done since and its no big deal, I just don't like others trying to take credit for my original ideas. Now then, Whitney, if this chump wins, does he get that match?

Whitney Marret: That's fine by me, as a matter of fact, whoever wins the triple threat will face Orton in that very match outside the arena in the street cause like you said Mack, it hasn't been down in a while and SEF is all about giving those kind of hardcore matches.

Another roar of approval from the crowd and D-Von sorta grins now, then suddenly shoves Mack backwards and charges Orton, the two coning to blows. Torres hammers D-Von across the back, then he and Orton send him to the ropes and clothesline him to the floor. Scorpion is making his way up the aisle wanting no part and then Suicide Hank comes from the crowd with a lead pipe. He slides in behind everyone and goes for Mack who ducks the pipe and whips Hank to the ropes, looks for Da Shows Ova, but Hank slides out and decides against a fight. Mack grabs Torres and Orton's arm raising them in the air as "Slave To The Grind" by Skid Row plays. The crowd cheers loud, then he grabs Whitney kissing her and they all leave the ring soon.

Nick Miller: So with will be a real street fight at Golden Glory, but the challenger to Orton's title will be determined only week beforehand.

Singles Match
King of SEF 1st Round
Justin Cage v. Xanthus

Cage got owned by Xanthus who just tore the poser apart. High risks and reckless offense took Cage so much off his game he couldn't get a punch in, couldn't defend himself. X wore his ass out and finished him off with an Asshole Cutta to win the match.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.........Xanthus!

Singles Match
King of SEF 1st Round
Storm v. D-Von Dudley

Storm started off aggresive and had D-Von reeling a bit, got sent to the ropes a couple times and kept coming back with punches and then a dropkick staggering D-Von. Storm dropped him with a bulldog and went up top for a leg drop, but missed it. D-Von took over from there and used a power game to keep Storm down and playing defense. She couldn't get back into the match and eventuall fell prey to Saving Grace and D-Von pinned her to win.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.........D-Von Dudley!

Main Event
Non Title Fatal Four Way
MACK v. Suicide Hank v. Nick Torres v. Chris Orton w/Taylor Johnson

Hank went for Mack right away and they were fighting before the other two came out. When Torres did come out he helped Mack and they beat down Hank some, then Orton came out and Torres went for him letting Mack take care of Hank. Orton and Torres brawled a bit, locked up and then stood off showing their pretty equal in power. Mack had Hank out on the floor and sending him from ringpost to table and then flying over the guard rail out among the crowd. Torres and Orton were back to brawling and Mack went to the top rope flying off with a double clothesline to Torres and Orton. He grabbed Orton and shoved him to a corner, chopped away at him some, then grabbed Torres, but got a poke to the eye and Torres whipped him at Orton who moved and Mack hit the turnbuckles. Orton charged Torres who ducked and smashed into Mack, then turned and whipped Mack to Orton. Mack dropped and slid under his legs, Torres dropped Orton with a clothesline, then Mack hit Torres with a spear taking him down and got a two count out of it. He hit a piledriver on Torres, then targeted Orton, but Hank would make it back in the ring jump him from behind. He dropped Mack with a russian leg sweep, then went for Orton. Torres got back into it and attacked Hank from behind, then Orton hit him with punches. Mack came off the ropes looking for Hank who ducked and Torres was taken down, Orton whipped Hank to the ropes and downed him with a dropkick, then Mack charged Orton into a corner and hammering him with punches. He backed up and Torres charged over clotheslining Mack out to the floor. Orton came out of the corner rocking Torres with punches, then took him down with a side headlock. Thor came from the crowd and attacked Mack on the floor and in the ring Hank came off the ropes with a short dropkick tp Orton, popped up and dropped an elbow on Torres. He pulled up Orton hammering him with punches, delivered a suplex to him, then went to the top rope. Hank leaps off for a splash, but Orton moves, pulls Hank up and delivers the CKO. Torres kicks him in the head and yanks Orton up for The Westside tossing over the top rope to the floor, then quickly pins Hank and wins the match.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.........Nick Torres!

Thor and Mack are fighting on the floor and we see Scorpion, Xanthus, and Corez run out now. Scorpion helps Thor as Xanthus and Corez get in the ring and double up on Torres. Mack gets taken down and after a fight so does Torres and he's sent out of the ring while Makc is brought in. Scorpion and Thor get in as well and all four surround Mack who they let get up a little, then Thor charges and hits him with the Gore. He gets up, the crowd is booing like crazy and Scorpion has a mic.

Scorpion: Ha ah, you see, no one is any match for us, myself and THC are the best in SEF and Thor here, well, he'll tell you!

Both are grinning as Thor takes the mic.

Thor: Yes, these three men are the best in SEF today, better than overrated asshole Mack and the paper champion Orton, better than them all. As for me, I'm the greatest of all time, the best owner there is in wrestling...

Thor reaches under his chin pulling a skin tight mask off and the hair with it revealing Richard Leer underneath, what the hell?! The crowd is shocked, but start booing him.

Ric: I'm back! No matter what I can't be kept off my tv show. I built SEF, not that piece of crap Mack or that daughter of mine, this is my company, I own it!

The crowd boos loud and Ric drops his mic, then grabs Scorpion's arm raising it in the air, Xanthus and Corez a bit shocked by this as well, by stand by the two watching their backs as Extreme goes off the air.

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