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WAR 205 - 6/19

Started by sefwun, June 12, 2019, 06:49:14 PM

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Wednesday, June 19th, 2019 @ 8 pm EST

Bell Time: 7:30 pm EST

Venue: Little Ceasers Arena in Detroit, MI

Theme Music: Another Way To Die by Disturbed


Main Event
Hardcore Hell
SEFWUN THC Championship Match

LAJ v. Mesa(c)

SEFWUN Universal Champion Tina Makes An Appearance

Mid Card Bout
15 Person Over The Top Rope Battle Royal
Winner Receives A SEFWUN RII Title Shot Next Week on WAR 206

Chris Orton v. PBR v. Cliff O Clink v. Josh Diabolical v. Jason Price v. Simon Lee Nash v. Chris Crest v. Hiroku Shinobi v. Hal Havoc v. Sammy v. Steve White v. Jason Stratus v. Nykky Dy v. Stacy Wy v. Jade West

Mid Card Bout
Black Bob v. Robbie Ruckus

Mid Card Bout
Fatl 4 Way Match
Winner Is In The Triple Threat 2 Falls Match @ Scars & Stripes

A Native Americano v. The Resurrector v. Bill Roberts v. Viper

Opening Contest
Fatal 4 Way Match
Winner Is In The Triple Threat 2 Falls Match @ Scars & Stripes

J X Cash w/JEM v. Hick Janes v. Rick Reynolds v. Nick Torres

The Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion Opens WAR 205 With A Huge Announcement



Wednesday, June 19th, 2019

A bunch of pyro and fireworks shoot from the stage setup inside the sold out Little Ceasers Arena in Detroit Michigan and Another Way To Die by Disturbed plays over the pa as a familiar voice is heard.

"Welcome to WAR! Nick Miller here in Detroit ringside at the Little Ceasers Arena ready to witness the first WAR under the new ownership of Macks Daddy, the father of the infamous and legendary, Shane Mack, or perhaps better known as The Showsteala. Although The Showsteala may not be here anymore, it'll be interesting to see what his dad has in store for the place his son built on his back. I am Nick Miller everyone and this could be a whole new chapter in this companies rich history. With me tonight is Bill McLane and we got a good lineup og action starting with with two fatal four ways, a battle royal, and ending off with a Hardcore Hell."

Bill says.

"SEFWUN has always been about action packed events and tonight looks no different under new leadership. Like you said, two fatal four ways to determine the two challengers to the Universal Championship and US Championship at our next SEFWUN TV event, Scars and Stripes, where Tina defends that title in a triple threat two falls match, a match she could be eliminated from and still lose both titles."

Nick says.

"Imagine that, losing the Universal Championship without even being in the match to defend it, never been done. Tina is going to have to be on top of her game come July fourth when Scars and Stripes is set to happen and tonight we get an appearance by the Universal and US Champion, so we'll see. The battle royal happening tonight is set up to see who is on top of their game because the winner gets a shot at the Revolution Icon Iron Championship held by Rick Reynolds and it will happen next week. And in the main event we have the Hardcore Hell for the Total Hardcore Chaos Championship when Mesa defends against friend and tag team partner, LAJ."

Bill says.

"Those two are going to create a classic hardcore match and don't even need to be in this caged structure. The THC Title on the line is only going to make it that much better between these two icons and that battle royal is just going to be crazy as they always are."

Rock You Like A Hurricane by the Scorpions comes over the pa bringing out Jake Voss in his ring gear with a black tee reading The Phoenix across the front in red letters that look like they are flames. Jake strutting to the ring a bit arrogant and patting the World Championship belt around his waist as he heads up the steel steps and bends down into the ring. The Phoenix getting a microphone and stands in the middle of the ring to say.

"Feels good to be standing here as the Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion of SEFWUN. Its been a hell of a time running around this company. Fifteen years ago I signed with a new promotion called DOGG which merged with SEF and led me here, and I stuck it out and look at this. I made it on my own. I rose time after time to become The Phoenix and there is no one who personifies that more than Jake Voss does. Now, I have to defend this championship and at Scars and Stripes on the fourth of July I am set to do just that, but maybe I don't want to wait that long, maybe I am here to defend this title right here tonight!?!"

