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Unbeatable (Viper)

Started by Taylor Andrews, March 29, 2023, 09:54:39 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:30/01/2009 11:38 PMCopy HTML

† This is an official Viper Roleplay. This roleplay may contain scenes of violence and language that may be inappropriate to children and to others. I don't really care if you are offended by this roleplay or not, if you are, it only proves that you didn't heed my warning like a fucking mental defect. Either read this roleplay or fuck off, you worthless fools. †


(The band got is back together, the three biggest stars in SEF history have reunited and did so at the expense of a man who is perhaps the next biggest star, Chris Orton. He headlined WAR and beat former World Champ Ares, but then out strolled three icons, The Showsteala Mack, the MCW Champion Whitney Marret, and The Dominant Player Viper. They got closer to Orton and then they struck, hit him hard and left him laying, they left their mark on him letting everyone know that SEF is their turf. So now what happens, well natrually one of the band gets to meet Orton one on one and that is Viper. Its this Monday on WAR and they headline. Sorta the same as last week only it may be more personal now, so can Orton beat another former World Champ?)
(Time will tell, but now its time we hear from former World Champ, the first ever SEF Champ we had. Viper sits in a dark room somewhere, his right arms lays on a table which holds a small light showing his face and revealing he's wearing a leather jacket, nothing seen from his chest down and his eyes, those deep, dark, intense eyes of his, when ya think of ice cold you think of Viper.)
Viper: "So Chris, looks like the powers that be have decided you and I should meet in the ring, I guess the beatdown given to you caught someone's eye. It really doesn't matter who ya face, myself, Mack, Whitney, same result each time, you left laying like last week!"
(He tightens his leather glove clad hand into a fist.)
Viper: "You've been rising to the top of SEF for a few years it seems Orton, when did you come in here, '06 was it? I think so and you did good kid, you had a great run as International Champ, you headlined shows that year, you went head to head with Mack back then. Took some time off, returned and had good success again, but then off again and now your back again. I admire the loyalty you show and I respect you for that. I can vouch for my friends, Mack and Whitney, they do feel the same and of course last week is going to be personal to you, it always is. You see Orton, we targeted you because you are becoming great, you are rising up and you could be one of the elite, but first you have to go through the three of us and pal, that just is never going to happen!"
(He smirks slightly.)
Viper: "One on one you can barely hold your own against either one of us and when its the three combined you have no chance against us. SEF is our turf Orton, not yours and it never will be. The three of us will always remain the faces of SEF for the rest of time, there is no changing that! I do look forward to a kick ass match though, I welcome the in ring challenge you will bring me, make no mistake, I don't doubt your ability and don't dispute your greatness, I just am going to do my part to make sure Chris Orton never makes it to the level of myself or Mack or Whitney Marret, that is something you can never, ever achieve and that's the cold, hard truth...son!"
(His cold eyes fix on the camera staring deep, his fists is tight and then its over, the scene fades to black.)

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