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Were Back (Troy Storms & Nick Torres)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 12:29:59 AM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:02/03/2009 10:58 PMCopy HTML

(In the back moments before WAR begins and we find Troy Storms standing in front of a backdrop and Nick Torres leans against him, both with cocky smirks and wearing their ring gear, Storms with the World Title around his waist.)
Storms: First of all, Chris Orton, were not at your side, we don't have your back, were the ones who declared war on Impact X and we are the real threat to Mack and Viper. You got beef and its understandable, but you have no idea the history we have, Da Gangstas date back before SEF existed. We came up in the business and formed a pact, we formed Da Gangstas, we brought the group to SEF, so yea, we got more history than you know, me and Torres, we got bigger issues with IX than you could ever have. Now we'll be working together and that's no problem, but don't you ever think we are at your side because pal, its the other way around.
(Torres stands straight now smiling.)
Torres: Very true indeed, Orton, were a team tonight, but the real war in SEF is Da Gangstas and Impact X and if ya don't realize it now, you will after tonight. Mack, Viper, this kid Xanthus, tonight is the night Da Gangstas trump Impact X! You think your all about impacts, well like the big man said, we came here in '02, we made one of the biggest impacts ever in SEF and it was only the start. Da Gangstas are bigger than Impact X and you boys better realize that. You want to go hunting now, a response to Orton I get, but you indicated us in your little meeting out there, you want to come for us, you won't have much of a hunt because we'll be easy to find, a little too easy for your own good.
Storms: Yea boys, IX had its run, it had its era in SEF, but its like all other groups, they have their moments and that is all. Da Gangstas are more than a group, a stable in a company, we were built on true friendship in this business, so we can never go away, we never fade out for good, Da Gangstas will always be a constant and you know it. Ya boys got your little girls at your sides, your riding high, ya think your untouchable, but its an illusion and we will snap you back to reality tonight. No fun and games about, no jokes...
Torres: Well except for you, man, that mug of yours...
(Storms shoots a glance to Torres who grins cheesily and shrugs.)
Storms: Besides my funny farm friend here, there are no jokes tonight!
Torres: Hey, you bastard!
Storms: No, the bastard is Mack, its...
Torres: No, its Viper, the British Bastard!
Storms: Oh yea, Mack's just ana sshole and X is a fucking punk and Impact X is as good as dead!
Torres: Hell yea man, now lets go get ready, WAR's almost ready to start dude.
Storms: Alright, well IX, see ya soon!
(Da Gangstas just walk off now and the scene fades to black.)

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