The crowd cheers for that as Jake smiles and says.

"Take it how you want it, but I am laying down the challenge to anyone who wants a World Title shot tonight. Come get it!"

Scream by Avenged Sevenfold plays over the pa and here comes Jordan Brooks to the ring in a pair of designer jeans and loafers with a nice dress shirt looking like a million bucks, but his facial expression looking like he has been through a mental hell. Jordan makes his way into the ring and gets his own mic, then stands near Jake to say.

"I would love nothing more than to challenge for that title, to beat you for that title at Scars and Stripes, or right here tonight. However, no one is safe from that wretched, horrible disease plaguing so many these days. A few years back I was diagnosed with cancer and now its back."

A big boo for cancer and the crowd sympathetic to Jordan who nods ok and says.

"Yea, its back and I am going to leave again and fight it again, so I will be back and I will challenge you for that World Championship. You and I had many battles Jake, we teamed together, you taught me a lot about this business and about myself and I thank you for the time we had together. I will be back though."

Jordan lowering the mic and extending a hand to Jake who shakes it and moves in to hug his old partner turned rival, then raises his hand in the air pointing to Jordan. Jake pulling the World Championship belt off his waist and raises it in the air as he shouts.


Scream plays over the pa and Jake rolls from the ring letting Jordan have his last moment for a while as Nick Miller says.

"Well, what was to be a huge announcement by Jake Voss who seemed to be more eager to defend his World Title tonight turned into a sad announcement from Jordan Brooks. His cancer is back and his career is put on hold, a sad day."

Bill McLane says.

"A nice moment between he and Jake Voss. No better individual to make the announcement with than a old tag team partner. Those two guys were a solid team who could be again."

Nick says.

"Let's hope so. Let's get to some action though as we got the first of two fatal four ways coming up to determine the challengers for the Universal Championship at Scars and Stripes."

Venom by Eminem plays over the pa bringing the lights down to almost pitch black, but a faint glow of green and blue cast out from the stage where J X Cash comes stepping out with a swagger of a gangsta. Hick Janes and Rick Reynolds follow him flanking the King of RxP and all three head to the ring as the announcer says.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is a fatal four way with the winner moving on to the face the Universal Champion at Scars and Stripes. Introducing the first three opponents of this match, they are all members of the Resurrection x Pain, J X Cash, Hick Janes, and Rick Reynolds!"

They enter the ring and X making some rude gestures and crotch chops as Rick poses with his RII Title and Hick leans back in a corner looking all business. Walk by Pantera plays now and here comes Nick Torres, so the announcer says.

"And now introducing the fourth man in this fatal four way, from Seattle Washington, weighing in at two hundred eighty pounds, he is Nick f'n Torres!"

The crowd all standing in respect for Nick as he paces himself getting in the ring and stands in a corner facing all three of his opponents.

Opening Contest
Fatal 4 Way Match
Winner Is In The Triple Threat 2 Falls Match @ Scars & Stripes
J X Cash w/JEM v. Hick Janes v. Rick Reynolds v. Nick Torres

X running at Nick only to get floored with a big boot, so Rick and Hick look to team up when Nick drops both with a double clothesline. Nick kicking at both, then sees X getting up near the ropes and charges him with a clothesline sending the King of RxP over the top rope crumpling to the floor. Rick gets up and Nick rocks him with punches into a corner, then Hick comes running from behind with a flying knee, but Nick moves letting Rick take a knee to the face. Nick pulling Hick up into The Westside, his version of a fall a way slam. X comes off the top rope with a missile dropkick to Nick, then quickly goes for the pin, but only gets a two count. X pulling Nick up for a piledriver, but gets backdropped to the mat and Hick is there to meet Nick with a dropkick to the chest. Hick quickly gets back up to rock Nick with a few european uppercuts, then pulls him over with a snap suplex and moves into an armbar. Rick checking on X and helps him up, then both begin stomping away at Nick as he is locked in the armbar from Hick. Rick grabbing a leg of Nick's to wrap him up in a figure leglock while Hick keeps the armbar applied and X just taunts the Westsiders Edge telling to give up as Nick Miller says.

