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Road Dogg Critiques CM Punk’s Mentality for the Business, Says Punk Was Disrespe

Started by Liz, September 16, 2022, 11:35:22 AM

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During the latest edition of his Oh You Didn't Know podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Road Dogg, aka Brian James, had some criticisms for CM Punk in light of the recent backstage drama in AEW. He also claimed Punk was disrespectful to him and Billy Gunn, when they teamed together against The Shield on a January 13, 2014 edition of Raw shortly before Punk left the company. Below are some highlights (via WrestlingInc.com):
His thoughts on CM Punk's mentality about wrestling: "I also heard if you don't want to be the champion, then there's no reason for you to be in this business.' Well there's only one champion! If that was the mentality of everybody in the industry, there'd be one person on the card. If you're coming into this with the CM Punk mentality of 'I need to be a main event, I need to be a champion,' you've got bigger fish to fry."
Road Dogg on the falling out between Punk and Colt Cabana: "If you've been friends with somebody for so long and all of a sudden you're in a lawsuit over stuff and you can't just talk to [one another]? I don't understand it."
Road Dogg on CM Punk being disrespectful to him and Billy Gunn before they teamed together in WWE: "Seeing the attitude that he had towards me and Billy, granted, we were not Hall of Famers at the time, but we were on our way to be for sure. I mean that was that. You don't get a second chance at that. I'm showing you respect, why aren't you showing me respect? Respect is a two-way street, and if you don't give it, you dang sure ain't getting it. Not from me, and you got one shot at that with me and Billy, and it was just like he talked to us negatively."
Road Dogg on wanting to fight Punk at the time: "If I wouldn't have been newly hired, I would have probably fought him and I feel relatively confident that I would have come out on top. That's enough burying Punk. He's burying himself good enough right now."
CM Punk is reportedly on suspension stemming from an alleged brawl that took place after his fiery post-show media scrum that took place following AEW All Out. Punk also suffered a torn tricep injury during the event, and he recently underwent surgery to repair the tricep.

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