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universal6 star tag team

SEFWUN TV 706 : Burnout 31

Started by NBD, December 14, 2019, 07:01:55 PM

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Saturday, December 14th, 2019

Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, MI

Coming For You by The Offspring

Opening Contest
The Resurrector v. J X C

Mid match we see the lights go out and once they come back on J X C is out cold in the ring with no sign of The Resurrector, so another no contest like last week for the big man.

Nick Torres v. ESC

Nick Torres

Hick Janes v. Simon Lee Nash(c)
SEFWUN RII Championship

A hard hitting match between these two gets a little wild at times and near fifteen minutes we see the ref get sandwiched when Simon sends Hick to a corner. Simon looking for the F-5, but Hick slips down behind him and nails a german suplex, then rolls into another one, and nails a third before heading to the top rope to fly off in a headbutt taking Simon out of it. Hick making the pin, but no ref until after like thirty seconds a second ref runs from the back to make the count, but Simon kicks out. Hick is up and livid and runs the ropes to spring back with a knee to Simon's face. He lifts Simon up for a snap suplex and rolls over to look for another suplex. Simon reverses and Hick slips down behind him for a german suplex bridging into the pin, but his shoulders are touching the mat as the second ref sees it and counts three, then calls for the bell and gives his decision, but the first ref gets up saying no and gives his decision. The announcer doesn't know what to do and so Shane William Mack gets up from the commentators table setting his headset down and gets a microphone. The Showsteala stepping into the ring with a swagger showing us he never lost it, but brings the mic up and calls both refs over.

"Alright boys, so one of ya saw Hick's shoulders down and the other didn't and we have a a bit of a dispute over who should officially win this match and since we got a show to get on with, I ain't restarting it. I never liked the RII Title, so Hick Janes is your new Revolution Champion."

Mack taking the Revolution Title belt from the ref and hands it to Hick, then takes the II Title belt from the other and says to Simon.

"And Simon, you are the II Champion of SEFWUN, act like it."

Mack tosses him the belt and Simon catches it to slap on his shoulder giving a nod of yes. Mack motions them out with the refs and says.

"Alright, alright, well I guess I should let you all know why I did what I just did and they listened to me like I am some sort of boss to them. Its because I am their boss. I am everyone's boss in SEFWUN because I am the Owner, the President, and as soon as I get JEM to stepping, I will be your CEO. And unlike Jemmy, this is legit. Muh daddy left me in charge when this rapid aging gene he got took his life, then again, I don't think he was my father cause I know who my old man is. But hey, I got left the deed to this company and at this stage of my life, of my career, I am going to run with it and make sure this place lives on. Don't worry though boys and girls, there is no doubt that I will be back in this ring doing what I do best, taking everything for myself cause I'm still the best thing going."

Best of You by Foo Fighters plays over the pa and Mack exits the ring in his white casual suit to dance a little up the ramp and disappear to the back with Frank Malone saying.

"I didn't know we were sitting by the Owner, Mack must have something up his sleeve for SEFWUN or he probably would have told me, then again, Mack always has something going on, so maybe I'm just surprised. Did you know Bob?"

Black Bob says.

"Naw Frank, Mack kept it from us all it seems, but when he is on, he is untouchable, and he seems on about this role, so can't wait to see it."

Jade West v. Ravenna

Jade takes the fight outside the ring just brutalizing Ravenna and becomes so intent on destroying her that both are counted out. Jade sends Ravenna on to the announce table and grabs a chair smacking her with it a few times before tossing the metal chair down. Jade going under the ring searching for something until she finds a pair of scissors. She marches over and begins cutting Ravenna's hair until she is stripped down to a short whack job. Jade holds the blades of the scissors closed together and begins stabbing Ravenna in the forehead digging in to cut her open before leaving the scene.

Main Event
A Native Americano + Jake Voss + Cliff O Clink v. Tina(c) + Julie(c) + Shady Smack(c)
SEFWUN Triple Tag Team Championship

The Resurrector brings the lights out and Jake Voss is gone when they come back on, then Nick Tores comes for Cliff brawling away from the ring with him leaving ANA who is focused on Tina and puts her through the announce table.

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