"Well it seems Nick is down and suffering a three on one assault as we may have guessed would happen, but not sure who would win if he does give up!?"

Bill McLane says.

"J X Cash would win of course since he is the only King in that ring!"

X looking ready to do something when Jake Voss and Cliff O Clink come from the crowd with the fourth member of the Dogs of War who is masked by a black bandana with a hood over his head. The three men enter the ring and rip through J X Cash sending him over the top rope, then turn to Hick and Rick sending them down. Hick rolling out and Rick suffering a triple powerbomb with the large masked man delivering a power part with major impact shaking the ring. Destruction, Axel Tate, Barry, and Steve White all run out to fight the Dogs of War and only manage to hold them outside of the ring with J X Cash's help. Hick Janes running into Nick Torres with a knee to the face, then runs the ropes setting up for the Extreme Effect and makes the pin to win this match.

Winner: Hick Janes

Shedding Skin by Pantera plays over the pa as Hick rolls up to run and dive out of the ring on the Dogs of War and RxP members taking everyone down while Nick Miller says.

"Well, not sure if X wanted that outcome, but a member of RxP won and Hick Janes is getting a Universal Title shot. This utter bedlam though, what a war between these two groups and the Dogs of War are clearly outnumbered, but just don't act like it."

Bill says.

"They got a lot of heart, plus they have the unknown element on their side as we don't know who this masked man is that keeps helping them, though we know he is one of them."

Nick says.

"That he is and they need all the help they can get to battle the corrupt RxP."

Hell Yeah by Rev Theory plays over the pa bringing the crowd to their feet for A Native Americano who saunters out in his black combat boots laced up and black cargo pants with a swat vest and a pair of black fingerless gloves. His hair down and beard looking thick, wide, and bushy with those dark eyes staring to the ring ready for more. ANA sliding in under the ropes and pops up bouncing off the ropes when the lights go out. Dark Age by Vader plays over the pa bringing The Resurrector out with a blue light casting around him. The big man walking to the ring slow and methodical as the announcer says.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the following is a fatal four way with the winner advancing to the Universal Title match at Scars and Stripes. Introducing first, making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan and weighing three hundred thirty five pounds, The Resurrector. And in the ring already, weighing in at two hundred sixty nine pounds, A Native Americano."

The Resurrector gets in the ring and the lights come back on, then The Infection by Disturbed plays over the pa bringing out Bill Roberts as the announcer says.

"And now making his way to the ring, from Boston Massachusetts, weighing in at two hundred fifteen pounds, Bill Roberts."

Bill entering the ring and stands up to eye his two opponents, then the lights dim and we hear...

The crowd remembering this and in silence remembering what they thought was to be, but then realize the treachery and lies that were exposed afterwards and boo the woman who walks out in her ring gear looking extremely confident. Viper behind her in his leather street gear and a mic in hand making the announcement himself.

"Introducing the fourth participant in this match, JEM!"

The crowd booing louder as Viper drops the mic and throws an arm around his girl and the two walk to the ring. Viper staying out as JEM gets in and the match begins.

Mid Card Bout
Fatal 4 Way Match
Winner Is In The Triple Threat 2 Falls Match @ Scars & Stripes
A Native Americano v. The Resurrector v. Bill Roberts v. JEM w/Viper

JEM looking at ANA to start the match with her and The Resurrector watching on from a corner while Bill has enough and goes after ANA. ANA wins an exchange of punches, then sends Bill into a corner and shoulder tackles him into it. JEM staying back as The Resurrector moves behind ANA with a forearm to the back, then JEM with a low blow to the big man. She backs off and he turns in pain, but sneering in anger when ANA delivers a back suplex to The Resurrector. ANA looking at JEM who smiles seductively and reaches for ANA, then falls to the mat yelling.


ANA confused, but looks to when Bill delivers a bulldog to him on to JEM. Bill dragging ANA up for a suplex, but gets reversed and ANA turning to see The Resurrector getting up and runs a knee into his head knocking the big man from the ring. Bill getting up and ANA running into him with Justice, then JEM pulling ANA around. ANA ripping JEM up into a spinebuster without a thought, then sees her and shrugs before dropping into the pin winning the match.

Winner: ANA

Hell Yeah plays over the pa as ANA stands up smiling, then Viper comes in the ring helping JEM up. ANA celebrating his win and Viper pulls JEM over so she can embrace the winner. JEM planting a wild kiss on ANA who arches a brow, but just grabs her by the waist turning her and snaps her forward so she is bent over in front of him. JEM just smirking at that and looks excited while Viper watches on with a sick grin and Nick Miller says.

"Interesting match as JEM was not scheduled to be involved, then she seemed to be in it to help ANA win which he did do."

Bill McLane says.

"He may have won anyways and may be the best pick to take that Universal Championship at Scars and Stripes!?"

Nick says.

"No doubt ANA has the tools and heart. Just pointing out that JEM wasn't trying to win it for herself. She even gave The Resurrector a low blow to help ANA."

Bill says.

"She was helping her King. She is the RxP Queen and takes care of us all!"

Nick says.

"If you say so. Coming up next though is a one on one match between another member of RxP, Robbie Ruckus, who faces Black Bob."

Freedom by Rage Against The Machine plays over the pa as the lights go out and a spotlight shines on the stage where Black Bob steps out in black leather pants with black ring boots and a black t-shirt. He is flanked by Earl the Hobo and Flamez who wear black suits and sunglasses. The three men head to the ring as the announcer says.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Earl The Hobo and Flamez, hailing from Detroit Michigan, he weighs in at two hundred fifteen pounds, Black Bob."

All three men enter the ring to stand side by side, then On Through The Night by Def Leppard plays. Here comes Robbie Ruckus out on the stage in his ring gear and looking ready for a fight as the announcer says.

"And now making his way to the ring, from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, weighing in at two hundred seventy five pounds, Robbie Ruckus."

Robbie heading into the ring and Bob's buddies exit, so the match can start.

Mid Card Bout
Black Bob v. Robbie Ruckus

A bit of pacing by both men before a lock up begins this and Robbie forcing Bob to a corner, breaks clean, but Bob with a kick to the midsection of his opponent, then turns him into the corner. Bob unloading with right hands before the ref forces him back and warns him to break on his count or else. Bob waving him off and waves Robbie on bringing the bigger man out swinging and Black Bob quickly ducks to drop his opponent with a neckbreaker. Bob heading to the top rope to deliver a senton bomb and leans back into the pin, but Robbie countering with a roll up for a pin. Bob kicks out at two and pops up to drop a leg across Robbie's chest, then rolls up stomping at his opponent. Bob dropping an elbow to Robbie's chest and applies a side headlock. Robbie fighting up trying for a back suplex, but Bob runs into a bulldog slamming his opponents face into the mat. Bob rolling Robbie up looking for the Back Alley Bomb, but Robbie powering out to flip Bob up and over head to his back. Earl jumps on the apron and Robbie sees him, but so does the ref who runs over to get Earl back. Flamez runs with a shoulder tackle to Robbie and rolls out as Bob heads to the top rope to deliver the Detroit Death Drop and make the pin winning the match.

Winner: Black Bob

Freedom plays over the pa and the crowd a bit torn after the way Bob won, though they settle down when he gets a microphone and while flanked by Earl and Flamez, Black Bob says.

"Freedom indeed! Freedom for my people. For my brothers, for all ya all who been told you not up to par, you are not what they are looking for, you just don't cut it. Its a Black Day standing before you all for we are not resting on anyone, we are not waiting for something to be handed out. Th Black Day is all about freedom to fight for whatever it is you want. We are may not be the first to fight for freedom, but we will fight harder than anyone else. Its all about a Black Day!"

Bob drops the mic and Freedom plays over the pa again as the trio raises their arms in the air showing unison, then exit the ring while Nick Miller says.

"Impressive team put together by Black Bob who earned a win tonight, albeit a bit shady, but after that promo I feel its not the worst he will do!?!"

Bill McLane says.

"Interesting to say the least. Bob is finally standing on his own and who knows where it will lead him and Black Day!?"

Nick says.

"Bob is already a former World Champion, multiple time at that, so we will see. Next on WAR though we got the fifteen person over the top rope battle royal where the last one standing earns a title shot next week at the Revolution Icon iron Champion, Rick Reynolds. A big opportunity for someone, who's going to step up!?"

Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park plays over the pa bringing out Chris Orton, then Suicide Note Part One plays over the pa and here comes PBR with a thirty pack and one open in hand. Lounge Act by Nirvana plays now and out comes Cliff O Clink ready for a fight, all business. I'm Broken by Pantera plays and Josh Diabolical makes his way out, then Price To Play by Staind plays and out walks Jason Price. We Own It by 2 Chainz and Wiz Khalifa plays over the pa and no one comes out, then Simon Lee Nash comes flying out on to the stage on his back like he got kicked. The Showsteala steps out over Simon doing a crotch chop and the crowd popping loud when they see him. He looks up and and around like he shouldn't be there, then disappears through the curtain. From there we see Chris Crest, Hiroku Shinobi, Hal Havoc, Sammy, Steve White, Jason Stratus, Nykky Dy, Stacy Wy, and Jade West make their way to the ring for the battle royal. Simon Lee eventually makes his way inside the ring after his superkick from the original Mack, then the bell rings.

Mid Card Bout
15 Person Over The Top Rope Battle Royal
Winner Receives A SEFWUN RII Title Shot Next Week on WAR 206
Chris Orton v. PBR v. Cliff O Clink v. Josh Diabolical v. Jason Price v. Simon Lee Nash v. Chris Crest v. Hiroku Shinobi v. Hal Havoc v. Sammy v. Steve White v. Jason Stratus v. Nykky Dy v. Stacy Wy v. Jade West

Simon Lee is the first one sent out thanks to Cliff O Clink who targets Jade West next eliminating fairly easy. Jason and Chris team up to eliminate Hiroku Shinobi and Sammy helps Stacy and Nykky eliminate Josh Diabolical. The three women eliminate Chris and Jason, but Cliff takes Stacy out after eliminating PBR. Hal Havoc eliminates Chris Orton and Jason Stratus only to get sent out by Cliff who runs Sammy over the top rope next. Steve White sending Nykky out of the ring and runs into Cliff with a big boot, then picks him up for a chokeslam, but looks to send him over the top rope. Cliff dropping to the ring apron and elbows Steve in his head, then dives into the ring with a roll up to Steve, but doesn't pin him and instead nails a hard, viscous kick to the head. Cliff yanking him up for The End nailing it and rolls the last one in the ring up to the top rope dumping him over to the floor and wins it.

Winner: Cliff O Clink

Lounge Act plays over the pa and the crowd loving it as Cliff jumps up ready for more, waving on anyone and motioning to a title around his waist as Nick Miller says.

"Cliff O Clink going to WAR next week where he faces Rick Reynolds for Revolution Icon Iron Championship."

Bill McLane says.

"Impressive victory for Cliff, a former Revolution Champion and a good one. Going to be a good match when he faces Rick Reynolds, a contrast in styles and I gotta believe Rick is going to show Cliff who the better man is."

Nick says.

"No doubt it will be a good match between two tested warriors of the wrestling ring. A main event for sure and like tonight's main event because tonight on WAR we see LAJ challenge friend and rival, Mesa, for his THC Title inside Hardcore Hell, a crazy extreme structure devised to test the toughness of anyone who dares enter it. But before we get to that, we have a special appearance from the SEFWUN Universal Champion and she is next."

Tina comes skipping out in her ring gear with the Universal and United States Championship belts strapped around her small waist, the Universal above the US. She grins like she can't be touched as she makes her way to the ring and the announcer says.

"Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the SEFWUN Universal and United States Champion, and the Golden Gal, Taylor Nina Andrews"

Tina skipping on up to the ring where she hops to the apron and bends over the middle ropes to get on and spin around a bit arrogant. The Golden Gal getting a mic and takes the middle of the ring to say.

"What else can I say except that I do know who I am facing at Scars and Stripes, but it still doesn't matter because all tonight was...was a formality in order to find out who I have to BEAT! Yes, I will beat A Native Americano and I will beat Hick Janes to retain not only this Universal Championship, but this US Championship as well. The Golden Gal before you, the Golden Goddess, I was not chosen by Whitney Marret because I look better, but because I wrestle better. I perform better in this ring than anyone who laces their boots on this roster or any other. There is-"

The Showsteala skipping out now much like we saw him briefly earlier when he kicked Simon Lee Nash in the face. Sporting a pair of jeans and sneakers with a black Impact X Facta t-shirt, his hair down and that classic sarcastically smart ass smirk of his. Mack dancing his way down and rolling into the ring to pop up with a crotch chop, then runs circles around Tina pretending to wear himself out, so he stops to lean on her shoulder, stare down her chest, and take her mic to say.

"Alright, alright, boys and girls, your Universal Champion, and, and, your US Champ, ok, so yea, she is going to Scars and Stripes and she will retain, no doubt. Moving on! The real deal why we are here, why WE are here, yes, I am her, The Showsteala, like no other in this business, certainly not to be confused with some rip off artist who now calls himself A Native Americano and I highly doubt will be coming out here to dispute any business that Impact X Facta has to take care of!?!"

The Showsteala looking around like, is he gonna come out or not!? He just laughs and and Tina smiling while rolling her eyes at the antics of the one and only Daddy Mack who says.

"So my dear, Impact X Facta is down a guy cause Simon Lee just ain't cutting it. He reminds of that Carlos Michael guy, no, wait, um, Mitchel Flecha, ah, no, damn it, uh, Jason Jones Jr????"

He looks at Tina pleading with her to save him and she does by leaning in to the mic and saying.

I think we all get it Mack, Simon Lee Nash is not a team player, he is not a brother, he is not a member of a wolfpac. You came out here looking to your kin and you found her Mack. The Showtime was special, but-"

The Showsteala putting a finger to Tina's mouth and says.

"No, don't even say anything about that because that was, well, it was special, yes, we, yes, it was special, but it was a time that can never be again, it was unique, it was the best thing going. But, Impact X Facta is forever, for life, for real. You and I were The Showtime, we carried this company 5 years ago and now we do what we please. Not that you need me to do that nor do I need you, but I am here for ya, I got your back and I know you."

Tina smiling and pats her two titles, then says.

"I got you Mack, just like I got these two titles that I will not let go of for anyone. Impact X Facta its where its at and Simon Lee is history just like ANA. Or is it King Mack these days?"

The Showsteala chuckling at that and says.

"I saw that, and I like it, I can't wait to kick his teeth down his throat!"

The Showsteala turning to wave his arms towards the back motioning for someone to come out when Tina drops to her knees and brings her right fist up to deliver a low blow on The Showsteala. He drops to his knees turning to look at Tina who is smirking and kicks him in the face to the mat, then begins stomping Mack down and applies the T & A aiming to choke out The Showsteala. Mack fighting it hard and thrashes around as Tina clamps on like a pitbull, an expression on her face that is just stone cold anger. Tina not letting go and a couple referees enter the ring to try and pull her off, but she is holding on with a death grip as Nick Miller says.

"My god, Tina is choking The Showsteala out. She is not showing any signs of letting go."

Bill McLane says.

"Wow, she just leveled The Showsteala and was all over him, almost like she never had any thought to join Impact X Facta. Cold and calculated from the Golden Gal, that is why she is Universal and US Champion."

Nick says.

"Tina is on top of her game and it'd be hard pressed to bet against her at Scars and Stripes or any event she is booked to defend her titles. Thankfully she has let go and is leaving as we see The Showsteala escorted out of here because up next we have a title on the line, the Total Hardcore Chaos Championship. and its inside a Hardcore Hell."

The Showsteala disappearing behind the curtain with a few referees helping him and then Breaking The Habit by Linkin Park plays over the pa bringing out the challenger in the main event, so the announcer says.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is for the SEFWUN Total Hardcore Chaos Championship and is to be contested inside Hardcore Hell where the only way to win is to submit your opponent. Introducing first, from Los Angelos California, weighing in at two hundred twenty five pounds, LAJ."

Jay makes his way down to the ring rolling in and pops up doing a thumb pose to himself as the crowd chants...


Then Bad Religion by Godsmack plays over the pa and the lights go out and when they turn back on Mesa sits in the ring against the bottom turnbuckle with the THC Title around his waist. The cage lowering down as the announcer says.

"And now introducing the SEFWUN THC Champion, from Los Angelos California, weighing in at two hundred twenty pounds, Mesa."

The trash cans full of weapons are in each corner of the ring as the staff secures the ten foot roofed cage around the ring.

Main Event
Hardcore Hell
SEFWUN THC Championship Match
LAJ v. Mesa(c)

Mesa jumping Jay early to start this match with kicks and punches rocking his friend into the ropes, then whips him across the ring looking for a dropkick. Jay quickly hanging on to the ropes letting Mesa fall to the mat, then the challenger runs and leaps on the middle rope with a lionsault to Mesa. Jay springing up into a double leg drop across Mesa's chest, then rolls backwards to his feet and runs the ropes springing off into a leg drop across the throat of the champion. Jay into a headscissors looking for a submission already and Mesa thrashing around to get free. Mesa rolling on to his stomach with Jay still latched on and the THC Champ is able to power up on his knees, then stand up with Jay still hanging on with a headscissors. Mesa launching Jay into the side of the cage bouncing him off to the mat, then runs the ropes delivering his own leg drop. Mesa rolling up to his feet stomping away at Jay and screams at him.


Mesa pulling Jay up for a suplex, but Jay slipping down behind the THC Champ and looks for a side russian leg sweep. Mesa elbows Jay in his head, then delivers a side russian leg sweep of his own and stands up to stomp at Jay a few more times. Mesa then goes to a trash can pulling a no parking street sign out to turn and slam it across Jay's back. Jay trying to stand, but Mesa with a kick to his ribs and grabs a singapore cane cracking him in the ribs with that, then smacks him in the head. He pulls Jay up looking for a russian leg sweep with the cane, but Jay with elbows to the head staggers the champ away a few steps. Jay with a spinning heel kick dropping Mesa to the mat and runs to leap on to the top turnbuckle. Jay leaping off with the West Coast Splash, but gets knees to the ribs from Mesa who rolls over to a trash can pulling himself up. Mesa dumps it out and grabs a roll of barbed wire wrapping it around Jay's head cutting him open a little, then grabs a cheese grater slicing him open with that and even slices his own head with it letting a trickle of blood run down his face. Mesa licking his own blood and smiles sickly, then grabs the singapore cane and uses it to apply a camel clutch on Jay in the middle of the ring. Jay eventually gives up.

Winner: Mesa

Bad Religion plays over the pa and Mesa lets go to stand up in victory as the cage is lifted up and the champ gets awarded his title as the crowd is wild for the match and booing Mesa who just smiles as Nick Miller says.

"A bloody ending to Hardcore Hell between two hardcore icons, but its Mesa who retains the THC Title. A valiant effort from Jay, but maybe next week he can pick something up, until then, have a goodnight."

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